Chapter 6 - Living With My Lady Boss

Youre bome early today, Wilbur said,

Faye chuckled. The situations gotten out of hand.

Whats the matter?

That girls pulling tricks, claiming that were threatening her. The internets brimming with rumors that Cape International is abusing our power, and everyones out to track down who you are.

Wilbur frowned. He had not expected things to get out of hand like this

Isnt this a little too much? Is she really not afraid of the consequences this might bring for her? Wilbur asked.

Faye smiled. There are some people these days who will do anything for fame. The second they find your identity, youre going to be bombarded with a slew of hate and death threats.

Is there a pond way to settle this? Wilbur frowned.

Faye said, Yes. We could let the traffic police settle this and have them release the full footage of what happened during the accident to settle the misunderstanding. Sherry Divos would be arrested too, but...

But what?

Faye frowned. Some of these netizens arent even concerned about the truth anymore. This is just another excuse for them to spread more rampant hatred on the internet. Theyll believe whatever they want. The hate might not stop even after the truths been revealed.

Ah. Wilbur responded, pondering. Yeah. It doesnt really seem right to do that either. Arresting a young lady over some false accusations might be a little too much. Any other methods?

Are you seriously still thinking about the girls account? She did all of this just to get a couple of clicks. She doesnt care about you at all.

Wilbur said, Yes, but its not that big of a deal, is it?

You really dont know how terrifying the internet is, Faye lamented, shaking her head. Countless celebrities and authoritative members have met their downfall just because of the internet.

I mean, Ive got nothing to hide. What do I have to be afraid of? Wilbur asked.

Faye said, These netizens could just make things up about you that could seriously damage your reputation. Besides, youre even friends with people like Faron Campbell and the like. Things could get really, really ugly.

Wilbur fell silent ar last, thinking deeply,

Bringing Faron into this would be bad. Faron could not afford to have his name tarnished.

Was there a camera on the car Jose and I were in? Wilbur asked.

Faye shook her head. The car belongs to Cape International. We didnt put any cameras in it for privacy purposes.

Well, theres no choice but to let the traffic police get the real footage, then, Wilbur said

Faye nodded,

Wilbur paused, before saying, How about this? Ill let Elsa make a trip to the traffic police department to get them to hand over the complete footage, and you can go through it with her. Maybe post a statement online or something. Once the full video comes out, the rumors will be cleared up at once. As for the netizens that refuse to believe it... Well just let them be, 1 suppose.

What about the girl? Faye asked.

Wilbur said, Once the footage is posted and the backlash has calmed down, jast have the traffic police Issue a warning to her. Its a little much to send a young lady to jail over something like this.

Chapter 26

Alright. You really are far too nice of a person, Faye said.

Wilbur shook his head with a pained smile. He took out his phone and made a call to Elsa,



Over in the CEOs office at Joy Corp.

CEO Kim Jenlans leaned back in her office chair, listening to the report.

Weve followed your orders and sent someone to destroy the original footage on Sherry Divos car. Its only available on her phones cloud storage now.

Very well.

Kim was a woman in her thirties, radiating an air of maturity and charm. She smiled demurely, taking a drag from her cigarette.

Send someone to the hospital and pay that girl a load of money so shell delete the original footage from her phone. Hire some bots to keep the buzz on the news. The bigger it gets, the better.

What if Sherry Divos refuses to do that, Miss Jenkins? her a**istant asked.

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