Chapter 16
shout.laan liste du thuy
in his vale, but i cant pay
attention to it. The humint
What is going with each passing cond, and that’s the only thing that my body is focused on. It‘s consuming me and swallowing me whole, unlike anything I’ve ever felt in
There life. It’s too much for my tiny body to handle and I
can’t stop what happens est, renif i wanted to Exclusive content from nó/vêl_SveRSE-cøm.
“hidam!”İxNam. “My body feels like it’s on fire!”
I don’t know what to do to stop the pain, it hurts everywhere, and I just want it to stop. I need someone to make it all go maled it to leve now; didn’t want to
this way, this was torture
“Please”I cry through the pain. Place top the pain.”
I blink a couple of time to see multiple emotions
bombard Adam’s face. I can’t tell what he’s thinking but it
could just be base I’m distracted.
Why isn’t he doing anything? Why isn’t he trying to help
“ADAMI” I scream louder this time
Something seems to snap in him before he grabs me
and strolls with me in his arms out the door. I don’t know
where he’s carrying me as he pushes open another door and
then another. He stops somewhere, but I’m in too much paini
to realize where
ate No
I’m in loa muh pain to ask him to top, but lalu dan’t
know whether or natin him to. It’s a wonder that may
mind could still think like this despite all of the parti it’s in.
He grabs me by my waist and places me under the wala with him. My hands a gainst his bare chest, and the
war iclouding my eyes as it flows down my hexand throughout my entire body.
I don’t know what’s happening between us, but I know
that I never want it to stop, not today, not tomorrow, not
The water flowing throughout my body helps cool the
blazing fire inside me, but I don’t think that’s the real reason,
Somehow I know that it’s Adam’s presence that’s boline
the flames. I don’t know how I know this, but I do
I think that he does too. He somehow knows that I’ll
need him like this, the only way that I could feel any reliel. How does he know this? Why do I feel like he understands
me better than anyone else does?
I had so many questions and zero answers. I wanted the
answers so severely, but more than that, I wanted this man
in front of me.
My lips part when he grasps my face in his hands and slowly drags them down my neck. My body goes stiff when
he pulls his hand
unbeches the day breasts. i
s ari hear hindrag in a breath, beati don’t thinki held him reht. Ada hardly shown matbildene my thighs when he continues to lower his hands on my tury and then to my hias.
Everywhere his hands‘ touch the fire completely
diugurs. It’s almost as though his hands te maut.
I‘m breathing hard when he puts down to his knees in front of me and continues to drag his hands down. I feel my body jump when he reaches my thight. I don’t know what
want, but I definitely don’t want him to stop. I’m carving
something, and I don’t know how to ask him for it.
I close my eyes when he
es past my maut sensitive
spot. To my disappointment, he doesn’t stop there;
continues to drag his hands down my legs until
my feet
That’s what all of this is about; it’s just him trying to
stop the fire from burnine. I dont understand what caused
my body to malfunction like this. Was it just because i
touched that golden candlei it couldn’t be, a candle
shouldn’t be able to do something like that to me.
Does this have something to do with the fact that i
couldn’t create fire? Could my body finally be able to emit
flames? I wasn’t sure what had just happened, but I knew
that I needed to get answers soon before this ever happened
to me again.
Adam gibi up from the ground and turn the shower of Het out while stay in the willin shock. I don’t know it I’ll ever be able to recover from tonight. So much happened in such the time.
I can’t even mention this to my parents because they
would literally turn to flames them
. I shouldn’t
be here, but yet hen i am not only was in Adam’s home.
but I was also in his bathroom, soaking from head to toe and
aching from the inside for so much more than he’d ever been
willing to give to me
He walks over to me and hands me a towel. Our gazes leck for a few seconds, and that’s all it takes for the hiccups
to start. Adam jaw clenches, and he take a few steps back from me, almost as though he does not trust himself around
me… Or it could be that he doesn’t trust me around him.
“I’ll ask my sister to lend you some clothes.”
That was another prablem. What would I say when
Abigail asked me why I was wearing something totally
different from what I left the house with. Telling her wouldn’t
be as bad as telling my family, but I still wasn’t sure that
wanted anyone to know about the details of this incident.
Adam takes one more look at me before boling for the
door. Itake myself out of the bathroom and sit on the edge
of his bed, placing the towel under me. The picture frames
on the wall confirmed that this is in fact, his room,
I was in Adam Ashford’s room. I try not to do a girly
dare in my head after realiring this melart. slowly
He was always a bathtakinely handari person. If I
We to look back at any of my photos, I would bring a hously I looked Adam didn’t have that problem, he has always been
Mybuchseiffens when I feel his presence behind mit
He’s so close that can feel his hot breath an my neck
Why is he this case to me? Does he not know what that does to my body by now?
“How are you feeling?” He asks. “Is the pain one?”
i nad my head without tuming around to look at him. I’m still embarrassed from having his hands all over my
I have so many questions that I want to ask him, but I’m
not sure if he will have the answers that I’m looking for
“Hey,” he says behind me. “Look at me.”
I slowly do as he asks, and linhale deeply the moment
that his face fills my vision once more. Again, I can’t think
clearly. I’m mesmerized by how his hair falls over his forehead from being wet; how is it possible that he looks this good even while being soaked from head to toe? Water is
dripping down his face, and the same is happening
throughout the rest of his body, and all I can do is trace each
droplet with my eyes; I wish that I could use my hands or
even my mouth, but I somehow find the control that I didn’t
hun bir
He w
Tunely Cooned about
elf that may want him to be that way my be allowing
multo send to him that don’t even exist.
“I know that this may sound stupid to you, but
somehow I think that you knew
thing about what
happened to my body just now. How did you know that your …”I clear my throat my cheaks turn redder. “Your hands on my body would help stop the pain.”
His jaw clenches and his fise tightens to his sides, and i
wonder if I’d somehow managed to anger him
“You said that your skin felt like it was burning Ön
instinct, I took you to the shower. It’s not me that helped
you; it was the water.”
I’m about to respond to him when he hands me the
clothes. “I think that you should get dressed and leave. I
know how strict your parents are. You don’t want to stay out
too late.
Suddenly, I want to tell him the truth; I want him to
know that I risked everything to see him here tonight. I’m
silly for thinking this way, but it’s simply the way that he
makes me feel.
I blush, “they don’t know that I’m here.”