Chapter 30 - His Ex-wife Is An Heiress (Amara and Tobias)

"That was amazing!" Melanie praised as soon as Amara began making her way off the stage, doing everything in her power to ignore the way Tobias's eyes followed her every movement.

"It was nice," Amara said and released a strained chuckle, thought it came out sounding more relaxed than she could expected. "I should do this more often."

"Damn right you should." Melanie agreed as they walked up to the bar, ready to place new drink orders.

As they waited for the bartender to arrive, someone once again took the seat beside Amara.

She rolled her eyes, just about done with men for the night. But before she could part her lips to speak, the stranger had beat her to it.

"I'll pay for your drinks." She turned to him and arched a brow. "It's the least I can do after you entertained us all."

And true to his words, the stranger paid for their drinks and left instantly, leaving Melanie and Amara to share a look of amusement.

"I see you have some admirers." Melanie chuckled as she watched the stranger disappear into the sea of people, who coincidentally, were also whispering and praising the show Amara had presented them with.

They all loved it, it was clear on their faces and in their gaze and Amara, she was happily soaking up their glances, not that it mattered to her, but every once in a while, it was good to feel...good.

"Seems like it." She agreed and took a sip of her drink, savoring the smooth texture as it slid down her throat. "Perhaps I should make it a regular thing. Like a side job." She joked.

Melanie laughed at her words, not because she thought bad about Amara's talent, but rather because she knew her friend was simply bluffing. In their small friend group, it was known that the moment Amara joked with something, be it her love life, which she never really had, or her studies, which she had always taken serious, it was a sure sign of procrastination, thus, leading to said thing never being completed.

"Oh, I'd love to see that. Amara the star." Melanie laughed at her own joke, however, the moment she looked behind her friend, the smile on her face faded.

"What's up?" Amara asked, noticing the way her friend had tensed up. She then turned around and saw Tobias who was standing a little distance away and just like Melanie, the smile on her face completely vanished and her mood felt ruined. "Let's talk." He stated coldly.

Amara turned away. "And what makes you think I want to speak to you."This text is property of novèLsvêrSè-COM.

Right after she said this, Tobias took a step forward and wrapped his hand around her wrist. His fist covered her entire wrist and in one swift yank, he had pulled her off the bar stool.

"Hey-!" Melanie tried to intervene but instantly want silent when Tobias glared darkly at her.

"Stay out of this." He warned and with a few strides, he had dragged Amara out of the club and into the street.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Tobias?" She hissed as she snatched her arm away, glaring up at him despite the height difference.

"That question should be directed at you. What the hell do you think you're doing in there? Is this your new route to find yourself a sugar daddy?" He accused and his tone was filled with spite. Amara couldn't help but laugh, even though she was a bit pissed at him. "And how the fuck is that any of your business."

Tobias took a step forward and looked down at her. "What you're doing is embarrassing my name, Amara. That has everything to do with it being my business."

"Embarrassing your name?" Amara scoffed feeling irked by Tobias's presence alone. “You must be joking, right? Did you slip and hit your head? Or did you just wake up one morning and forget the fact that I no longer bare the Larsen last name.

Not backing down, Amara took a step forward and was face to face with the man she hated most in the world. "Don't forget Tobias, you asked for this divorce, you no longer wanted me in your life, I've granted you your wish, so, whatever I choose todo, is none of your business. It's my life, I can live it however the fuck I want. I no longer answer to you, so I'd appreciate it if you can fuck off."

Tobias chuckled dryly, but there was no humor in his eyes. "You're really going to this extent all for attention. At first, it was amusing, but now," He paused and looked her straight in the eyes. "It's just irritating." Going this this extent for attention? Irritating?

Amara clenched her jaw and fist alike, currently feeling like she could take a swing at Tobias's pretty face and not regret it.

"Stop this drama now, before any further damage is caused, would you?" Tobias demanded rather than asked.

"I should stop this drama now, why? Cause it's irritating you?" She asked mockingly. "Newsflash, Tobias, I refuse."

Seeing Amara behave so unreasonable had Tobias's eyes twitching and even though he tried his best to mask the expression Amara had gotten a glimpse of it. Suddenly, she really wanted to see him irritated.

Perhaps it was the years of neglect she had gone through, or the fact that the pictures of Celestine that she posted online did not have the effect she desired, or the fact that Tobias still dared to act high and mighty around her, treating her like she was nothing even after she had divorced his ass.

Maybe it was a combination of all these factors or a mixture of many more, that led her to having a serious urge of wanting to smack the pretty right of Tobias's face.

Gosh, how good it would feel to take a swing at him. And right now, Amara was really contemplating it, or at least getting someone to do it for her.

Just as she was seriously contemplating the action, Giovanni's door swung open and Helios stepped out. His presence quickly caught Amara's attention and seeing him gave her an idea. "Helios!" She called out to him.

The male stopped mid action, cigarette still in hand and turned to her. His indifferent and unbothered expression softened the moment he saw her.

"Come over her for a second, would you?" She innocently beckoned him over.

Without hesitating, Helios stuffed the cigarette back in its packet and walked towards her.

When he reached her side, she didn't bother with any greeting and instead asked. "In the past, you said you'd help me with anything if I needed your help, correct?"

Briefly, he glanced in Tobias's direction before nodding. "Mn."

"Good. Then would you please," She pointed at Tobias's face. "Punch Tobias for me? You would help me with that, won't you?"