Chapter 21 - Fated is overrated

The way he is speaking, I am positive he knows a lot more than he is letting on and a lot more these three have admitted to. And although snitching is never a good idea, lying to a very perceptive Alpha is even worse and I decide I need to come clean. As the Alpha is way more perceptive than the other three dimwits sitting across from them, I formulate my words in a way to tell him what he needs to fill in the blanks without actually telling it.

"Today's altercation started when I disrespected the gentlemen when Melissa asked me how I liked the word "pig" written on my locker, to which I replied I felt honored and owed that person a thank you as pigs are really clever and cute. When the teacher left the room things escalated and got physical when my head was slammed against my desk. I fought back".

I know the Alpha is perceptive enough to catch the "today's" statement and will certainly question me further. Still, he surprises me by raising a brow in confusion and asking "you fought back with a beta and you are sitting here unharmed?" well f*ck. I didn't expect that question.

"I ehm.. I don't bruise so easily Alpha" is all I managed to think of, as I am not a particularly good liar unfortunately. I give him a small smile to hopefully divert from the question.

Dropping his raised brow and crossing his arms across his chest he continues his questioning towards the topic I was expecting "in that case, can you explain to me what happened a few weeks ago when your entire face and body were swollen and bruised? It must have been quite the impact", he then sends a deadly glare at Chris.

And afterwards I would like to hear from my son how he could have allowed such a thing to happen on our territory, to one of our pack members, the ones he is supposed to protect from getting harmed".

His voice is dripping with anger and laced with venom, while the men still have their necks bared and are dead silent.

"I... ehm... That was an altercation with Ashton as well, Alpha. Out in the woods. I was walking to school when I was shoved from behind and I fell. I got angry and questioned what I have ever done to deserve this, but my wording was not what it should have been as a lady and an omega."Belongs to nôvëlSvèr-s-é/com - All rights reserved.

I look down to my lap with a sigh, knowing I actually did disrespect them with my wording that day - not that they didn't deserve all they got and then some!

"Please continue Lola. I would like to know how you ended up bruised and swollen". "well, my disrespect set Ashton off and he punched me until I passed out.

When I woke up they were gone. After getting some distance between myself and the place I passed out, I noticed two rogue wolves sniffing around where my blood lay, which I have completely forgotten to report back to you, I am so sorry Alpha!"

I say with honest remorse. Until now I haven't even thought about it anymore and I hope the patrols have captured the rogues by now.