We headed southeast, weaving our way around smaller islands. Our destination was a peninsula that formed a breakwater between the Venetian Lagoon and the Adriatic Sea. The goal was to find a town, ditch the boat, steal a car, and then drive north.
But first, I had to dispose of a body. Wouldn’t be a good idea to enter a marina with a dead man on board.
I checked his pockets for ID. Nothing.
I stripped all the ammunition and weapons off the corpse. In addition to another couple magazines for the automatic rifle, I got a Sig Sauer pistol and a long knife, both of which I set aside.
Then I had Lucia enter some marshes, and I heaved him overboard. He bobbed and floated, but his body armor was heavy. I knew he would sink as water filled his lungs, and it was doubtful the body would resurface. Plus, there weren’t any other boats within miles of us, so no one would see as we left him behind.
Next, I searched the compartments on the boat. No weapons, but there was a tarp that would be good for concealing the assault rifle. I figured I would hide it while we searched for a car, then double back around for it as we left.
Also, I found a jug for bailing out water – which I planned to use for the exact opposite of bailing out water.Property © of nOvēLSvér$e_COM.
As we approached the peninsula, I had Lucia slow the boat to a crawl, at which point I used the jug to dump gallons of water onto the floor. Even if I left the blood untouched, nobody would see it until we were long gone – but there was no need to leave behind clues if I could avoid it. I didn’t need the police looking for a tall man and a tiny woman in connection with a shooting.
The water diluted the blood, and an electrical pump in the floor sucked it out and spat it into the canal. It was still a mess, but at least everything looked slightly pinkish instead of bright red.
As we approached the mainland, I wrapped the assault rifle and ammunition inside the tarp and hid the bundle in the compartment under the seats. In case we couldn’t return to the boat, I put the Sig Sauer and knife in my jacket.
Then I found a rag and wiped down every surface we had touched – other than the steering wheel. That would come last.
When we reached the mainland, Lucia docked us at a pier close to a town. I tied up the boat, Lucia wiped her prints off the steering wheel, and we set off for the next stage of our adventure together.
…God help me.