Chapter 12
“Are you okay?” Abigail asks, drawing my attention back
to her. Her eyes are filled with curiosity as she waits for me to
answer her.
Did she notice something? Was I indeed that obvious?
But when have I never been?
“‘Yes, why do you ask?”
She quirks a brow, “maybe it‘s because you‘re staring at
Adam and Lizzie with a look of vengeance on your face. I
thought that look would have been directed at Bryan and
Aria; I must say I‘m surprised that it‘s for those two instead.
While your ex–boyfriend can‘t stop looking your way, your
eyes have been glued to the forbidden dark prince. I‘m
surprised, that‘s all.”
i blush at her words, “|– uh...”
What did I tell her? And what did she mean by Bryan
couldn‘t stop looking my way? I didn‘t notice him looking at
me, but it‘s not like I was paying attention to him to know
whether that was true or not.
“You don‘t have to tell me if you don‘t want to.” She
cuts me off. I loved this about Abigail; she never tried to force
me to tell her anything. Aria was never like that; she always
insisted that I told her everything about my life even when I
wasn‘t comfortable talking about certain things. I should
stop comparing the two of them; they were both different in
shouts and ducks her head when the teacher looks at us.
“I know, I don‘t know why I did it,” I whisper when she
stops looking our way. “I just lost control over my body;
couldn‘t stop myself last night even if I wanted to.”
“How are you not intimidated by him? I would be scared
out of my mind to follow any one of his kind out into the
woods all by myself. I know they haven‘t exactly tried to take
over the world as yet, but it‘s still written in the prophecy.”
Of course, the stupid prophecy that will never come
true. Why was that even written in the first place?
“That‘s not all,” I tell her.
Her eyebrows raise in shock, “I can‘t possibly think what
could top this.”
I take a deep breath before I begin to try to explain what
happened. “I sort off... Well, it‘s a long story, but the night
ended with me kissing his bare chest. He took off his shirt in
front of me, and the first thing I did was kiss him there. !
know I‘m crazy, and I honestly think that I‘m losing my damn
mind, but I did it, and I feel like it‘s the worst thing that!
could have possibly done yesterday.”
Abigail drops the juice she was drinking and spills it all
over the table, She quickly cleaned it up before it could mess
up our books or before the teacher could notice us again!
was already not her favorite student; I think I wasn’t any
teacher‘s favorite student since I couldn‘t create fire; I made
something like that. Scratch that; there is no way you‘re
INSANE enough to do that.”
I wish that were the case, but clearly, I should stick a
paper on my forehead that called me crazy so that people
would stay far away from me.
“It‘s up to you to believe me or not, but that‘s what
happened. I haven‘t been able to sleep since last night. I
can‘t get over it. I don‘t understand what made me do
something so crazy either. It was like I had no control over
my body.”
Abigail‘s eyes are wide, and it‘s a wonder how they
haven‘t popped out of her head as yet.
“I can‘t believe this.” she whispers, “you‘ve always been
this innocent girl that never broke the rules. Then Bryan
breaks your heart, and it‘s like you‘ve snapped into this bad
bitch. Which isn‘t a bad thing, so you don‘t have to look that
way. But wait, what was his reaction after you made such a
bold move?”
I sigh as I remember the way he shouted for me to leave
last night. From the stories I‘ve heard about Adam, he‘s
usually the type to welcome a woman into his bed quite
easily. I can‘t tell if the rumors are accurate however, it could
just be stories from the many girls that have always wanted
just a taste of him.
The ringing of the bell snaps me out of my thoughts. I
can‘t help but watch Adam and Lizzie walk out of the
can‘t help but watch Adam and Lizzie walk out of the
classroom. They are perfect for each other; they match in
every way possible, even in the way that they both walked.
She is the kind of woman everyone would expect to be
Adam‘s girlfriend, not someone like me.
“Let‘s get something to eat,” Abigail says as she senses
my foul mood. I follow her out into the cafeteria; after
collecting our food in the trays, we walk towards the first
empty tables that we see.
“So,” she says after taking her first bite. “Are you going
to continue the story? I hope I‘m not making you
uncomfortable; you don‘t have to tell me unless you want
1. to. I just want to make that clear to you. However, I am
excited to know the rest of the story. I don‘t think I‘ll ever
know what it‘s like to have such an eventful night with a dark
My cheeks are red now, but before I can respond, I see
footsteps heading our way. Part of me wishes that it was
Adam, but I know that it would be impossible. Adam hasn‘t
looked at me once since I entered the cafeteria. Lizzie has
had his full attention ever since she caught him looking at
me earlier. He‘s finally started avoiding me, and I can‘t blame
him. What I did yesterday was unforgivable and not
forgetting, insane,
I‘m just grateful that he didn‘t tell anyone in school, at
least as yet. If he‘d done that, there would have been a lot of
I‘m just grateful that he didn‘t tell anyone in school, at least as yet. If he‘d done that, there would have been a lot of
comments being sent my way. But none of that was happening so far. Everyone was too busy admiring the lovely
couple even to look my way, which should be a good thing,
except I am not happy in the least.
Why would he even bother about me? I was clearly
irrelevant in his life. He would be preoccupied now that his
ex–girlfriend was back in his life. And I still wasn‘t even sure if
she was still his ex or if they were back together.
Someone clears their throat, reminding me of where !
was. Still in the cafeteria, dreaming about Adam.
I‘m surprised to see Bryan, well, not all that surprised. I
did see footsteps coming towards me earlier.
“Why are you here, Bryan?”
“I just want to talk to you.” He says. “I saw you go into
the woods last night... And I‘m not sure what time you
came back out, but I did notice Adam returning... I just want
to make sure that nothing happened to you out there.” Exclusive content from nOveLsveRSē__com.
I want to laugh at his bogus concern. Why was he
pretending to care about me now? Why now, out of all the
days we cared about each other? I‘m sorry, all the days!
cared for him. I didn‘t believe that he was finally growing a
“What I do or don‘t do from now on should not be your
namentando un
What did I have to do to get this guy to leave me alone?
Why couldn‘t he see that it wasn‘t his place to worry about
me anymore or, in this case, pretend to worry about me.
He rubs his face in frustration, “how can this not concern me when I still care for you?” he demands. “I‘m
allowed to care for you, aren‘t I? I‘m not heartless, Amiera.
Adam is a f*****g dangerous guy; I don‘t think you should
ever have anything to do with him. You‘re smarter than that.
I understand that you may be trying to get back at me for
everything I’ve done for you. But don‘t you think that you‘re
overdoing it now? I mean, if you needed to get back at me,
couldn‘t you choose a less dangerous guy than Adam? Pick
anyone else. Just don‘t destroy your life by entertaining
someone like him.”
My eyes shoot up to him in annoyance. Out of everyone
to see me following Adam into the woods, why did it have to
be him? And why does he think that I‘m doing this to get
back at him? Did he really believe that everything was about
him? Could he not see that I was trying my best to limit any
sort of physical contact between the two of us?
I‘m about to express my annoyance with him when
someone joins us.
My lips part when I see Adam standing to the side of me,
much closer than Bryan.
His tongue is against his cheek, and I don‘t know how to
him? Could he not see that I was trying my best to limit any
sort of physical contact between the two of us?
I‘m about to express my annoyance with him when
someone joins us.
My lips part when I see Adam standing to the side of me,
much closer than Bryan.
His tongue is against his cheek, and I don‘t know how to
read the emotion on his face. He doesn‘t even pay any
attention to Bryan; in fact, he acts like he is invisible to him.
He leans down and places both of his hands on the
table in front of me. I hear myself hiccup as he leans in closer
so that our faces are inches apart. Once again, I‘m
embarrassing myself in front of him. When did I ever hiccup
this much before?
He pins me with his gaze, and I think I forgot how to
breathe. “A bunch of my friends and I are having this movie
night, be there tonight... ten, at my place.”
He straightens himself and pinches his t–shirt right
above the spot I kissed last night. I don‘t know if he did that
to tease me or if I was reading too much into it. Either way,
can‘t help the rush of images that bombard my mind all at
I press my legs together and swallow hard.
“Tonight. I‘ll be waiting.”
Igape at him, obviously in shock that he said that to me
in front of Bryan and Abigail. In fact, I‘m shocked that he