Chapter 25 - Mafia Kings: Massimo: Dark Mafia Romance Series #3

I drowsily opened my eyes.

Soft light filled the room. I was lying on my left side and staring at a rough-hewn wooden wall – something I’d never seen before in my entire life.

I’d forgotten where I was –

And then I saw my clothes draped over the chair in the corner, and it all came rushing back.

Oh yeah…

I remembered undressing…

And torturing the ever-loving fuck out of Massimo.

The look in his eyes as he’d stared over his shoulder at me…

Like a little boy who’d been told he could never have a puppy dog.

Absolutely hilarious.

(It had also been a nice distraction from his broad shoulders, muscular back, and that goddamn perfect ass.)

I could only imagine the torture he must have felt when I pressed up against him to get warm.

I’d wanted to press my ass against his so I could feel it – but I decided that would only be torturing myself. So I’d just put my rear end up against his back.

It wasn’t all for show, though. The bed was ice cold, and he was incredibly warm. He practically radiated heat. It really had been super-comfy…

And being pressed up against a bod like that, well… I’d enjoyed myself immensely.

And I was betting he’d had blue balls from hell.

I smiled to myself as I relived the memory.

I was nice and toasty beneath the heavy comforter…

But something was poking into my lower back.

Something hard.

I frowned.

Whatever it was, it was big.

I shifted and rolled over onto my back –

And realized Massimo was lying next to me on his side.

He must have turned around in the night because he was facing me.

His eyes were closed, and he was breathing slowly.

In the early morning light, he was absolutely breathtaking.

He was still handsome as hell, but his features were like an innocent little kid’s… so calm and relaxed…

For a second, I felt bad for all I’d put him through.

I really had been a bitch to him all yesterday.

And making him lust after me… that had been fun, but it was still bitchy.

I wanted nothing more than to reach out and caress his tousled hair…

Maybe touch his cheek and his beard…

But I couldn’t do that.

That’d be weird. Psycho, even.

Anyway, I moved my arm –

And bumped against something.

It was hot…

And soft on the surface…

But incredibly hard.

I froze.

Oh shit –

Is that his COCK?!

I’d heard about morning wood. And before you say, What the hell is WITH this girl – hasn’t she ever felt a guy’s morning wood before?!

Just know that I’d had my share of dick, but I’d never had the opportunity to experience morning wood firsthand –

Because I never stayed the night.

Seriously. It was like a rule of mine: fuck ‘em and leave ‘em.

I’d never had a boyfriend, see.

Just a string of one-night stands… and a couple of guys I fucked a few more times if they were particularly good at it. One-week stands, I guess you could say.

There weren’t many of those, however. Precious few, actually.

Why no boyfriend, you ask?

For one, I’d never met a guy I really wanted for longer than a couple of days.

Most of them were not that smart. Or interesting. Or funny. Or anything, really.

A hilarious female lawyer on TikTok put it this way: “Most men are like medium steaks… neither rare, nor well-done.”This content belongs to nóvé_lS-vëRsê_com .

That was totally my experience. A whole bunch of medium steaks.

I only slept with hot guys, so that part was fine –

Although ‘hot’ did not necessarily equate to ‘good in the sack.’

Most of them were more in love with themselves than they would ever be with a girl.

Plus, it was a little difficult to have a boyfriend when your grandmother ran a mafia empire.

Couldn’t exactly have sleepovers. Nona might have done all sorts of illegal shit and had people whacked on the regular, but she was not going to let me fuck a guy under her roof – that much was for certain.

I’d wanted to get my own apartment – but that was a no-go. No way Nona was letting me get my own place, partly because she knew I’d ho it up all the time if I did.

She was smart. She knew I got up to some shit. But we both silently agreed not to talk about it as long as I didn’t wave it in her face.

We’d actually discussed me getting an apartment once or twice, but her condition was I would have to have a contingent of bodyguards around me all the time – and then what’s the fucking point? It wouldn’t have been any different than living at Nona’s and being watched over by a dozen thugs in suits.

The one thing I’d demanded was that I not have any bodyguards when I went to classes at Ca’ Foscari.

I told Nona I’d run away from any bodyguards she assigned me – including skipping all my classes – so she might as well not bother. She’d grumbled about it, but in the end she’d agreed to test it out without me having a constant shadow.

It went fine – nobody in the Cosa Nostra was stupid enough to cross Nona – so for the last three years, I’d had a relative amount of freedom during the day.

And at night, I snuck out plenty. I’d go with my college friends to the discotheque, get drunk, meet a hot guy, go back to his place –

Bang, and then get dressed and go home.

If he was any good, I’d get his number and meet him a couple more times before I eventually got bored.

But there was another problem.

Even if I was interested in making it a regular thing – which only happened a couple of times – once a guy found out I was in a mafia family, shit got weird.

One dude kept badgering me about it. He acted like it was the coolest thing in the world and asked me a million questions.

Another guy freaked out and never answered my texts again. He was the smart one.

The first dude was a fucking idiot who didn’t understand that if my grandmother ever found out he’d put his dick inside me, he wasn’t going to have a dick much longer. So I was actually kind of doing him a favor by ghosting him.

Ghosting all of them, really.

Saving their lives. Or at least their cocks from getting chopped off.

That’s me… a real do-gooder.

There was another issue with my love life: Venice is kind of a small city. There are only so many nightclubs and bars.

So it happened fairly often that guys would come up to me if they saw me at a club and be like, Hey, how come you never got back to me?

If it had been a one-night stand – which meant they weren’t that good in bed – I’d say, I’m sorry, do I know you?

They’d get all offended and say, We slept together!

And I’d say, It must not have been very memorable, then.

If that didn’t do the trick and get them to call me a bitch and walk off, I’d say, How drunk WAS I, exactly? You DO know it’s rape if you sleep with a girl if she’s too drunk to consent, right?

They always left five seconds later with some really lame excuse.

Not cool of me to play that particular card, I know. That sort of thing happens way too often to way too many women for me to use it that lightly.

But seriously, if a dude can’t take a hint the first time…

All of this was an incredibly long, roundabout way of explaining why I had never experienced the concept of ‘morning wood.’

I’d heard about it, sure. Watched tons of movies with jokes about it.

But I’d never actually experienced it in real life.

And if it was a hard cock under the covers that had been poking me in the ass, well…

Let’s just say that of all the cocks I’d seen or touched, none of them felt even remotely that big.

Some had been fairly big. If the owners weren’t idiots or could last longer than two minutes, those usually got a second chance.

But this…

This was a whole ‘nother ballgame, sister.

I moved my arm a little under the sheets…

And brushed up against something huge.

My eyes went wide.


It was really fucking hot, for one.

Not just sexy –

But it was totally sexy.

With all of the guys I’d ever been with, as soon as we got to their place, BOOM, out came the dick. No mystery, no teasing, no suspense.

Here… hell, it was all

mystery. All teasing. All suspense.

Brushing up against a huge cock under the covers but not knowing how big it was, or what it looked like – if it had a bend to it, or was curved, or how thick it was –

The ‘not knowing’ was driving me wild.

So it was definitely ‘sexy hot’…

But it was also ‘temperature hot.’

Scorching hot, actually. Way warmer than his regular skin had been last night.

And what I had touched was soft, at least on the surface…

But also rigid as fuck.

Like velvet over a lead pipe.

That’s when I realized something.

I was almost 100% positive I’d felt bare skin, which meant one of three things.

Either he’d taken off his boxers in the middle of the night, which I didn’t see happening…

Or it was sticking out of his fly…

Or it was so big that it jutted up out of his underwear.

And that made me intensely curious.

And wet.

So wet.

I wanted to see how big it was.

Really wanted to see.

There was this potentially huge cock underneath the covers, attached to a guy that was handsome as hell –

(And annoying as hell, too, but we could ignore that for a second)

– and I couldn’t see it?

Fuck that shit.

My heart was thudding in my chest like a sledgehammer as I slowly lifted up the covers and –

“What the fuck are you doing?!” Massimo barked.

“AAAAH!” I screamed and scrambled away from him.

He was scowling at me from where his head lay on his pillow.

As I sat up, though, the bed covers slid off my body –

Revealing my tits.

His eyes nearly bugged out of his head.

I yelped and pulled the sheet over my breasts.

He raised himself up on one arm.

Oh my god, the way his arm flexed and the muscles on his shoulder stood out as he leaned on his elbow –

I got even wetter just seeing his muscles ripple like that.

But when he shifted, something else happened.

A very sizeable bulge shifted underneath the covers.

The comforter was heavy, and the bulge was pretty far away from his body…

So whatever was under there was hard as a rock and long as fuck.

I stared down at the cover, then looked back at him.

He realized what I was looking at, so he hurriedly twisted his hips so his cock was flush with the bed and the bulge disappeared.

Too late.

I’d seen it –

He knew I’d seen it –

And I knew he knew I’d seen it.

So I just came out with it.

“How big is it?” I asked.

I also put a finger in my mouth and touched my teeth.

I didn’t realize I’d done it – the finger in the mouth part – until he stared at my lips and his face flushed bright red.

It was adorable, actually.

“That’s none of your business,” he snapped.

I laughed – then got quiet pretty quickly. “No, seriously… how big is it?”

“I told you – ”

“What have you got under there, the Loch Ness Monster?” I asked as I tried to pull the covers up. “Lemme see – ”

You’d have thought I was trying to shoot him in the balls.

He grabbed the comforter and balled it up around his crotch. “STOP.”

“Why? We’re both adults – ”


“All I wanna know is how big it is.”


“Come on,” I purred, then smiled seductively and raised an eyebrow. “I’ll let you see mine if you let me see yours.”

His eyes nearly popped out of his head.

“I’ll give you a peek right now,” I whispered, and lowered the sheet over my right breast.

My nipple was hard – and I watched him stare at it.

He swallowed hard.

“Wanna see more?” I whispered.

He looked into my eyes –

Opened his mouth –

I knew the answer was ‘Yes’ –

But he forced himself to say the opposite.


“Come on,” I teased him. This was more fun than I’d had in ages. “What, my tits aren’t enough? I can let you see everything else if you want.”

I reached up under the covers, grabbed my thong, rolled onto my back, lifted my legs, and pulled it off.

And then held it up over the sheets.

The little swatch of cloth was soaked.

I’m pretty sure he could see how damp it was…

And I could smell it.

I smell and taste pretty good, by the way. At least, the handful of guys who have gone down on me have told me that. (Most of them just stuck their dick in and never even offered to go downtown. Yet another reason they didn’t get invited back.)

If I could smell my desire…

Then I knew he could, too.

“I’ll let you see everything,” I purred as I stared him in the eyes. “I just want… to see… how big it is.”

His eyes were fixed on my thong.

His mouth was open like he wanted to say something…

He was totally distracted.

That’s when I reached out under the covers and grabbed it.

And my eyes opened wide.

Holy SHIT.

The thing was HUGE.

My hand didn’t even fit all the way around it.

And I was still up around the head. I could feel the ridge of his crown, firm against my palm – but there was no telling how long it was.

I’d been wet before, but I was drenched within seconds.

Like, I could feel my pussy fluttering.

I slid my hand farther down his cock – just a couple of inches.

My eyes got even bigger as he got thicker –

And that’s when Massimo freaked out.

“STOP!” he roared.

H jumped out of bed, tearing the comforter off with him –

Plus the sheets.

So I was basically left lying there completely naked.

His eyes nearly fell out of his head.

My first instinct was to cover up –

But then I decided to play it the opposite way.

“You like?” I asked with a seductive smile.

He couldn’t tear his eyes away from my pussy –

Which was completely bare.

I opened my legs to give him a better view.

“I know I said no touching,” I teased, “but I think we can break that rule.”

He swallowed hard.

For a second I thought I had him –

And then he started walking towards the bathroom, using the comforter to cover his crotch.

“HEY!” I shouted, incensed. “I showed you mine, now you gotta show me yours!”

“I’m going to take a shower,” he mumbled, forcing himself to stare straight ahead down the hall.

“Hey – come on! SHOW me!” I yelled as I scrambled up on my hands and knees.

That was too much for him – knowing I was on my hands and knees –

And I saw his eyes flit over to me.

And stare at my ass.

“Show me,” I said as seductively as I could –

And then he was out of the bedroom. A second later, I heard the bathroom door slam shut.

I fell over on the bed and stifled my laughter.

This was the most fun I’d had in years.

Hell, it was hotter than most of the sex I’d ever had.

Big bad mafioso couldn’t bring himself to show me his cock because he was too scared of my grandmother.

Well, I was going to see it, one way or another. I made myself that promise.

I heard the shower go on in the bathroom.

I knew the water was still ice cold –

Oh no you don’t.

“Oh God,” I moaned.

It was completely fake – I wasn’t touching myself –

But he didn’t know that.

“Oh GOD, it’s so BIG,” I moaned louder. “Ohhhhhh… PLEASE let me touch it… OH MASSIMO…”

I kept that up for another few minutes, then got bored.

I couldn’t wait to see if he jerked off while he was in the shower.

Didn’t matter if he did.

I’d found my new favorite game, and I was going to be playing it non-stop.