Rose’s povExclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.
His long legs look powerful as he strides towards us. His eyes locked onto mine before he tears it away. I bit my lip and nervously wring my hands together. His grey hoody draped over his head as his hands were pushed in the front pockets.
I almost let out a laugh as my eyes drifted down to notice that he only had on a plaid boxer. Guess I wasn’t the only one who wasn’t dressed appropriately.
He reaches us and completely ignores me. His focus on the door ahead of us, the room where Lily was currently screaming in pain. He slightly cringes before coming to lean on the wall opposite to us, beside the door.
“Uh can we help you?” Noel questioned beside me. At hearing him speak the boy lifts his head so we could have a better view of his features. He removes the hood and reveals blonde shaggy hair that looked so soft that I wanted to run my fingers through each strand.
His pink lips tug up in a slight smile as he stares at the wall. “No I don’t think you can but thanks for asking.” He sounded cocky and dismissive. And instantly my mood suddenly turned from swooning over his good looks to complete irritation at his tone.
“Then why are you here and more specifically why are you standing beside my best friend’s room?” I snapped. Forget about how he’s handsome,the guy had an attitude of a donkey.
His blue eyes swiftly snap to me and my breath hitches. I feel frozen in place as his eyes that betrayed nothing stared me down. His lips curled into a small grin,barely noticeable. “If you must know blondie, my best friend is in that room with his pregnant girlfriend-”
He gets cut off by a loud yell. “Yes!” Lily’s loud scream floats through the area followed by a high pitched wail from a baby.
“Now wife.” He finishes with a smirk and moves off the wall. I glared at him but didn’t answer. My heart soared as I heard the baby’s now muffled cries. Yet I wondered what he meant by wife.
I moved off the seat, my shirt just above my knees as I hopped up and down in excitement and joy. She had the baby, She had the baby!
Noel stands up and pulls me into a hug. “See I knew she could do it.” He praises while squeezing me. My laughs are muffled by my face being pressed on his chest.
The door cracks open and Asher’s head pops out of the small space. Noel and I pulled away to look at him, our faces screaming anticipation. His eyes were red, probably from crying, his lips split in a huge proud smile.
“She had the baby, it’s a girl, you’ll be able to see her in a while,they’re cleaning her up.” He informs then his eyes flit to the tall brooding boy.
“Congrats paps!” The boy says and smiles happily. I am momentarily distracted by his smile, it was very different from the one he gave earlier,this one was full of emotions.
Asher lets out a loud laugh and opens the door fully to get out. He is pulled into a hug by his friend who pats his back. I cast my eyes away from the two, not wanting to be caught staring.
“Thanks Luke!” He answers then pulls away. Hearing his name has me snapping my gaze to look at him. So his name was Luke, it does suit him.
Asher leaves us to enter back into the room. The air is now tense as Luke seems to completely ignore us. He wasn’t friendly but neither was I, especially to assholes.
“You don’t talk much?” Noel says from beside me, he was trying to make conversation. He scans Luke and his brows furrowed in concentration.
As if our presence was annoying him, he sends a chilling glare to Noel who shrinks back.My fist clench at my sides as I scowl at him. He sees my reaction and tears his eyes away.
“Maybe I just don’t like talking to strangers.” His voice is cold, void of any emotion.
“Or maybe before you came here, you had managed to get a stick up your ass, tell me does it hurt?” The words come flying out before I could stop them.
Baby blue orbs are now glaring into my soul. But still I stood my ground, my eyes blazing with anger and I knew then, that we wouldn’t get along.
“What, did I hurt your feelings blondie?” I mocked him, using the word he had addressed me as earlier.
His jaw clenched, fisted hands at his sides as he scowls at me. His mouth opens to speak but the door flings open. He stops then turns to see who had interrupted him.
Asher’s beaming face greets us and whatever argument that would’ve happened completely ceased. He ushers us to come in the room, his face screaming eagerness as he stepped aside to let us pass through.
Luke mumbles something softly under his breath but walks into the room. Noel and I follow after him. The first thing I see is Lily, curled up in a white blanket on the hospital bed. Her hair disheveled but still managed to look stunning.
Her head lifts when she hears us approaching and gives a tired smile. When we neared her, I could spot a tiny pink blanket she was cuddling in her arms. A tiny hand peeks out and my heart melted at the sight.
I reached beside her and looked at the hand she had wrapped around the baby, a diamond ring around her finger securely. The baby makes a soft sound and her gaze cast down to stare at her daughter fondly.
“Congratulations Lily, she’s beautiful.” I said softly, afraid to disturb the baby. I leaned over to see the baby clearer. My eyes moistened when I see her. Her tiny nose twitches as her little mouth parts to let out a yawn. She was beautiful, absolutely stunning.
Asher comes to stand beside her and leans over to kiss Lily’s temple. She giggles and looks up. Her gaze shifts from Luke and I and smile. “We want you guys to be the godparents.” She says.
I blanched in shock and stared at Luke who seemed pleased at the idea but when his gaze shifted to me he scowls. Noel pushes me aside and comes to stand in my spot. “What about me? Will I be only Bruno’s godparent?” Noel whines.
I rolled my eyes. “Bruno is a squirrel Noel and if I see you feeding that shit again in the apartment, I’ll make you eat dog poop for a week.”
His eyes turn to slits. ” You wouldn’t dare!” He growls lowly.
I snorted. “Try me.” I warned then turn to face the three who were staring at us in amusement.
“I’d love to be her godmother,have you named her already?” I gushed bending over so I could see her slightly purse her lips.
“I don’t mind being her godfather.” Luke says and avoids looking at me.
At hearing his friend’s words, Asher smiles then looks at Noel and I.
“Sorry I hadn’t introduced y’all earlier-” He starts speaking, scratching the nape of his head. “This guy here is Luke, my best friend.” He shoves Luke playfully then nudges his head to us. “Luke these are Lily’s best friends, Rose and Noel.”
Luke cast his gaze on Noel and I and sends a knowing smirk our way. “We had already met.”
Lily looks between us in confusion sensing the tension in the air. But decides to cut the uncomfortable silence. “We’ve named her Ashley.” She says.
I removed my heated eyes from Luke to stare at little Ashley. “That’s a lovely name.” I beamed and brushed a hand over her soft little hand.
“Do you want to hold her?” Lily asked me, already giving me Ashley. I nodded eagerly.
My hands wrapped around her small body as I brought her closer to my chest. I stared at her beautiful face, admiring her features.
“I think I should’ve had that privilege first don’t you think?” Luke argued and walked towards me. I ignored him and watch as Ashley wrapped her hand around my index finger. I bent my head down to lay a kiss on her cheeks.
Luke looms over us, his hands coming to brush against Ashley’s tiny one. He ends up brushing my own and we both stiffen at the contact.
“Both of y’all are complaining about who holds her first but I’m being completely ignored.” Noel whines beside us.