I splashed my face with cold water.
I needed it to regain my composure.
The way she’d been looking at me…
I mean, the girl had been eye-fucking me. No question about it.
Normally that would have made me smirk. It was a little bit of power I could hold over her.
And I did enjoy reducing the bratty little mafia princess to a wide-eyed, tongue-tied simpleton.
She was annoying as hell, yes –
But she was also gorgeous.This content belongs to novèlS.ve.rSé_cóm .
And when she was staring at me with those huge, beautiful eyes…
And I could feel her gaze trailing across my body…
I started to get hard.
And I couldn’t let her see that.
Couldn’t give her the satisfaction of knowing she turned me on –
Because then she’d know it was a little piece of power she held over me.
I tried to concentrate on all the times she’d pissed me off that day.
All the times she’d made me want to strangle her.
But all I could think of was her open mouth while she was staring at me…
That pouty little lower lip of hers…
Her raised eyebrows…
Her beautiful brown eyes trailing over my –
I was getting hard again.
I dropped my boxers and doused my cock with cold water.
While I was back home in Tuscany, I kept the water heater in the cabin turned off. It would be hours before it would warm up – so even the water coming from the hot water tap was ice cold.
Which was exactly what I needed. It did a great job of shrinking my dick back down.
I thought about taking a cold shower to really do the job right – but I knew the cold water would wake me up, and I was exhausted.
Better just to get everything smaller so Lucia wouldn’t see the effect she had on me, then go to bed.
As I toweled myself dry, I frowned.
The water had been like ice – and yet she hadn’t complained about it.
But she had started to say something about ‘the water’ when she came out of the bathroom.
Which meant she had been about to complain…
But then she’d started looking at me.
Her big brown eyes –
Her slightly open mouth –
The way she’d stared at my –
I turned the cold water on and started dousing my cock again.