Chapter 7
I‘m outside the house, my parents have just dropped
me off, and for some reason, I cannot find the strength to
move my feet. At home, I felt like I could conquer the world.
Out here, I feel like people are going to step all over me.
Come on, Amiera, where is the girl we just met? The one
that promised that she would make Bryan regret his actions
tonight? She‘s inside of you somewhere; let her come out.
My little pep talk to myself manages to give me enough
strength to start moving towards the door. There are two
guards to the front that opens the door at my arrival, and I
quickly thank them and step inside.
I feel a sense of anxiousness wash over me as the vast
crowd instantly greets me. People were drinking, hugging,
kissing. No wonder my parents never let me come to these
things; it was intimidating for someone like me who‘s never
experienced it before. Not to mention that everyone here
had come with someone or more than one person in some
cases. While I was here by myself, knowing fully well that
Bryan and Aria were about to rub that in my face. They knew just how much I needed them in the past; this time, I would
show them that I could survive without their help.
“I‘m surprised to see you here.” Someone says behind
of me.
I turn to find Abigail staring at me in wonder. Her
I feel shy under their gazes, and suddenly, I want to run and hide. I wouldn‘t say I liked the attention from these strange men; I only wanted to prove a point. This was all for Bryan... Or maybe it was for someone else. I wasn‘t sure anymore; I still had feelings for Bryan, and I wanted him to
regret what he did, but I couldn‘t ignore the fact that
someone else had made a strong impression on me.
I study Abigail closely; I didn‘t see her as the type to
attend these things. She was always so shy, and as far as I
know, I‘m the only person she‘s spoken to like this.
“My brother forced me to come,” she says as if reading
my mind. “He said some things about me always being
locked up in my room. He called me weird amongst other
things, but I don‘t want to bore you with the details.”
“If I‘m honest, I never knew that you were this kind and
easy to get along with,” I say to her. I didn‘t know what made
me say this to her, but I meant it. I was happy that she was
this kind; I needed someone after losing my two best friends,
and she was there for me; a complete stranger turned out to
care more for me than the closest people to my heart.
She chuckles nervously, “I don‘t really like making
friends. I don‘t trust people, and from your experience, you
can tell why. However, something about you makes me want
to be friends with you. Not just the fact that I want to be
there the moment your ex–boyfriend and best friend see their mistake blow up in their faces.”
Abigail‘s face suddenly turns serious, “bitch alert,” she
whispers under her breath, and I follow her gaze to see
Ashley heading our way. I‘m surprised that I seem to be the
center of her attention; she doesn‘t usually waste time
speaking to me. Could this be because I was all dressed up
today, or was it because she saw me next to Adam
“Hi, Amiera, it‘s nice of you to attend one of the parties
finally.” I can hear the sarcasm in her tone but choose not to
entertain her.
“Thank you,” I say in the most carefree way that I could.
“I saw everything that happened with Aria and Bryan.
Are you okay?” She asks.
I know that she‘s not genuinely concerned about me
but instead wants to rub it in my face that my boyfriend
cheated on me with my closest friend.
“I‘m doing better than I thought that I would be. Thank
you so much for being so concerned about me, but I think
that I will be okay; you do not need to worry about me
whatsoever.” I respond, again not letting her get to me. I
knew her kind well; they fed on the sorrow of others, I would
not give her that satisfaction.
The crowd begins to separate, and I have to wonder
what‘s causing this change of events. The girls are all sighing,
and the men look intimidated by our new guests. Even
Ashley seems to be preoccupied with whoever it is that‘s
The crowd begins to separate, and I have to wonder
what‘s causing this change of events. The girls are all sighing.
and the men look intimidated by our new guests. Even
Ashley seems to be preoccupied with whoever it is that‘s
causing all of this.
And then I see him.
My murky prince. Today he has on jeans and a white
shirt that looks almost too small for him. I‘m surprised the
flimsy material hasn‘t ripped as yet from his physique.
He‘s even more beautiful tonight under the disco lights.
It suddenly occurs that he is heading in my direction,
and my legs begin to tremble. His eyes connect with mine, and I‘m in shock when he stops right in front of me. I wish!
had something next to me to hold onto; my body is not
prepared to be this close to him. I‘m fighting to stand, and it
doesn‘t help that he isn‘t going anywhere.
Here go the whispers again. I close my eyes and pray for
them to stop; it was easier like this when I didn‘t have to
stare into his gorgeous eyes. I gasp when he places both
hands against my ear. I look up at him with wide eyes,
It‘s like he knows what‘s happening to my body, but
that‘s impossible. He shouldn‘t know this; no one should
flimsy material hasn‘t ripped as yet from his physique,
He‘s even more beautiful tonight under the disco lights.
It suddenly occurs that he is heading in my direction,
and my legs begin to tremble. His eyes connect with mine,
and I‘m in shock when he stops right in front of me. I wish I
had something next to me to hold onto; my body is not
prepared to be this close to him. I‘m fighting to stand, and it
doesn‘t help that he isn‘t going anywhere.
Here go the whispers again. I close my eyes and pray for
them to stop; it was easier like this when I didn‘t have to Exclusive content from nò.vēlsveRsē.com.
stare into his gorgeous eyes. I gasp when he places both
hands against my ear. I look up at him with wide eyes.
It‘s like he knows what‘s happening to my body, but
that‘s impossible. He shouldn‘t know this; no one should
know. There are rumors that the dark whisperers can sense
all of your feelings, and now I feel like it‘s true from the look
in his eyes. It‘s the only explanation. How else could he
possibly know that I needed someone to stop the whispers
for me?
His gaze sweeps over my face, and my lips open as a soft
gasp leaves my mouth.
What are these strange feelings pulsing through my
and my legs begin to tremble. His eyes connect with mine,
and I‘m in shock when he stops right in front of me. I wish! had something next to me to hold onto, my body is not prepared to be this close to him. I‘m fighting to stand, and it
doesn‘t help that he isn‘t going anywhere.
Here go the whispers again. I close my eyes and pray for
them to stop; it was easier like this when I didn‘t have to
stare into his gorgeous eyes. I gasp when he places both
hands against my ear. I look up at him with wide eyes.
It‘s like he knows what‘s happening to my body, but
that‘s impossible. He shouldn‘t know this; no one should
know. There are rumors that the dark whisperers can sense
all of your feelings, and now I feel like it‘s true from the look
in his eyes. It‘s the only explanation. How else could he
possibly know that I needed someone to stop the whispers
for me?
His gaze sweeps over my face, and my lips open as a soft
gasp leaves my mouth.
What are these strange feelings pulsing through my
veins? And how is it possible that the whispers have stopped
now that his hands are over my ear?