Chapter 5 - HIS QUEEN

Yesterday night was a disaster. The king was angry about something so his room was completely thrashed. I wasn't supposed to be here but there was a slight change in the cleaning table and of all days I happened to get the king's room today. I had to strip the bed, send the sheets to laundry, put new sheets and clear the floor. Men had come earlier to remove the heavier items the king had destroyed. I moved to the bathroom to clean and was distracted by the fancy bathroom the king had. As I was admiring the shower with my eyes and my hands, the shower began to spray me. Uh oh.. I didn't know where I had touched to put on the shower. I was a goner.

The shower stopped suddenly and that was when I felt a presence behind me. I cleaned my face and looked up into eyes as black as the night. I was too busy looking at his eyes I didn't notice his hands had grabbed my upper arm. He pulled me out of the bathroom and into the bedroom and I saw the man from the library. Damn it. I needed to learn his name. The mean beefy guy that grabbed me and pushed me roughly and I twisted my ankle as I fell to the ground. Great I was dripping wet and had a twisted ankle.

"We meet again half breed" I looked down in embarrassment. The mean guy that twisted my ankle looked at me with so much hate I almost felt disgusted with myself. I tried to sit up but winced at the pain in my ankle. The presence of an intimidating aura had the two men beside me stiffening. A third man walked in. He had the greenest set of eyes. I was lost in his eyes until I was roughly jerked up.

"Get the fuck out all of you" I scrambled towards the exit.

"Not you half-breed" not me? Wtf. I was going to be alone with this one. He took one step forward and I took two back. He trailed his eyes over my body and I began to feel self conscious. In a flash he was right in front of me with his left hand around my tiny waist. He leaned into my neck and sniffed my skin. He caressed my lower lip with his thumb and leaned in as if to kiss me and I closed my eyes, unconsciously baring my neck to him. A loud growl had me opening my eyes. He was at the other end of the room, his face more animal than man. His claws elongated and his canines extended. He looked as if he was fighting for control. His eyes flashing between pitch black and green.

"GET THE FUCK OUT" he growled. I still stood shocked to my bones. Fingers clamped on my arms and pulled me out of the room as the sound of something crashing was heard. Library man quickly rushed into the room. More sounds of things crashing were heard as I struggled down the hallway only stopping when I went into my room. My arms were littered with now purple bruises and my ankle was throbbing. My face became red in embarrassment as I took in my state. My dress was soaked through and my breasts visible. I had decided to go without a bra today. Library man, mean guy and green eyes must have seen through my dress. I took of my dress and walked gingerly to the bathroom. Why did the alpha react like that towards me?

I woke up to Althea shaking me. "You weren't there for lunch and I have instructions to take you to the healer to treat your ankle"

"Instructions from who?"

"Royal beta Valdus"

"I don't think I've met him though... How does he know I twisted my ankle?"

"I wouldn't know. He is waiting at the infirmary"

"That won't be necessary" I glanced up. Library guy?

"Beta Valdus" Althea bowed

"Leave us" she turned and left

"What did you do to make the alpha react like that?"

"Nothing. He just sniffed me and then he lost it" he looked at me skeptically.

"Here" he handed over a tube of something red


"That's lycan blood. Drink it and go to sleep. When you wake up your ankle will be healed. "he turned and left. Lycan blood? Wtf this was hard to get back in the east. We were thought that lycan blood was addictive. It was used as an aphrodisiac or a healing element. Once you start taking from a particular Lycan, you can't take from another. It causes complications. Since it was impossible to get constant supply from a particular Lycan, it was avoided completely. Also, continuous intake from a

Lycan, forges a bond with the Lycan.

I took the blood in one shot. It tasted bitter. I fought the urge throw up. Althea rushed in.

"What relationship do you have with the beta?"

"Um...there is no relationship. We've met a couple of times. That's all"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course..I didn't even know he was the beta"

"Be careful Tongues will wag if word

gets around that the royal beta came to the servant quarters to see you. Plus he has a mate. You wouldn't want to be on the bad side of beta female Nala."

"I'll go smuggle something for you so you can eat" she didn't wait for my response and left the room. A few moments later she came back with bread and cheese.

"You'll have to manage this. There are no leftovers from lunch and so you'll have to wait until dinner. I'm on serving duty at night so I wouldn't be able to come get you. Don't

oversleep or wander about and neeExclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

forget the time for the evening meal." And she left. Althea was a blue dress. The blue dress served dishes to the members of the royal family. I gobbled the food down as quickly as I could and slept off.