That was just the first in a series of erotic adventures over the next week.
At the start of the date, Mei-ling had joked about us having sex all over Hong Kong.
I had written it off as jest… then slowly realized I was turned on by the idea.
Luckily for me, Mei-ling had nearly as big an appetite for risky behavior – like sex in public – as she did for bondage.
On several occasions, we nearly got caught…
The most notable being the night we went to the Hong Kong Opera.
I’ll save that tale for another time.
I found that the more risks we took, the more enthralled with her I became…
And that being on the edge of losing control only increased my obsession with her.
As a result, though, I barely checked in with Lau.Content (C) nOvèl-svêRse/COM.
All I could think of was Mei-ling.
A week passed by in a passionate blur…
Until I got a call from Niccolo.