Chapter 34 - Omega Princess

We found Katie going through all her items when we got to her room.

"Mom," she said, bounding over. "There is so much stuff. More stuff than we had packed. My Omega said they bought items they thought I would like."

"Katie, what is your Omega's name?" I asked.

"I don't know she said to call her Omega." She said.

"You know that is not how I raised you." I said as she started to give me a stubborn look. "By tomorrow please know their names. This is Millie. We thought we would come get you and we could show you my room and get ready together." "Yes princess," her Omega responded. The Omega was maybe 15.

I smiled and reached out for her hand. "I am Fillian. What is your name?"

Shocked but encouraged by Millie's smile. She responded. "Samantha."

"Samantha is a beautiful name. Will you help us pick out an outfit befitting tonight's dinner and meet us in the room? I know your shift is ending and you can let the next helper know where we will be." I said, grabbing hold of Katie's hand.

We all left to go back to my room. Where Millie and Samantha left, and Amelia took over for me and Amy took over for Kaite. Amy seemed young to work at the palace. I guess Katie and I were working at the pack house quite young as well. I just wished children could be children. I guess I thought I would be human and wished to live like that.This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

Amelia and Amy were not as talkative as Millie, but they did have good taste and at no time at all we were ready. I was in a black cocktail dress with white accents that was the perfect combination between business and sexy. My hair was down with loose waves. My white, blonde hair against the black looked good. I am glad I let Amelia talk me into wearing it down.

Katie was in a cute sun dress and her hair braided in a crown with flowers that matched her dress. Dinner was to be a formal event, after which the children would be escorted away to bed. The adults would stay for mingling. During this time, it is when I would sneak away to meet up with Eric.

I linked Eric to meet in the garden just off the large patio. The moon was out so there was a lot of light. I slipped out after telling Prince Cole who had been glued to my side, I needed to use the restroom. I left the restroom and used a side door to go into a library. There would be another door to the main balcony from here. I saw it when Cole took me on a tour.

I rushed down the steps and took the first turn linking Eric.

"One more turn." He said when I almost ran right into him.

"Eric." I said "What is going on? We could have done this over the link."

"I can't. When you link me, it hurts. It makes me feel like I am betraying Cora." He said and pulled his hands over his face.

"Eric, you need to speak straight and fast. I will be missed." I said, looking around hoping that I wasn't missed yet, knowing I would be.

"Ok. I need your help. They don't want Cora to be my mate." Eric was seriously having me sneak around for this?

"And?" I asked.

"And they want you to mate with Cole." Oh, so this revelation was a bit more shocking. Ew was the response from Sasha.

"They know he is not my mate. I guess they think if he charms me enough I will choose him and he has the ability to choose who he wants as well. I am not even sure he likes me."

"Filli, that doesn't matter to them, they only want their royalty to be assured. If you don't join them and take your place as princess and future queen, they will keep Katie. This is to be in the negotiating this week." Eric paced back and forth when he told me. "Have you told Vincent?" I asked.

"Of course, not if he knew he would be here and start a war we cannot win." Eric said, grabbing me by the arms. "It is bad enough I have a long way to go with Cora. She loves me but feels the pull of responsibility to marry someone above me."

"Eric, can you give me a few days? I will think of something. Until then we must act like you do not know this." Had started to walk away but spun around. "Eric, how did you find out?"

"Cora talks in her sleep," he said. "It is so cute."

I made a gaging motion like heart bubbles above his head were grossing me out. I need to learn about the history of the family and fast. I headed back to the gathering.

The moment I walked through the door, Cole was by my side. "That took some time. My parents wanted to talk with you." "Great, I will go find them." I tried to walk away.

"No, they are in the library. I was to escort you." He said, looping my arm around his. His parents were seated at the table.

"I hope you are enjoying yourself tonight," Queen Carmella stated.

"I am, dinner was amazing, thank you. Also, thank you for calling me here. I would love to know more about the history of the royal family," I said as I sat across from the king. Cole took his seat next to me. Putting his arm around me. Sasha growled in my head. For the moment though, if they wanted me to be with Cole, I needed to play along.

The king and queen smiled at each other. "Wonderful, the queen said. You can find what you need right here." She walked over to a line of books. "These books are logs of all the royalty that came before. If you have any questions, go to Cole. They study history as they grow up."

"Fillian, that is why we called you. We would like to ensure that Katie ends up in the book as well." He said, trying to read me, and continued. "We would like to betroth her to our son."

"Fillian, that is why we called you. We would like to ensure that Katie ends up in the book as well." He said, trying to read me, and continued. "We would like to betroth her to our son." "Excuse me what?" I started, my eyes turning violet as I looked towards Cole.

"No, of course not Cole, our other son Cash." The queen let go of a long-held breath as the king continued. She was not a fan of the poor child. "They are of a similar age, and I believe they will get along well. She could grow up here and they would hopefully be fated mates, but if not, they could always choose each other."

"That is interesting, but I need time to think about it. I hope to give Katie the opportunity to find love in a mate. I am not saying it can't be Cash, but I want her to decide," I said.

The king laughed. "Young lady, you have a lot to learn about how to be a leader and how royals act.

"That may be true, but until a few years ago I was a wolf less Omega. I have done many things and I like to think I will find my own path. So will Katie." I got up. "Please excuse me, I am tired from all the travel."

I headed towards the door. Cole stood to join me, but before he did, he said. "Give her a chance a new royal in the book, means times for change."

Maybe Cole would be a friend instead of a foe. I continued to walk up to my room. Cole caught up to me at the end. Right outside the door.

"That was epic." He said, giving me a hug. "No one ever talks to my dad that way. They just go along with everything he says."

"I did that most of my life and I will not continue to do it. The goddess gave me many paths and I must walk them and not let anyone choose which one is right for me." I said, putting my hands on my hips. "Your cute when you are mad." Cole said, removing a piece of hair from my shoulder, leaving his hand near my neck in the process.

"Thank you and goodnight." With that, I opened the door and slipped out of his reach and closed the door in his face. I could hear him leaning against the door.

"Don't even think about it," Sasha said.

"I wasn't." I really wasn't. "I was thinking about whether his interest was an act or real. If real, we may be able to use that to our advantage to get information quickly. "That is a dangerous game, but it could work." Sasha said. "But those that play with fire get burned and that boy is definitely fire."