Ibegan to undress.
As I did, the moment I knew was approaching finally came.
Lying sprawled out on the bed, still in a post-orgasmic high, Mei-ling watched as I unbuttoned my shirt and laid it neatly over my jacket on the back of a chair.
As soon as I turned around, though, she sat up in surprise. “What’s on your back?”
“Scars,” I said as I pulled off my pants.
She got up from the bed, walked over to me, and slowly traced her fingers across my shoulder blades.
The scars weren’t raised, but I knew the slightly different coloration and texture stood out from the rest of my skin, even in the candlelight.
“What are they from?”
“Women,” I said as I folded my pants and laid them over my shirt.
She frowned. “What the hell did they use on you? It’s not bad enough to be from a cat o’ nine tails – ”
“Their fingernails,” I said as I slipped off my boxers and placed them atop my pants.
Now I was completely naked.
Mei-ling raised one eyebrow and asked sardonically, “Is that some sort of a flex?”
“What do you mean?”
“Are you trying to say you’re so amazing in bed that they couldn’t help themselves, and gouged wounds in your back during sex?”
“Would that surprise you?” I asked in amusement.
She thought for a second. “Given how you just made me feel for the last half hour… no, I guess not.”
I chuckled and kissed her, then pulled away. “Actually, no, it’s not that. I asked them to do it.”
“You didn’t mention that you’re into pain.”
“I’m not.”
She frowned. “Then why did you have them gouge their fingernails into your back?”
“When I’m close to coming and I don’t want to, pain helps me stay in control.”
Her eyes went wide. “You have women do that to you, just so you won’t come? That’s a little extreme!”
“I would’ve thought you’d seen far stranger things in your line of work.”
“Yes – but it’s usually because the person likes it.”
I shrugged. “I suppose I like it.”
“You just said that you’re not into pain.”
“I’m not.”
She exhaled in exasperation. “Explain.”
“Pain is clarifying. It cuts through the clutter and focuses the mind. It gives you control over your body – at least when you’re on the brink of losing control.”
She finally gave me a look of understanding. “Ah… so that’s what you’re into: control.”
“I thought you meant you enjoyed controlling your partner.” She smiled coyly. “Like every time you tell me not to come.”
“Yes… but I want to control myself, as well.”
She nodded. “Now it makes sense: you’re a control freak.”
I narrowed my eyes in playful disapproval. “I don’t know if I’d call it that.”
“Well,” she said seductively as she trailed her fingers down my chest, “I don’t care what you call it as long as you keep making me feel like you did five minutes ago.”
“Deal,” I murmured, and kissed her. “Now let’s go take that shower.”
The water was deliciously hot – a luxury I rarely allowed myself.
But there was Mei-ling to consider, and I didn’t think she would appreciate an ice-cold shower. I was fairly certain it would have killed the mood.
We kissed under the steaming hot spray for a while, but I eventually broke off our kiss and soaped up my rock-hard shaft. I wanted to make sure I was completely clean for whatever happened next.
The sight evidently inspired her, and she began to stroke me. One soapy hand moved sensually up and down my cock, while the other played with my balls.
I groaned and kissed her some more as she slowly caressed me.
Then I forcefully turned her around and bent her over. She had to push her palms flat against the tiled wall to stay upright.
“Oh!” she exclaimed in surprise.
“I have to have you,” I said, my voice thick with desire.
I positioned the swollen head of my cock between her lips.
We hadn’t soaped her up yet, so she was still partially wet from having sex earlier. I could feel the slipperiness of her pussy against my tip.
“You don’t have a condom,” she said breathlessly.
“Is that a problem?”
She took a long time to answer.
“…no,” she finally said.
“Color?” I asked.
“I won’t come inside you.”
“…okay,” she said hesitantly.
With one hand, I held onto her waist…
And with the other, I guided my cock inside her.
It was ecstasy.
She was so wet and soft… sensations that wearing a condom completely masked.
I still felt the same heat and tightness as before, but with the sensual pleasure of skin on skin.
“Ohhhhhhh,” Mei-ling groaned, lowering her head in pleasure as I slid all the way inside her.
I waited for a moment in case she needed to get used to me.
Then I held her waist with both hands…
And began to thrust as fast and hard as I could.
“Oh!” Mei-ling exclaimed as my body slap slap slapped against her ass.
It was amazing –This content belongs to növëlsvēRsé-com .
The way she fit me like a glove –
The soft, wet caress of her pussy on my cock –
The impact of my body against hers, every thrust sending vibrations through her ass –
And the delicious heat of the water running over us.
“Unh – unh – unh – ” she grunted in pleasure every time I slammed inside her.
I reached down with my right hand and grabbed a fistful of her long, wet hair. Then I gently tugged her head back as I continued moving my hips.
“Ohhhhhhh,” she moaned.
She was reacting positively to everything –
But not with the same level of arousal as back in the bedroom.
I thought about how I could get her back to those previous heights –
Then I got an idea.
I stopped fucking her and said, “Put your right hand behind your back.”
She complied. Now only her left palm was pressed against the shower wall.
I grabbed her right wrist in my hand and held onto her tight.
“Now give me your left hand,” I ordered.
“But I’ll fall over,” she protested.
“I’ll hold you up. Give me your left hand.”
She hesitantly removed her left hand from the wall.
It was harder to keep her upright, but I clamped down hard on her wrist to keep her from tipping forward.
When she placed her left wrist over her right, I opened my thumb enough to grasp both her wrists at the same time. My hand was big enough, and her wrists were small enough that it worked.
Now, with both her wrists bound behind her, I pulled back on her hair hard and began fucking her again.
The difference was immediate.
“OH MY GOD!” she cried out as I thrust inside her.
I figured that if I ‘tied her up’ in some way – even without silk strands or rope – she would react differently.
Did she ever.
“OH! OH! OH! OH!” she screamed every time my cock slammed inside her.
“Don’t come,” I ordered.
“But – ”
She whimpered but complied.
I kept thrusting inside her, hard and fast, her ass jiggling with every impact, her entire body swaying.
She clenched her jaw as she tried not to come, but it only muffled her screams. It didn’t stop them.
MM – MM – MM – MM – MM –
Finally she cried out, “PLEASE!”
“Please what?”
“Hold on – ”
“Hold on – ”
I smiled as I thrust into her, making her ass jiggle with every slap slap slap –
Then I growled, “Come for me.”
She howled so loud that the sound was deafening. It reverberated all around us in the confined space of the shower.
As her screams gradually turned into moans, I slowed down and finally stopped. Then I withdrew my cock and helped her stand upright.
When she turned around to look at me, she looked drunk again, her eyes half-closed like she’d been drugged.
We kissed under the hot spray of the shower as I caressed her wet back… her ass… her breasts… her hard nipples.
As I did, she moved her hand slowly over my rock-hard cock.
“I want you to come,” she moaned.
“Then let’s go back to the bed,” I said huskily in her ear.
She nodded in agreement, too overcome to say anything out loud.