Chapter Three
Dade drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, the staccato rhythm the only sound in the cab of his truck aside from his and Travis’s breathing. Travis had tried to start a conversation several times, but Dade was too distracted to hold up his end.
He checked the time on his phone.
“It’s two minutes later since last you looked.”
Dade scowled. “She should be coming out soon.” The dinner was empty of customers and the lights in the front had been turned off. A faint glow hailed from the kitchen in the back.
“Shit!” Travis suddenly exclaimed.
“What’s wrong?”
“We can’t go home. We promised to do this job.”
Dade shrugged. “We’ll go in the morning and work the site until we can get someone else up to complete the job.”
“By the way, earlier, when I said she had a boyfriend, I meant the cute redhead, not your mate.”
“I know.” He’d been too on edge to think it through in the moment, but now he remembered Halle’s scent. While she had been around males, the smell of them on her was superficial. It was the type of scent she would pick up by brushing up against someone in the supermarket. It wasn’t the type of mating scent that he planned to cover her with—tonight if possible.
He’d also smelled her need for him. She could resist him, deny she felt anything, but her scent didn’t lie. She’d been wet for him. God, the smell of her had been so sweet. He’d wanted to drop to his knees and lick her pussy.
But most of all, Halle had scented of fear. It was that fear that had him anxious. She had no reason to be afraid of him. He knew there were humans who were biased against werewolves—believed they were nothing more than violent animals. He prayed that his mate wasn’t one of those humans. He’d never hurt her and he’d fucking kill anyone else who tried. He’d set her straight on that score first—and then he’d make her his.
The lights in the kitchen went out. Minutes passed and no one exited the diner. “Where is she?”
“There’s probably a rear exit,” Travis said.
Dade swore under his breath as a premonition hit him. She was gone.
“She’s running.”
Travis straightened in his seat. “Where? I don’t see her.”
“I don’t mean now.” He got out of the truck. Pulling his keys out of his pocket, he said, “I’m going to track her on foot.” He tossed the keys to Travis and shut the door. It would be quicker and easier to track her as a wolf, but he didn’t dare shift this close to a town. The news was filled with all sorts of lies about their kind. There were some who wouldn’t hesitate to shoot a wolf—especially if they suspected it to be a werewolf. It seemed that hate groups had formed minutes after they had announced their existence.
Travis slid over into the driver’s seat and rolled down the window. “I’ll meet you back at the bed and breakfast.”Original content from növèLS/véR-Sè_COM.
Dade nodded. He didn’t wait for Travis to start the truck before he jogged to the back of the restaurant. He picked up Halle’s scent from amongst all the other restaurant smells easily. She smelled delicious. He was surprised when the scent didn’t lessen. He’d figured it would grow faint when she got in her car, but his mate must have been on foot. He frowned at the thought of how cold she must have been. His breath frosted the air in front of him. He wasn’t cold, but he was a shifter. Their temperature ran higher than humans. They wore coats to fit in with humans—not because they needed them. Halle had to be freezing.
He sped his pace and soon he was walking through the gate of a cute little house made of wood and stone. There were only two other houses in the vicinity. One appeared to be abandoned and the other, faintly visible through a line of trees, was dark and quiet.
The fragrance of orange blossoms and vanilla dragged him onto her porch. This close, nothing could keep him from his mate. Though he didn’t think she would open the door to him, he rang the doorbell. After all, she’d run from him.
So, his jaw dropped when the door whipped open and Halle stood opposite him, her hair loose about her shoulders. A cold wind swirled about them, causing her to shiver. She wore only a thin gray t-shirt with a deep V that showed off lots of cleavage and a pair of plaid pajama bottoms that looked to be two sizes too large.
“Halle,” he breathed.
“Don’t come a step closer! I haven’t invited you in,” she declared.
He’d been so distracted by the curves of her breasts that he hadn’t noticed the tiny silver cross on a chain that she was holding out toward him with a trembling hand. She was so damn sexy. And so damn cute. And so damn misinformed if she thought that sliver of metal smaller than his thumbnail was capable of stopping a werewolf.
Sighing, Dade rolled his eyes. “You have me confused with a vampire,” he said, stepping over the threshold.
Halle watched in a frozen stupor as he closed and locked the door behind himself. “You’re letting out all the heat,” he explained. She stumbled back a step for every one he took forward. “We need to talk,” he said. “But first, I guess I should educate you on a few things.”
He ran a broad hand through thick mahogany hair. The wind tousled waves added to his wild, untamed appearance. She was stunned anew by the vibrancy of his yellow eyes. Even if she hadn’t known of the existence of werewolves, those eyes would have reminded her of a wolf. There was something about him compelling other than just his good looks. He fairly crackled with raw energy. He was impossible to ignore. He was at once sexy and…terrifying.
“How-how did you find me?”
He growled softly. “I told you. You smell delicious.” He tapped the bridge of his nose. “I followed your scent.”
“Yeah….” He thought he was her mate. And he was looking at her as though he could eat her up. That shouldn’t be a turn on, but somehow it was. When Lamar did it, it turned her stomach with disgust. Yet, this stranger had her panties wet and her nipples tight. And she didn’t understand it in the slightest. Yes, he was good looking, but she was mature enough not to have her head turned by a pretty face. Considering her track record with men, he was probably a liar, a cheater, or a loser. Most likely a combination, if not all three. “Listen, I don’t know if you heard me back there, but I’m human.”
He nodded. “I know. Doesn’t matter. You’re my mate.”
She frowned. “You can mate with humans?”
Another nod, this one slower as his eyes leisurely swept her body from head to toe. Halle retreated another step. “Don’t run,” he said. “I won’t be able to stop myself from chasing you. It’s a primal instinct. I’m faster than you. I will catch you.” He wet his lips. “And probably fuck you.”
“You said we needed to talk,” she swiftly reminded him, unable to keep the panic out of her tone. She didn’t want him following that train of thought. She was an idiot. She never should have opened the door to him. He was too large. If things got physical, she didn’t stand a chance of being able to fight him off.
He shook his head rapidly, as though trying to clear it. “Talk. Right.”
“And to clarify—I’m not agreeing to be your mate.”
“Don’t have to agree. You just are.”
Scowling, she inched around him and led the way to the den. “Have a seat.”
“You first.”
She sat at one end, perched tensely on the edge of the sofa cushion. Either he didn’t read body language well or he chose to ignore her discomfort because he sat down right next to her, his thigh rubbing up against hers. Halle slid over as far as she could. If she moved over any farther, she’d be sitting on the arm of the chair. It was pointless. For every inch she gave up, he swallowed it, spreading his thighs wider until they were touching again. His body heat warmed her in a way her old central heating system seemed incapable of doing.
She cleared her throat and pressed her hands together. “You…didn’t tell me your name.”
“Dade Stone. And you’re Halle…?”
“Fielding.” She didn’t see any reason in hiding it. He already knew where she lived and where she worked.
“Soon to be Stone.”
“Excuse me?”
“Humans like to get married. You will marry me.”
It was really hard to stay frightened when he made her so angry. “You don’t just tell a woman she will marry you. You ask her.”
He smiled slightly and shrugged. Leaning back, he settled into the sofa cushions. “I didn’t think you’d want to start having my pups until we’re married, but it really makes no difference to me.”
She couldn’t decide if he was an egotistical jerk or merely insane. “Why do you think that I’m your mate?”
“I know you’re my mate because of your scent. It calls to me.”
She shook her head. “I’ve heard a lot of lines, but this is a new one for me. I’ve never been hit on by a werewolf. Guess there’s a first time for everything.”
His eyebrows rose. “You think this is a line to f—I mean, to get into your bed?” He shook his head, his yellow gaze intense. “I want forever with you. It’s because you’re my mate that I want you under me. Mating is serious. No werewolf would lie about it. And when you get to know me better, you will learn that I detest liars and being lied to.”
Halle believed him. She’d been lied to often enough to recognize when someone was telling her the truth. “I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t think we’d be a good fit.”
Dade wrapped his hand around her wrist and brought her palm to his mouth. He inhaled deeply and groaned. His eyelids became heavy and stubble sprouted along his jawline. “We are…very compatible.”
Halle moaned as he trailed his teeth over the sensitive flesh of her palm before nipping the tip of her middle finger. She was so stunned by her reaction that she jerked her hand out of his grip. She jumped to her feet and scrubbed her palm against her pant leg. “Okay, I guess I should be blunt. I’m not interested in…in…mating or marrying anyone. In my experience, men are more trouble than they’re worth. So, my answer is no, I will not be your mate.”
A small smile curled his lips where he reclined on her sofa. “Halle—”
She held up a hand and turned her head. “No, I don’t want to hear it.” She recognized that masculine placating tone. She wasn’t going to allow herself to be talked into a life-altering decision by a stranger. “I think you should go.”
He sighed. “It’s a lot to accept.”
“I’m not going to accept it.”
He stood and walked toward her. He didn’t stop until his chest brushed hers and she had to tilt her head back to meet his gaze. “In the entire universe, you’re the only woman for me. There’s no denying this for either of us.” He caressed her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “When I scented you, it wasn’t just your delicious fragrance I smelled. I smelled your desire for me.”
Halle knocked his hand away. “You’re mistaken. I don’t want you.”
Dade’s smile was slow and sweet and all kinds of sexy. Wicked canines and all. “You do. There’s no point in lying to me. You’d be amazed at what I can discern from a scent.” He leaned in and sniffed. He bit his full bottom lip, denting the soft flesh with his frighteningly sharp teeth. Halle felt her heartbeat go crazy as he growled. She wished she could say it was with fear, but something about his deep throated growl made her nipples hard and her panties wet. “I can tell that you haven’t been with a man in a long time.”
“That’s by choice,” she said, feeling embarrassed and defensive.
He nodded. “You don’t have to convince me of your desirability. I’ve been hard since I saw you.”
Even though she willed herself not to, it was an uncontrollable reflex. Her eyes shot down to check the veracity of his claim. Sure enough, the thick bar of his erection pressed against his jeans.
Dade cleared his throat and adjusted himself before tugging the tail of his flannel shirt down over the distractingly sizable bulge. “As I was saying, neither you or this house has had a man inside of it in a—”
Halle inhaled sharply. “Excuse me?”
He grimaced and ran a brisk hand over his jaw. “Fuck, and I was doing so well,” he muttered. “Okay, listen, I’m not exactly…what you’d call suave. I’m just a regular guy.”
“Except that you’re a werewolf.”
His grin stretched slowly across his lips as though he only grudgingly allowed it. “Yeah, except that. With me, what you see is what you get.” He stretched his arms wide. “I’m a construction worker. I like working with my hands. I like burgers and fries. I spend my weekends hanging out with friends or watching television. Not much to do around here aside from that, but that’s okay. I can be brutally honest. I’m not some romantic, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make you happy.”
She was certifiably insane, Halle decided, because she believed him. She could sense his sincerity. But more than that, what he said appealed to her. She’d rather hear the plain unvarnished truth from an ordinary guy than a bunch of flowery lies from the mouth of some smooth-talking lothario. She didn’t desire some jet setting life. And she wasn’t particularly romantic either. The idea of having someone to share her quiet evenings with appealed to her greatly. “Explain to me what it means to be your mate.”
“It means that I belong to you and that you belong to me. Forever. No one else for either of us.”
That sounded so simple. And a lot too good to be true. Halle tamped down on her excitement. She needed more details. “You’ll be faithful? No other women. You won’t…decide to relocate and leave me behind?”
“Never. Nothing and no one will make me give you up.”
“Wow.” Still…. “You’re a stranger. I can’t just marry you.”
A look of frustration passed over his face. “I’ve never been with a human before. This would be easier if…if you could feel the connection as well.”
“Well, I’m not a werewolf.”
“No, you’re not. At least, until I mate you.”
And there it was. She knew there had to be a catch. On shaky legs, she backed away from him. She’d known Dade for only a few hours but she could already tell that he wasn’t the type who accepted “no” easily. “Yeah…um, no. Sorry, but that’s a deal breaker.”
His eyes narrowed, but then he shrugged. “We’ll come back to that later.”
She shook her head. She knew what that meant. He thought he could talk her into it later. “Nope. We’re done.”
“Just like that? Do you have some sort of prejudice against werewolves?”
“No. I simply don’t want to become one is all.” She took a deep breath. “I like life the way it is. It’s simple and uncomplicated. I don’t shift into a furry animal or have special abilities, but that’s fine.” Dade was silent. He stared at her for such a long time that she began to fidget. “You c-can’t stare me into changing my mind.” She wasn’t afraid of him. She didn’t know why. They were alone in her home and her nearest neighbors were out of earshot. He was significantly larger and stronger than her. And, oh, yeah, he was a werewolf. But some inner sense assured her that he wouldn’t harm her.
Dade gave her a brisk nod. And in the next instant, he had her backed against the wall. “Halle, I’m not much for subtly.” She braced her hands against his chest. In the end, that only aided his purpose. He gripped her bottom and tugged her up his torso so that when he thrust forward his erection rubbed over her mound. “Do you feel that? It’s for you. Only you.” He buried his face in her neck.
Halle squeaked when she felt the pinch of his teeth.
“Relax. I’m not going to mark you. Yet. I’ll wait until you’re ready. But I have to leave my scent on you.”
“I’m never going to be ready,” she said even as she tilted her head to the side, giving him better access as he stroked his face over her neck. She bit back a moan as his stubble hit sensitive spots. Still, she couldn’t completely hide her reaction to him. A shiver worked its way down her spine. She gripped his shoulders to keep her balance.
Dade froze and drew back, the bright yellow of his irises almost swallowed by the enlarged pupils. Slowly, he leaned in and took her bottom lip between his teeth. His sharp canines nipped at her. She turned her head, but he followed her. He pressed a soft kiss on her mouth.
“No,” she whispered. Her lips positively tingled where they touched his. His warm breath mingled with hers.
“When I get you under me, I’ll try to be gentle.”
“I like it rough, but I promise not to hurt you.”
He groaned. “You keep saying no, but your hips are saying ‘Yes, please.’”
“Oh, my God,” Halle gasped. Without her permission, her hips had been doing a subtle grind on his. Coming to her senses, she struggled to get out of his arms.
“Relax,” Dade ordered, the command in his voice piercing her panic. When she calmed, he released her and stepped back so that she was no longer pinned between his bulk and the wall.
Halle sidestepped him warily. She was more afraid of herself than she was of him at this point. Why was she reacting to him this way? “You should leave.”
He nodded. “I’d like you to think about what I’ve told you tonight, Halle. I have to leave town. We’re working on a cabin up in the mountains, but I’ll get away as soon as I can. I’ll call you.”
“You don’t have my phone number. Unless you can smell that as well.”
“No. You’re going to have to give it to me.” He drew his cell phone out of his back pocket. When she remained silent, he stared at her until she gave in. What did it matter anyway? Just because he called didn’t mean she had to answer. Dade walked toward the door. “And, Halle, you can put away your cross. You’re under my protection. No one would dare hurt you—not unless they have a death wish.”
Halle dropped into the nearest seat. Her legs were trembling too much to hold her. Her heart was still racing from his kiss. It should be illegal for a man to be that sexy. She would have to be on her guard with him. That meant no answering his calls. It would be too easy to fall under his spell. No way was she agreeing to become a werewolf. He’d need to look elsewhere for a mate. She didn’t analyze the pang in the center of her chest at the thought of him moving on to someone else.