Chapter 18 - His Ex-wife Is An Heiress (Amara and Tobias)

Celestine who heard the rather suggestive question, blushed and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Well, the media has already assumed such things," She replied. "However, me and Toby are still very good friends and nothing else, no matter what the media says."

Some of the journalist seemed satisfied with the answer, and Tobias, who was wearing a suit and looking every bit handsome and charismatic, merely nodded with a stoic expression, a look that the reporters had gotten used to and immediately took a picture of, for tomorrow's headlines.

"Mr. Larsen, one last question. Last week, you and Ms. White were spotted together at the park, was that a causal outing between friends or did you have another agenda in mind?"

This question had Celestine turning red as a tomato and she glanced expectantly at Tobias.

But just as he opened his mouth to speak, the sound of commotion coming from behind them interrupted him.

"Gosh, she's so beautiful! Who is she?" Someone said.

"Her dress is so stunning!" Another commented.

"Where is she from?"

"What is her name? She must be a new model!"

"Who is she with, the man looks rich!"

Comments like that eventually drew Tobias's attention and against his better judgment, he turned his head in the direction of where the commotion was coming from.

He had expected a celebrity or an influential person or maybe a model, but the one who had drawn everyone's attention wasn't anyone he was expecting and the moment his eyes landed on her, his stoic mask broke, and his eyes widened a fraction. It was none other than Amara, but she looked different. She was beautiful, more than he had remembered her being.

Her dress clung to her body like

second skin and her heels made her look tall. Her hair had been done in an elegant style and the little


amount of makeup on her face didn't take away from her natural beauty.

She was gorgeous, so stunning that the people around him had no choice but to acknowledge her presence and beauty.

And if the looks on their faces was anything to go by, they were clearly awed by her and so was Tobias.

But the look of awe didn't stay on his face for too long and soon enough, his features hardened once again when he noticed Lorenzo who was beside Amara and had his hand on her waist. From across the room, Amara felt the pair of eyes boring holes into her head and slowly, she turned to see who it was.

The moment her eyes landed on Tobias, her gaze immediately hardened and her lips pursed into a thin line.

So, he was here too. And with Celestine too. Her eyes trailed to the beautiful blonde beside him, who was gawking at her like she had seen a ghost.

She felt a frown creeping to theContent provided by nòvē-Lsvérs_ē/COM.

surface of her face just by looking at the two, but quickly schooled her expression, reminding herself that those two meant nothing to her starting from a month ago

They were total strangers and she would like, no, love to keep it that way.

"Amara," Lorenzo called, gaining her attention. When she looked at him, concern was etched into the features of his face. "I didn't know those two were going to be here. Do you-?"

Amara gave him a bright smile, as she interrupted him. "It's alright. Those two don't bother me, so let's carry on like they don't exist, okay?"

Lorenzo took a second to scan her eyes, seemingly searching for the lies in her words that he couldn't find, before nodding. "Okay. Shall we head in now?"

Amara nodded and just like that, they began for the entrance. However, their journey was interrupted by the appearance of a figure in their path.

"Look who the cat dragged in." Fiona

sneered as she eyed Amara from top to bottom. Although she was surprised by Amara's expensive looking attire, she didn't let it show. "What's a poor orphan like you doing here? Ah, let me guess, did you

borrow that dress and come here to beg for scraps?"