An hour later, I stood at the window of my penthouse looking out over the lights of Hong Kong.
Despite my irritation at Mr. Lau refusing to return my family’s money, I had to admit he’d given me a luxurious suite in his hotel.
Unfortunately, I was too distracted to pay much attention to my surroundings.
After I’d locked away the $227,000 check in an electronic safe, I took a bottle of scotch from the penthouse’s bar and proceeded to get drunk.
I kept rerunning the scene with Mei-ling in my head, picking apart every mistake I’d made and coming up with other possibilities.
But more than that, I kept imagining her eyes… her hair…
How her body would look as I slowly unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor.
The way her mouth would open in pleasure as my fingers gently brushed between her legs.
I’d seen plenty of other men become obsessed with women. It was practically a national pastime for Italian males.
Dario had certainly lost his mind over Alessandra when they first met. I had watched him unravel right before my eyes.
But at least their story had a happy ending.
I had always thought it could never happen to me… and yet here I was, struck by the ‘thunderbolt’ – the old Sicilian term for love at first sight.
Actually, not ‘love’…
But overwhelming desire.Property © of nōvë-lSve-r$-ê/cóm.
The fact that she’d rejected me only whetted my appetite.
The fire I’d seen in her eyes only fanned the flames of my desire.
I had to have her.
I would have her.
It was only a question of how.
I poured myself another glass of scotch. I figured that was the only way I was going to be able to get to sleep tonight.
And even then, I would dream of her…
And what I was going to do to her once I had her.