It had been a few days since Layla had left and well life has been dull to say the least. School has been more hell with Asher and Saige being joined at the hip and barely ever leaving each other's sides.
Saige,, had been in each class with Asher and, although she is 2 years older than the rest of us, I wouldn't be surprised if she were to stay back another year. She was the pretty sister whilst I was the smart one. But sometimes pretty gets you further in life, especially in the wolf world. Tomorrow will be my birthday. The big 18. I decided to skip school for the rest of today because I would be sick if I had to see Saige and Asher cozy up to each other for another minute. So I went on a run in the woods. Everyone gets their wolves at the age of sixteen, but to smell your mate was a power only granted at eighteen.
As the day progresses, I become more and more nervous at the fact that I might meet my mate tomorrow. It was a big day. One every wolf couldn't wait for. The mate bond was the strongest bond in existence. But there was always a possibility of being rejected.
Rejection has killed wolves in the past. It was said to be even more painful than losing a mate. But I don't know if it really could hurt more than losing someone who had accepted you and loved you before their death.
My paws buried themselves in the earth, taking pieces with them as they lifted again. I could smell anything nearby or far away when I was in my wolf form. The same went for hearing. Although I've learned to block out certain sounds. My wolf was the same color as my hair. An autumn red. Suddenly, I heard my nickname, "Red. I was wondering where you had disappeared to." I stopped dead in my tracks, seeing a midnight black wolf much bigger than me. It was Asher. His wolf towered over me. His power radiated from him, and he hasn't been named alpha yet. Whether he was in his wolf form or his human form, he was someone everybody swooned over.
Even me.
As much as I wanted to run the other way, I knew if I did he would catch me and overpower me in an instant. "What do you want, Asher," I growled at him.
"I was just missing you in the library and was wondering where a good girl like you went. I must admit you surprised me when you skipped school. I never expected it from you." He said whilst walking laps around me and caging me in, making sure his prey wouldn't escape his clutches. "What are you, my parents? What does it matter to you?" I emphasized on the last part, just to make sure he got the part that I'm irritated with him.
"Who ruffled your fur?" Arrogance oozed out of him. He really did believe the world was his and everything fell beneath him." Ash, I'm not in the mood. Plus, shouldn't you be doing goddess knows what with my sister."
He was quiet for a bit. "Is that why you're upset? Are you jealous, red?" I blushed and I wouldn't be surprised if my wolf form showed it.
"Ash I've got stuff to do, can you get to the point of what it is that's so urgent for you to have stopped me." He paused for a while and he then turned his head towards me. His icy blue eyes stared right into my soul and made shivers go down my spine.
"Well, I just wanted to say tomorrow is my birthday and from what I've heard it's yours too. Please meet me in the library before school. I've got a gift for you."
I was shocked at his words and didn't know what to say. "O...Ok." That's all I blurted out and even that short word I managed to screw up.
"You can go to where ever it is that is so urgent for you to attend". He sat down on the ground and I started walking slowly in shock. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest I think anyone could hear it. I looked back towards Asher and saw him sitting there with a smug face. I ran and went home, closed my door and fell onto my bed.
My face felt hot from all the blush that took over my freckled cheeks. Tomorrow is a big day. It's my birthday as well as Asher's and never before has he ever given me a gift. Maybe I should do the same.
I thought about anything I could get my hands on. And I decided on a book I had in my room. The reviews said it's the perfect book for alphas. I bought it so I could try and help Asher with his problems and slight nervousness about becoming alpha soon.
It's perfect. I couldn't stop thinking about what he said, "I've got a gift for you".
Maybe he does care about me.nòvéLsvER/$è-_cóm is the owner.