Sofia Andrew
I woke up with my head killing me, and I could barely open my eyes. I shouldn't have drunk so much, especially for him. This is the last time I'll drink for a man who hates me.
"Oh, you'll live," I heard Amelia say, and I covered my ears.
"Don't shout and just whisper. I can hear you."
"I barely even talked, woman. Here, drink this. It'll make you feel better." I glared at her but gratefully accepted the pill. "Sleep for an hour more. Today, you have a meeting in Let-Tech and Andrew's after that." "How did you know that?" I asked sleepily.
"Because I am your lawyer, duh. Now, sleep some more."
I fell asleep again and woke up two hours later. I was still disoriented until everything came back to me. Angel, the divorce, the company, Elisa-I went back to my apartment and drank water from a vase that I hadn't done before. "You're awake, good. How are you feeling?" Amelia asked when I came out of my room.
"That life just passes me by."
Amelia laughed. "Look at it this way, you are free from deceit. You and Angel were never really married anyway. You indeed love him, and you thought he'd fall for you, but he didn't. And now he'll be happy with the woman he loves and deserves." "That woman is bad news, and you know her. I am angry that he's angry at me because of her. I want to know the reason behind it."
"The reason isn't important, Sofia. He hates you, and he has fed on that hatred for five years. Let him be with that woman, and when he finds out that she's a wicked witch, he'll regret ever letting you go."
"It's not that easy, but you're right, we were not really married. We never sat down to talk, and if it wasn't for the company, and at the company or family dinners, he wouldn't even acknowledge me."
"And now everything's done. You will now start a new life. A man is the least of your concerns. You have your own business, you are a multimillionaire, and it's about time for you to be happy, so stop crying for a man who doesn't see you."
"Do you like my husband?" I asked in a joking manner, but who wouldn't? Despite his attitude, the man's gorgeous.
"I'm not blind, friend; I'm just physically attracted to him. I have been with him in one room, and he's colder than the air conditioning." She handed me a cup of coffee and patted me. "Now chop-chop and look beautiful because we have a meeting." "I need to call Andrew and Leffman to inform them I'll be late."
"That's already done, thanks to your diligent secretary."
"I know, and that's why she's mine," I told her with a wink.
After an hour, I came out prepared, and I made sure I looked good. In this world, I won't let anyone beat me.
"What do you think? Do I look like a woman who just got divorced from her husband? Or a happy woman who will conquer the world?"
"The second, for sure. You're burning hot, girl. By the way, David is insisting on meeting you."
"David?" I frowned and tried to remember the name. "Ah, David Dalton? The owner of that fashion company?"
"That's him. He wants to meet the owner of Lee Andrew's to..."
I cut her off with a wave of my hand. "To know his competitor and who kicked him off the list."
"Maybe, but he's still a handsome and smart guy. Plus, he dresses well," Amelia said with a giggle.
"As he should. He's the owner of one of the most famous fashion companies in the world."
"It's just a shame that he's a Dalton."
"Either way, you can't choose your family. We are born with them, and we have to live with them."
"It's just that, how could two people with different personalities be siblings?"
"Amelia, I just woke up, and I'm lifting myself up. Do you want to ruin it by mentioning them?"
"I did not mention them; I'm just wondering how a witch like Elisa can be his sister," Amelia said with a shrug.
"You have too many curiosities in life. Let's go."
We arrived in Let-Tech, and I had my own door in order to prevent anyone from knowing me. Only my secretary, Amelia, and my shareholders know that I am the owner, and each of them signed a confidentiality contract. To avoid an incomplete reading experience, visit J o bn'i' The employees saw me, but I was with Isaac, my system engineer, every time. There is gossip that he's the owner because of how he carries himself. Isaac is the one I entrust with everything while I'm gone.
"Good morning, ladies," Sandra, my secretary at Let-Tech, greeted me.
"Good morning, Sandra," I said back. "You can tell Isaac that I am here, and I'll be waiting for him in my office."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Don't you dare call me ma'am?" Amelia rebuked her. "Better bring us some tea and see if I forgive you," she told Sandra, and we entered my office laughing.
"The poor thing shakes whenever she sees me," Amelia said with a laugh.
"Because you always disturb her," I said while rolling my eyes.
"Funny. And she called me ma'am; can you believe that?"
"Good morning," Isaac greeted as he entered. "Where are the beauties of this place?"
"That's given. Thanks to our beauty," Amelia commented, flipping her hair.
"I brought some files, and Sandra told me you're here. You look pretty, boss; I'm not even kidding."
"Thank you, that's the idea. Now, sit," I gestured for him to sit beside me. "To start, the platform you did received an impressive rating, and it surpasses our expectations."
"Yes, I saw that yesterday at the meeting, and I keep tabs on the number of downloads. I told you that using an app for communication would be more useful than games."
"But the idea of mixing the ideas will enable us to reach younger users, and their videos will go viral."
I guess so. I have it, and it's easier to communicate."
"Isaac, you reject the latest project?"
""New project?" Amelia intervened.
"Yes, we created a new security system for cars, houses, and businesses. Not for it to be luxurious, but powerful."
"You haven't even totally enjoyed the fruit of this platform, and you're already thinking of another one? Rest your brain, Sofia," Amelia said sternly.
"Amelia, it's like telling me to stop thinking, and that's not me. Every minute is important in business because if not, another one will beat you."
"Exactly," Isaac agreed. "I already verified the operating system, and there are certain details we need to adjust in terms of commerce, but I'm already working on it. I just need the mechanism to be perfect." "Can you explain that to me?" Amelia asked in confusion while pouting.
"The system is the same as others. The only difference is that you'll only have an access code that will be in the company's system once you buy the product. If the code is wrong, the alarm will be activated, but instead of alerting the house, the alert will go straight to the platform, and it will automatically reach out to the cops to not alert the thieves."
"What if I forgot about it? Or did I get it wrong?"
"You'll have the chance. Once a wrong code is entered, the owner will receive a message asking for a personal question that only the company knows. Even if it's the owner's mistake, it will be our responsibility to check that it's indeed them."
"Is it the same for cars?"
"Of course," Isaac confirmed with a nod. "This is my favorite because it automatically locks. You cannot drive it until we unlock it. It's the same for houses and businesses. Aside from having a GPS that guides you in case you get kidnapped or the car gets stolen, you can give it a warning for your own sake."
Amelia was silent for a few seconds, and it looked like she was processing the new information. "Sofia, seriously. How the hell can you create these things with that brain? You scare me sometimes."
We laughed, and Sandra entered with cups.
"Excuse me, ma'am. We received a call from Autos-Let asking for an appointment."
"What did you say?!" I asked in shock, my eyes almost popping out of their sockets.
That's Angel's company; why does he want an appointment?
"Autos-Let wants an appointment with us...?" Sandra repeated in uncertainty, her eyes jumping at the three of us.
"That is the new automotive company that has been in the industry for four years, right? Their designs are beautiful," Amelia said in amazement.
"Yes, I saw their cars. My sister has one, and they are machines of extraordinary power."
I am barely listening to them because I'm bothered. Why the hell does Angel want an appointment with us?
"Sofia, are you okay?" Isaac asked me with worry. "You've gone pale."
"No-I mean, yes, I am. I just remember I haven't eaten, so I'm a bit dizzy."
"I will bring you something to eat, ma'am," Sandra offered immediately. "What should I tell Autos-Let?"
"I'll tell you later," I said with a sigh, and she walked out.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Amelia asked when she noticed me massaging my head.
I just nodded and turned to Ignacio. "Isaac, did you inspect the navigation platform for the kids?"
"Yes, in fact, I was about to ask you to check if you want to change something about the design. In addition, the security system is changed to prevent them from opening unwanted pages. Games and education apps can be installed one by one, and it'll be according to their country." "Perfect. I want to launch the system next month because the class is about to start."
"And it will be done by then, so don't worry about that. Now, what will we do about Auto-Let?"
"Good question, because you own their competitors, Sofia."
"That has nothing to do with this, Amelia. That's not what's bothering me."
"Then what? I'm curious what an automotive company wants with a technology company." Amelia continues to wonder.
"Amelia, we are a company of new technologies; I'm sure they want the system or something similar to it," Ignacio answered Amelia's curiosities.
"What they want isn't important. We are not going to do business with that company," I said with all seriousness, and they looked at me weirdly. "We won't even listen to their offer."
""No, Isaac. I don't want anything to do with that company."
"But this would be a waste, Sofia. I heard they are preparing to launch a new collection, and we can offer them our new system," Isaac persistently said.
"In case you forgot, she's also the owner of an automotive company, Isaac," Amelia whispered to Isaac as if I were not there.
But that isn't the case. It is precisely because it's Angel's company that I don't want anything to do with it.
"Right, to install the system in the cars in your company?"
"I don't know. Angel is the one who designs the cars and systems; I don't know how he does that."
"They are creating new ones, I suppose. What if the competitor launches a new model?" Isaac asked.
"Who knows? With Angel, everything's a surprise. Isaac, I'm telling you just in case you hear it outside. Angel and I decided to divorce."
His eyes widened in surprise. "What?! Are you serious? Damn. When?"
"It was decided not long ago. The point is, I am now the president of the company, although he still has shares and his job will continue, but the truth is, I'm not sure if he'll create designs. He has other priorities now." "But it's still his company; surely he won't ruin it, right?"
"This is our family's business. It's more about the family than him, so I can't expect anything."
"I don't understand."
"You don't have to. The thing is, I still don't know what I'll do about that, but let me think about it a little and get everything organized regarding the automotive company, and I'll let you know." "Okay." Isaac looked at his phone when a message came. "I'll have to leave you now, ladies. I have to meet up with a client regarding the system."
"Thank you,"
He left Amelia and me to our breakfast and gossip.
After an hour of arriving at the company, I continued reviewing some contracts, and I couldn't help but wonder why Angel wanted an appointment with this company. What is his intention?
"Are you ready?" Amelia asked when she came to my office, and I was confused for a second. "We have a meeting at Andrew's," she reminded in a 'duh' tone.
"Oh, right. Let me just finish more documents, then we'll go."
"Were you bothered by Angel?"
"I just remembered that we have to make a new move in the automotive company. I was so caught up with my own business that it slipped my mind that Angel is leaving, and now I don't have a designer." "You said he'd still be part of the company, and it's his job to design a car."
"Yes, but now he has his own company, although these years he managed to handle both. I don't want to risk it."
He still hates me and my family. He's still thinking of maintaining his reputation. He has his own company, so he wouldn't care much about mine.
"What are you not saying to me?" She asked as if she knew there was more. She really knows me.
"Nothing; you know everything."
"Lies. There is something you're not telling me about Angel. What are you hiding, Sofia?" Amelia asked suspiciously.
"Sometimes, your sense of smell as a lawyer is annoying."
"It's my job to read people."
"Well, ma'am, use that skill with our new clients, and we'll see."
When I was done, we went to a nearby restaurant where our clients who work in the modeling industry were waiting. They want our company to be one of their sponsors in the pageant, and they will use our products to advertise them for us. "What do you think?" One of the clients asked.
"On one condition," I told them with a business tone. "We will only give you a handful of makeup, accessories, clothes, and footwear. If we reach the number we like, we'll close the deal."
"We need to consult that with the other sponsors we have because we don't want to lose them."
I leaned back and crossed my arms. "The idea is to not leave the other sponsors behind. This is a parade with the models to show our support. In the end, some of them will use the other brand while some will use ours. Everyone wins." The client nodded their head with a smile. "I like the sound of that."
"Perfect. I'll now leave you to Amelia, our legal manager, and my partner. I must go now."
Amelia looked at me like I'd lost my mind. "It's late, and I need to go to the company; plus, some unwanted guests arrived," I whispered to her, I pointed at a table where Elisa's family was, and she understood. "You know they can't see me with the beauty shareholders." I left Amelia to it, and just as I was about to leave, a pair of green eyes greeted me.
"That's why something's pushing me to accompany my family," David said in a flirting manner. Just like before.
I forced out a smile. "I guess so. Family reunions are fun if you're close to each other. Is this the case for you?"
"You look more beautiful than ever, Sofia," he said to change the topic.
"Thank you."
"The divorce suits you." His comment surprised me, and I remembered that.
"Is your sister already spreading the good news? But what to do? It's not even official yet."
"She's just a little excited. She's been talking about it for months." I thought Angel's in London for business. "But it is close to being official, right? She had dinner last night with Leffman."
"I know, a delicious dinner, I bet, but I know it's not only for that." I tried not to lace my voice with bitterness.
"I can't understand how Angel, who already has you, still chose my sister." I looked at him and did not understand his comment. "Don't look at me like that. I love my sister, and I'll kill for her, but I'm not blind. I'm not blind to not seeing the qualities of a beautiful woman."
I think Amelia is right. How can a man like him, who has taste, be related to someone like Elisa?
"There are strange things in life. Sometimes I ask myself as well why I don't look like my dad. It made me think I'm adopted."
We shared a laugh until someone called his name.
"David!" Ah, that is the reason behind my heartache. "Wow, Sofia, it's good to see you."
"I wish I could say the same," I told Elisa with a tight-lipped smile. I won't even try to fake a smile for someone as fake as her.
"Will you make a scene because Angel left you for me? You appear to be in a bad mood; I'm sure you're angry at me," she pointed out as if it even entertained her.Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.
"Elisa, don't start," I heard David telling his sister.
"I don't hate you nor am I angry at you. That means I'm giving you importance, and I'm not a woman to waste time on that kind of nonsense. I have never been a hypocrite. I didn't like you at university; why do I have to pretend I do now? If I tell you I'm glad to see you, then I'll be lying." She stared at me with pride and hatred in her eyes. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under.
"What happened is in the past. I already forgave you for what you did to Angel and me, but after years of being separated, we are now back together because we love each other," she said with a proud look on her face.
"I did not separate you two; he had a choice not to marry, and he still did. But you said it right: if two people are truly in love, sooner or later, they'll be back together. And to be honest, you two deserve each other."
"Of course, we deserve each other. That's why we'll get married soon, and you have no say in it. I will even invite you to a marriage that is not about obligation but love this time."
Sofia, take a deep breath. Do not let her affect you and lose your cool.
"No, thanks. Why would I bother? After all, I am a woman with a busy schedule, and I like to spend my time with good people I cherish. Save the invitation for someone interested because I'm not."
The smile on her face did not fade, and she crossed her arms. "His family accepted me with open arms. But maybe you don't know how that feels when they hate you."
"Elisa, stop it." David reprimanded his sister, but hasher now.
"I am not surprised, really. You have the same attitude as them, and as I said, I am not a woman who spends her free time with useless things, but you and my former mother and sister-in-law are experts in that." I threw back and watched as her smile faltered a little. I glanced at my watch and looked at them. "There. I already gave you the honor of having my free time, so be grateful, Elisa. David, it was nice to see you. I hope you'll be able to swallow the food." I winked at him and left the restaurant before the shareholders saw me.
I went straight to the company, fuming at what I found out that Elisa and Angel had been together for months! He did not even have the guts to tell me over the phone about the divorce.
Stupid Angel. Stupid Elisa. And stupid Sofia.