Fortunately, I got my insurance representative on the phone right away.
Unfortunately, he was an unhelpful son of a bitch.
“What do you mean it’s not covered?!” I snarled.
“The ‘Acts of War and Terrorism’ rider doesn’t cover sabotage, sir.”
“It wasn’t ‘sabotage’ – it was a rocket-propelled grenade! You know, the kind used in WARFARE?!”
“It’s not about the object that caused the damage, sir, it’s the context in which it was used. And unless it occurred in an active war zone – ”
“It was carried out by Russian mercenaries! Hired soldiers! As in, ‘people who fight in WARS’!”
“Unless it occurred in an active war zone, sir, it’s not covered.”
“Do terrorists have to be in an ‘active terrorism zone’ for it to be covered?” I asked sarcastically.
“Unless we get confirmation from an approved intelligence agency that a terrorist group was behind the attempt, it’s not covered under terrorism, either, sir.”
Fucking unbelievable –
“Hold on,” I growled as I typed in the password on my computer, “I’m going to bring up the policy and – ”
As soon as the computer’s lock screen disappeared, I saw the online bank account that had been open before I rushed off to the safe room.
The balance, which was 2.3 million euros just 10 minutes ago –
Was now a few thousand.
I stared at the screen in shock.
“Sir?” the representative asked. “Are you there?”
“…I’m going to have to call you back,” I muttered, then hung up the phone.
I frantically clicked my mouse to refresh the screen.
The balance was still 3017 euros.
This can’t be right – it CAN’T be!
I checked the transactions record and found the source of my nightmare:
Five minutes ago, there had been a wire transfer of 2.3 million euros to Arbor Retail LLC.
“WHO THE FUCK IS ARBOR RETAIL LLC?!” I shouted at the screen.
I was about to pick up my phone and yell at my bank –
When I got a sick feeling in my stomach.
No, that’s impossible…
I opened my online account with another bank –
And nearly vomited.
The balance was almost zero…
And a wire transfer had just taken place: 4.6 million euros to Seaside Limited LLC.
I opened account after account –
And every single one of them had been drained, with wire transfers to companies I had never heard of.
The only accounts that hadn’t been touched were crypto accounts I’d opened in the last six months – but they only held about 5 million euros worth of Bitcoin total.
I sat there in stunned disbelief.
I didn’t know how he had done it, but I knew who was responsible:
The same man who had tried to kill Massimo and Dario had picked our pocket to the tune of 28 million euros.This content belongs to nóvëL.svêR/Sē/Com .
Uncle Fausto.