It was only until they left the street that Jordan finally asked curiously, “That man is a swindler, and he’s even tried to harm others. Why would you want to help him “I’m not helping him I’m just trying to prevent more people from getting scammed by him.”
Previously, Madison detected that her spiritual energy would improve whenever she helped someone, Earlier, her spiritual energy increased as well when she helped Carl. Moreover, she didn’t meet through her livestreams. That meant Madison would also be able to boost her spiritual energy by accumulating good karma outside of her livestreams
Jordan had no idea of all these inner thoughts Madison was having He was simply impressed by how kind end benevolent she was.
Soon enough, he drove Madison back to the Locke residence.
Madison said, “Walt Don’t go yet.”
She carried the two cases of cols to her room upstairs. Then, she opened one of them and string several coins together using three red strings. She lifted one hand to place a seal on each string of coins. A mysterious light was reflected in her en
Those 15 antique coins glowed faintly with a golden light. A split second later, they appeared just like ordinary antique coins again.
Jordan, who had been watching from the side, rubbed his eyes. “Ms. Madison, I saw them glow just tw, Was ir just my eyes?
Ever since bemet Madison, he let like his common sense was constantly being challenged and reformed
Madison didn’t answer his question. Instead, she passed those three strings of coins to him
“These are the Five Decardian Coins. If you want to keep vil mergles or misfortunes away, you can hang them above the front door or windows of your house. However, you must make sure they aren’t farm the front door directly
“If you want to attract weah, you can put the coins in your wallet or your safe. You can also wear it as an accessory to improve your overall luck” Jordan’s eyes widened as he held the three strings of The Decardian Coins in his hands “Ms. Madison, are you giving these to me?”
“Mhm. I’m paying you with these since you’ve paid for the coins eader.” She then realized jordan might not know what these coins were
“These colns may have died and rusted still, they were forged during some of the most flourishing prosperous times of different ancient empires. “The Five Decandian Coins are coins that have come in contact with thousands of people’s hands and gathered the positive energies from all these people_” “You don’t have to explain to me, Ms. Madison won’t get it anyway, but I know that these are tremely good stuff”
jordan was completely mind–blown when he saw the golden light briefly radiating from the coms earlier. He didn’t see the need to ask more questions now that he had the coins. “Ms. Madison. No, I should probably call you
boss starting today. From now on, just let me know whenever you want to buy something” Jordan was unknowingly spitting a line as he spoke excitedly.Madison took a step backward in disgust. These coins are for you and your parents. You can use them in any way you see it,”
After recending the coins, Jordan left the Locke residence and headed straight for the hospital.
Mom! Dad! Madison was amazing. She’s definitely an expect of the mystic arts who’s been keeping her identity a secret
Before Vincent could ask him anything, Jordan began ranting about what happened that day, including the issue of relocating the graves, the tncident with the swindler fortune teller, and the good news about the Five Dardian Coins
“You guys weren’t there to see it Madison just did a simple move and mumbled a few words. Those coins glowed brightly right away! I would’ve thought that was CGL if I hadn’t so it with my own cys
Just then, Vincent stood up and slapped Jordan on the head.
“Dad, what was that for? Belongs © to nò
“What was that for? How could you doubt Madison’s abilities? She asked you to buy those antique coins, yet you thought she was being scammed and even wanted to persuade her against buying them”
Vincent was so frustrated with Jordan’s ignorance that he felt like he might faint.
Jordan put his hand over the area where he was hit. He retorted in a small voler, “I was just worried she couldn’t tell between authentic and fake antiques”
Vincent swung his foot at jordan, but the latter managed to dodge it “Even if she can’t, can you do it though? How are you acting smart going to help with anything? Jordan was rendered speechless.
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