“No running in the hallway!” I called as my three rambunctious boys came barreling out of the exam room, amber eyes shining with mischief. They continued thundering down the clinic’s narrow hall, dodging nurses and patients. I shot an apologetic look to the elderly couple exiting the room after them.
“Luke! Levi! Landon! Freeze, now!” My “mom voice” finally got their attention. They skidded to a stop, lowering their heads guiltily.
I fixed them with my best stern glare. “What have I told you about running wild in the clinic?”
“Sorry, Mom,” Levi mumbled, scuffing his shoe. His brothers echoed apologies, unleashing their most pathetic puppy dog eyes. My resolve instantly crumbled.
With a sigh, I knelt and held out my arms. “C’mere munchkins.” They tumbled into my embrace, tangling me in a mass of gangly limbs. Despite the chaos my spirited wolf cubs created, I cherished these noisy group hugs. Their boundless energy and affection filled my days with light.
“Let’s head to daycare now, okay?” I said, smoothing down their unruly chestnut locks. They grumbled but allowed me to herd them down the hall. My little tornadoes would be Miss Lucy’s handful for the next few hours.
After dropping off the rambunctious trio, I hurried to my small office to review the morning’s stacked caseload. Five years after opening my own pediatric practice, the chaotic days still felt like a whirlwind, barely controlled chaos.
Collins poked his head in, holding two steaming mugs. “Thought you could use a pick-me-up,” he said, offering me coffee.
I inhaled the rich aroma gratefully. “Have I told you lately that you’re my hero?”
He chuckled, leaning against my desk. “Only every day since we met. But I never get tired of hearing it.” His playful smile softened. “Seriously though, Terra, what you manage to handle is incredible. I’m so proud of you.”
My heart swelled. Without Collins’s steadfast support, I never could have juggled the demands of single motherhood and medical school. His encouragement gave me courage when the path seemed impossible. And now our two flourishing practices shared the expansive clinic we had built from the ground up together.
“Well, I certainly didn’t get here alone,” I said, grasping his hand. “Thank you for always being my rock, Collin.”
He lifted my hand to his lips for a gallant kiss. “Anytime. Now, ready to save more lives today, Super Doctor?”
Refueled by caffeine and his uplifting presence, I dove into the busy day ahead. Children with ear infections, rashes, fevers and more paraded through. No matter how exhausted I felt, seeing their precious smiles healed me. My unique supernatural instincts allowed me to connect on a deep level with young patients. Their boundless energy and innocence never failed to lift my spirits. This work was my true calling.
Between appointments, my phone buzzed with a message from Hale, the born werewolf who helped supply medications for my unique cases. He had become an invaluable insider to the local supernatural community.
Heard some wolf pack drama went down nearby. Might get an influx of patients. Let me know if you need any special supplies!
I quickly typed a thanks. Word had spread about my discretion treating paranormal youngsters. I was happy to provide a safe place for them to turn, remembering all too well what it was like having nowhere to go for care. If more cases came my way, we would manage somehow.
Later, as I reviewed files during my sparse lunch break, Collins wandered in with a takeout bag.
“Come on, time for a picnic,” he announced, tugging my hand. I started to protest until the aroma of juicy bacon cheeseburgers hit me. My stomach growled traitorously.
Collins just laughed. “That’s what I thought. Hospital cafeteria salad can wait.”
We escaped out the back door into the small courtyard bathed in golden autumn sunshine. The fresh air and nearby babbling fountain instantly revived me. Collins and I sat beneath a colorful maple, munching burgers and chatting lightly about our busy mornings. No one else was around, allowing me to relax and simply enjoy his calming company. Too often our hectic schedules kept us ships passing in the night. I cherished these quiet stolen moments together.
As we finished eating, Collins gave me a searching look. “So, any exciting Halloween plans with the boys coming up?”
I groaned dramatically. “Oh, it’s nonstop Ghostbusters and werewolf debates at home lately. Last night’s bedtime story argument got so heated I thought we’d never get them to sleep.”
Collins laughed. “They definitely have strong opinions. But they’re lucky to have you keeping up with their endless energy.” His expression softened. “You’re an amazing mom, you know.”
My chest swelled with gratitude. “Well, I certainly don’t feel amazing when they’re bouncing off the walls whining for more candy at 8pm. But thank you.” I shook my head ruefully. “Parenting three supernaturally-charged little boys is definitely a new adventure every day.”
“One you’re conquering brilliantly.” Collins pulled me in for a quick hug before standing and offering his hands to help me up. “Shall we get back to saving lives now, Super Doc?”
I let him pull me up, keeping his hands clasped in mine for a moment. “Only if you promise to take more breaks with me when things get chaotic.”
His warm brown eyes crinkled at the corners. “You got it.”
We reluctantly headed back inside to the packed afternoon ahead. Thankfully my eager nursing team kept things running smoothly even during the busiest rushes. I honestly didn’t know how I’d manage without their competence and compassion. Especially Rose, my unflappable lead nurse who handled everything thrown her way with zen-like calm.
Late afternoon brought a surprise visit that stopped me short – Hale escorting in a very pregnant she-wolf whose drawn face and exhausted posture screamed of physical and emotional burdens. My heart went out to her immediately.
“Dr. Terra, this is Luna Ava from the local Shadow Creek pack,” Hale explained quietly. “She needs a safe place for her delivery.”
I grasped Ava’s hands, giving what I hoped was a reassuring smile. “Of course. Let’s get you settled in our best room for a full checkup.”
Ava sagged with relief, blinking back tears. “Thank you. After everything that’s happened, I wasn’t sure…” She trailed off, chest heaving with the effort not to completely break down.
I squeezed her hands. “It’s alright, you’re safe now. Just focus on your breath.” I shot Hale a questioning look.
“Ava recently lost her mate,” he explained solemnly. “The pack was unwilling to support her through the remainder of her pregnancy and birth as a lone she-wolf. But she has nowhere else to go.”
Rage flashed through me on Ava’s behalf. I knew all too well how cruelly traditional pack politics could treat those considered outcasts. A pregnant, unmated Luna would be shown no mercy.
“Don’t worry about any of that now,” I soothed Ava, gently leading her down the hall to an exam room. “We’re going to take excellent care of you and this little one. That’s all that matters.”
After confirming her vitals were stable, I settled Ava in a comfortable private room I kept ready for supernatural cases like hers. Her shoulders noticeably unburdened once the door closed, sealing her off from the outside world and its harsh judgements.
“Just rest here. You’re under my protection now, sister wolf,” I said. “No one can hurt you.”
Fresh tears spilled down Ava’s cheeks. “May the Goddess bless you,” she whispered.
I squeezed her shoulder before slipping out, emotions churning. Her story hit too close to my own past. I couldn’t save myself from such cruelty back then, but I could damn well ensure this she-wolf had support when she needed it most.
Over the next few days, my staff and I took turns closely monitoring Ava’s care. She had some complications that required my supernatural expertise, but I kept her spirits up throughout the challenges.
Helping her deliver a healthy baby girl was one of my proudest moments yet. Her triumphant first cuddles with little Ember felt like hope renewed. No matter what she had endured, the future could still be filled with joy.
I held onto that thought as an unwelcome ghost from my past returned a week later, threatening the peaceful life I had finally built.
It began as just another hectic Monday morning in the clinic – scheduling appointments, reviewing lab results, chatting with my staff. Then the entrance bell chimed, signaling new arrivals to the front desk. I thought nothing of it until raised voices echoed down the hall.
“What do you mean you can’t just let us see the doctor now? This is urgent pack please!”
I froze. Even after six years, I would know that commanding tone anywhere. Nathan. Here? Impossible.
Why is he?
Before the panic strangling me could fully register, heavy footsteps rapidly approached my office door. Too late to run or hide.
Is he coming in?
I hurriedly composed my features, trying to still my racing heart.
The footsteps halted right outside. Then a gentle knock, so achingly familiar.
“Terra? I know you’re in there.” Nathan’s voice, so long unheard, now just beyond the flimsy wooden door. “I need your help.”
No. I squeezed my eyes shut, willing him to vanish, to return to the past where he belonged. But his presence remained firm and undeniable as ever.
After all what he did? What did he need me for m
With no choice but to face whatever fresh chaos he brought, I straightened my shoulders and pulled open the door.Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.