Chapter 8 - Her Undeniable Temptation

“Why are you being so nice to me? It makes me nervous because it seemed to me like you are planning something nasty,” Zoe let out but that only made Lisa scoff.

“I’m a witch in the pack but if I was going to do something to you, Zoe, I would have done it without blinking,” Lisa said with a small creepy smile. Following Lisa behind to whatever game she had in stock was making Zoe pounder on her already made-up decision.

Which was to decide to play a game that she had no idea about, Thinking about everything as she strolled after Lisa was giving her a headache. She felt very dumb and foolish to agree to play such a game.

Wasn’t she using her brains? Lisa had never been good to her in all ways, why would she believe she had nothing bad planned out. ”I don’t think I am interested in playing your game any longer, Lisa!” Zoe mumbled putting her hand wrapped together.

Lisa glared at her like she had said something dumb or rather ridiculous but who f*****g cares about what she thinks or speculates. ”Lisa ain’t you guys coming?” One of Lisa’s friends asked. Lisa gazed at me one more time like she was nauseous and worn out by Zoe’s attitude. ”Hurry Lisa, Rico, and the other guys are waiting?” her friend added.

“Was Rico also going to play?” Zoe thought hard. ”Are you still playing the damn game or not?” Lisa asked, feeling pissed now. ”Whatever, let’s go but it better be worthwhile!” Zoe said as they headed into a room different from the main party.

It was basically like they left the party for another destination. Immediately Zoe got herself back. She glimpsed Alex first! She gazed at him as her eyes caught him staring at her.

She instantly dropped her gaze as Rico motioned for her to come sit closer to him. ”So, we are complete!” Lisa’s voice came.

”So basically, I was watching a movie on my Tv screen about this human playing some game. This game we are about to play is called seven minutes in heaven. I mean most of you might not like the game or know anything about this game right?” She asked as she rotated her eyes In a bitchy expression.

“Don’t worry, this is definitely going to be fun!” Lisa muttered when nobody said a word. ”We are going to seat In a circle and spin a bottle, and when the bottle points to the person in front of you. The game clicks on both of you in a room together for a good seven minutes. The both of you can kill each other or do what you want in that seven minutes.” Lisa said, smiling broadly.

When the time is obviously up someone would knock on your door, And if you don’t want to play you can pay a certain fee.” she finally said.

”I don’t think I’m interested,” Zoe objected, scared that she might be paired with an enemy of hers. Everyone glanced in her direction except for Rico. ”You should give it a shot. It’s all our first time and giving it a shot wouldn’t hurt!” A dragon b***d named Claudia in their school said.

She had never for once in her life spoken to Zoe before or rather have she bullied her before. Zoe heaved a sigh of panic by breathing.

”Okay let’s play.” she announced.

They all sat down in the form of a circle as the bottle kept spinning, the first spin was met with Lisa and some random guy. Zoe had never seen him before in their school. Zoe noticed that Lisa was furious for some reason she didn’t know.

Zoe thought Lisa said it was only a game? Zoe couldn’t help but marvel at what they do inside a room with a guy for seven minutes. They kept spinning the bottle as it met Bella and Rico! They left the room for seven whole minutes.

Finally, they were back as they both took their space without saying a word. This game seems weird to Zoe for multiple reasons in her head, nobody ever seems happy after leaving the seven minutes of heaven, or was it seven minutes of hell?Content property of nôvè.L_$vêr.$ë/COM.

This time the spin of the bottle faced Zoe and Alex, he stared at her like he didn’t care that the bottle had just spun to face them both. ”You guys can pay if you want? The game played by humans had a rule that you could pay a sum of money if you didn’t want to play with your chosen partner.” Lisa’s voice came.

”I don’t have enough money on me.” Zoe said feeling tense, maybe it was because she was already avoiding Alex.

”I would pay for her?” Zoe knew that voice! Rico. ”Nobody is paying! I mean nobody?” Alex’s voice attained. He grabbed her by the hand as he dragged her into the room.

The others did their seven minutes in heaven before shutting the door. Zoe could hear little murmuring from the others as her heart thumped like it was going to explode any minute from now.

”I’m sorry for all that I have said to you but please don’t kill me because I have a lot of dreams I haven’t achieved!” Zoe said, glancing at her shoe while she begged for her life.

Before she could raise her head to go any further, Alex pushed her to the bed! “I guess we don’t have all day to blabber!” He mustered out before shoving his mouth to cover her lips.

Zoe’s eyes lit up with much shock and confusion. Alex kissed her smoothly as he focused on her lips carefully. Her hand dug through his curly hair to keep his face secured to hers, everywhere he touched or kissed burned nicely for Zoe. She closed her eyes to feel the hotness and involuntary Sparks his k**s sent through her whole body.

His k****s were getting aggressive and it really made Zoe eager more, his hand went through her thigh making a m**n escape her lips. His hand went through her shirt as he tried to unbutton the hook of her bra! Zoe didn’t care or mind him stripping her naked.

All she wanted to feel was this touch and happiness his entire touch made her feel. He was about to go further as a knock came from the door causing him to pull away.

He raised his head and stared at her before vacating the room. Zoe could feel her heartbeat as she laid down on the bed! She stood up to hook back her bra while staring at the door Alex just walked out from. Zoe didn’t know exactly what was whooping on today with the kissing.

She thought while standing up to leave the room. It still felt like a dream to her. She never thought that Alex would k**s her, wait! Why didn’t he kill her?

Zoe checked her time and it was already 9:50 PM.

“Oh, shit.” She cursed.

She needs to get the hell out of this party, Dad and Lilian must be so worried about her already. She unlocked the door to see all eyes on her, she stared around to see if she could find Alex but it seemed like he had left already.

”Rude jerk,” she thought.

She checked to see if I could find Rico or Bella but they were nowhere to be found. Checking approximately she sighted Lisa with furious daggers that could kill. She exited the room to get back to the party.

She noticed Dora who looked drunk and wasted, Zoe knew She totally did stink of liquor. She held Parker by the waist as they had their talks and k**s.

Zoe tried to find her way toward her.

”Hey Dora?” She said, gaining her attention. ”Oh, my pretty Best Friend.” she said all drunk. ”Dora, what have you been doing? you f*****g stink of liquor and tomorrow is f*****g school?” Zoe said.

”I mean I am having a good time so would you stop bugging me?” Dora said wearily. ”I’m leaving Dora, have fun.” Zoe said before leaving. Zoe checked around to notice that Rico’s car was no longer parked outside. “Great, my bicycle was in his booth.” Zoe scoffed to herself as she strolled down the road to the bus station.

She finally reached home by 10:30 PM. She used her spare key to open the house. She turned to close the door behind her, she was going to leave for her room but she felt thirsty.

Zoe sauntered towards the fridge to get a bottle of water but got startled.

”Where have you been Zoe?” Luke’s voice welcomed her.