I went to my room for a quick shower and change so I could present myself. I guess no time like the present to see if they would be favorable to me and Katie living in the human town. I pray this meeting will go ok.
I knocked and the dark cherry door. Alexander answered enter. I walked into what used to be his father's office. He hadn't changed very much. There were a few books missing from the shelves replaced with clay figures that if I recalled correctly, I would bet Alex had made himself. "Fillian." Amanda snapped me from my daze. "How do you greet your new Alpha."
"Yes sorry Luna and Alpha."
"I am sure you are wondering why you are here," Amanda said without a glance.
"Yes Luna."
"You are here because you were the only one not present at the ceremony and did not come last night to pledge your service to our new Alpha."
I looked from Alex to Amanda back to Alex.This belongs to nòvêl$vERSê_cøm.
"What she means is every pack member has the opportunity to pledge themselves to this pack." Alex said. Looking at his Luna.
"Alpha I am not familiar with what I am supposed to say."
"Hahaha...That is right you didn't go to school past 12. What a poor pathetic excuse for a wolf...Oh wait are you a wolf? It was your birthday yesterday after all. Did you even shift? I bet you are just as small in wolf form."
"I wish I could show you a thing or two" Sasha growled in the back of my mind.
"That is great news Fillian, but I did not feel a new phased wolf." Alex said looking at me.
"No." I replied maybe too quickly. "I mean I didn't phase last night. But thank you Luna for remembering my birthday." She made a shrug.
Alex looked back to me. "I have never heard of one of us without a wolf. I will have to speak with my father about this."
I thought now or never. "Alpha I was wondering..."
"Yes, sorry back to the reason you were here." Alex said. "The pledge. It is fairly simple. You just say I pledge myself to Dark Moon Pack and Alpha Alexander. To protect and serve when called upon."
"That is it?"
"Yeah, I was surprised too but that is it. Very similar to going leaving the pack where you withdraw your pledge." Little did he know he had given me what I wanted without me asking.
"Alex she is taking too long." Amanda wined. Little hope to get any sympathy from her in the future. I guess the Arrendo family are alike. She walked behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. She wasn't his Luna yet although a bit older than me she would not really know if they were mates until she turned 18. But everyone already accepted her as Luna.
I give her an apologetic look knowing my place and respond. "I pledge myself to the Dark Moon Pack and Alpha Alexander. To protect and serve when called upon. May I leave now?"
"Yes," responded Alexander. "One more thing though regarding yesterday."
This should be good I thought.
"You know I wouldn't let anyone hurt Kate. She is most beloved among our pack. Since you defended her, I will let you have the rest of the day off."
"Thank you Alpha." I bowed and exited. I wondered if that was the reason or if it was because of what Dane had done that he wanted to make amends. Either way I knew where I stood with both the new Alpha and Luna.
I decided to pick up Katie early from school and take her on a picnic. Mrs. Loveta wasn't excited that the Alpha had given me the afternoon as there was still guests, but most would be leaving in the morning
and I promised I would check in tonight to get my list for tomorrow.
I packed leftovers from the night before into a nice picnic basket and went to get Katie.
"Filli!" Katie called when she saw me. "You came early and you have a picnic basket. Are we going on a picnic?"
"Yes, I promised you I would make it up to you and the Alpha was so nice to give me the afternoon off."
"I like him he is a good Alpha. Can we go back to my room to get your present?"
"Yes Katie." I replied. We picked up her backpack. I thanked the teachers and we headed out. Katie talked about her friends at school and many different other topics as we made our way back to her room. Once there she gave me my present which was a cookie, she said she made with Mrs. Loveta. It was very sweet rarely do we get sweets.
We headed to an open grass area that was by the forest we would take in our escape. I thought best to do a bit of investigation on the area when we can.
We ate our fill of all the items we had brought. Katie was singing, dancing, and tumbling around in the green grass. It was a beautiful day the sun was out, and the breeze was like a cool fan that would blow just at the right time. There was barely anyone here. I saw the occasional warrior patrol but it seems like she was on an hour rotation.
After 3 hours of playing in the field. I started to pack up. I wanted to get Katie home before dark and the sun was just about to set. Sasha came to my mind, and I could feel her alertness. "Sasha what is it?" I thought.
But before she could answer I heard it "Fillian why are you way out here by yourself?" it was Dane and he seemed to be in a mad mood.
**Triggering warning ***
This could not be happening. It was only me and Katie. Not even the warrior would pass by for another 30 minutes. I looked for Katie she was frozen like a deer in headlights with fear apparent on her face. Sasha was pacing in my head trying to control taking over. I knew if she did it would ruin everything.
I looked back to Katie and then to Dane trying to decide what to do. Dane moved quick to my side and griped my left arm. I winced. "Get her to leave or do you want her to watch?" he whispered into my ear.
I closed my eyes trying to compose myself. I put on the best smile I could and looked directly at Katie. "Katie dear, could you take the basket and plates back to Mrs. Loveta for me? Tell her I will be along shortly. Dane wants to talk with me."
A tear dropped from Katie's eye. "I will not leave you here. I need help bringing it back."
I took a big breath held it. Dane squeezed even tighter around my arm and growled you have five seconds to make her leave. 5....4.....3...
"Katie Elizabeth! Do what I asked you and do it now." I growled at her. Tears started flowing even more and she started to hiccup but thankfully my reprimand made her move to clean up and leave.
It didn't take long and once she was far enough away Dane threw me to the ground. "You little b***h. I got a lecture from Alex because of you." He said while landing a kick to my stomach.
Sasha still pacing in my mind growled "Let me out he needs to pay."
I thought back "No you said we couldn't phase. I have taken much worse."
Another kick to the stomach and he pulls me up by the hair. "I am going to enjoy this," he said. Coming closer to me I could see rage but something else in his eyes. He spins me around so my back if firmly against him and I can feel him grow underneath his pants. I start to panic.
His hand slowly moves from my neck to my shirt as he starts to unbutton it. "You need to be taught a lesson about who is in charge. Don't fight me or it will be much worse for you." In that moment I decide to do as he asks after all I cannot fight him without my wolf strength, and I cannot take another beating if we are going to be leaving.
He gets to the last button and removes it from me. I am now standing against him in my black bra and pants he starts to move his hands down my neck through the space between my breasts. To my stomach where he spins me around to face him. My eyes are filling with water as he takes my body in. I shiver from the wind or is it from fear. I cannot know which one. "Take the rest off." I hesitate which earns me a back hand hardest he has ever hit me. I spit blood out.
One tear escapes me. My hands shake as I slowly remove the rest of my clothing. He starts to move his hands down my sides and around my rear and pulls me to his front. "b***h you have two options. Shift for me or give me release."
He moves his one hand to my b****t where he brings his mouth to s**k on the harden n****e. His other hand moved from my back to between my folds. This added new shock I can't...I can't. He brings his lips to mine and plants a kiss. I do not respond just stand there numb. Another back hand is landed and makes me dizzy, and I land on the ground. I squeeze my eyes close and start repeating go away in my head over and over and over. I think please go away. My skin starts to feel warm; I think I may be shifting. "Sasha. We can't shift!" I cried.
"We aren't just trust your instincts," she said.
He pulls me up with my hair to face him one more time while he growls. "You are mine now and I will do with you as I please. Your eyes are purple...wait no!"
I could feel energy growing with in me and I yell "GO AWAY!" Dane flies across the field. I don't know if he is unconscious or dead, but I have no want to check. I pull my clothes back on and run fast back to my room. We must leave now. I just pray Katie will understand.