Chapter 7 - Our Luna, Our Mate by Linda Middleman


Our Luna, Our Mate Chapter Athena's POVFrom nO-vëLSvEr$_è/Com.

I was still sitting by the koi pond when I slowly began to notice that it was starting to get dark out as the sun slowly started to set, making the sky change to that of beautiful shades of pinks and oranges with subtle hints of purple.

"Guess it's time to head home before Aunt Leah decides to give us hell again" I mutter as I move to stand, the container from earlier resting off to the side of me before picking it up as I stood not wanting to leave it behind.

One of these days, this family's going to get what's coming to them' comes Artemis's reply as she stretches her limbs after laying for so long.

I know, but until we're officially safe, we can't go wishing any harm to befall them' I tell her, reluctantly as I did..

But harm is allowed to befall us?' asks Artemis in annoyance that I was attempting to stand up for my family and the way they had been treating me.

"That's not what I'm saying and you know it' I say, trying to correct her. 'All I'm saying is that we need to just avoid them until after the ball".

'Fine' huffs Artemis with a thought. 'Can we atleast go for a run? Please? It's been so long since you last let me out.

For you anything" I giggle as we slowly make our way towards home, all the while hoping that everyone would be gone so we could enjoy our run for it was true, ever since Me and Artemis had become one, I've barely given her time to just be free. As we continue to walk though, neither of us can help but notice just how much everyone within the pack was blind to what went on around



'It's a shame really, that this pack doesn't seem to mingle like most other packs I muse as I noticed just how much most of the pack tended to avoid one another.

"That's because they're too stuck up to care,' chimes Artemis with a snort.

'Hey, that's not nice' I say to her, all the while as we continued, the walk back to the house was all but cut short as we made it only to notice that the lights were off, indicating that everyone was either gone or still out.

"Yes... they're gone" I whisper as I move to enter the vacant house, making sure to wash and dry


1/4 Chapter &


the container so that there wasn't any evidence from Maya before moving to put it away. Once finished, I quickly moved to exit the house through the back door as it was the only door facing

the forest and making it easy for us to run when we wanted to.

"Ready?" I ask not really caring if anyone heard us.

'Ready' says Artemis as she slowly makes her presence known.

Smiling. I quickly moved to strip off my clothes and shoes before carefully placing them on the back porch just as I let Artemis come forth, the sound of bones and joints breaking and shifting as white tufts of fur began to appear as we soon stood on all fours. Howling, we rush for the forest, the cool air ruffling our fur as Artemis ran, her paws touching everything as she did.

"I forgot how good this felt' purrs Artemis, who hadn't been allowed to run as much as she had wanted to.

"Enjoy, f for maybe with a little luck, we might not have to be here any longer than we need to be comes my reply as I let her take control, for after tonight our destiny would be changed, and hopefully for the better as she moved to chase rabbits and squirrels along with anything else that crosse crossed paths with us. -Forest-

It's hard to say for sure just how long we had been out here as we barely got time to do things like this so it wasn't until the sound of rushing feet that met us that I managed to refocus our thoughts.

"Crap" I groaned as I moved to turn my focus on the sky only to notice that the sun had completely set which now told me we had been out way too long.

"We gotta go" I warned her, knowing that if we didn't get home we could very well be in some

serious trouble for being the only white wolf within the pack not only drew attention but also suspicions as my fur should have been black as I was the daughter of an Alpha but if my family had seen me then there would be no limit to their torture. "Do we have to' whines Artemis who suddenly stopped in her chase with a rabbit, for even though we were a wolf we would never hurt an innocent creature no matter how big or small it was unless our life was in danger.

Yes, the sky is already dark and if we don't get home soon we could be in some major trouble as we enter' is all I say to her. Yet when sensing her hesitation i speak the final words that make her give in, I promise, once we're free we'll run forever.

...Fine' is all she says before turning and running back to our home, all the while hoping we would make it back before anyone else in the family could.

Unfortunately for us, as soon as we had made it home I couldn't help but notice that the lights were all on. 'No... So close' I whine as we skid to a stop once near the porch, scrambling to get dressed before anyone could see me.

"Please... Moon Goddess, don't let them spot me" whisper as I slowly rush up the porch steps and back inside the house all the while trying my hardest to stay quiet.

Upon entering, I slowly made my way inside, entering through the kitchen door as I did as my

eyes moved to scan the room only to sigh when I didn't spot anyone there. My back now turned against the kitchen.

"Where have you been?" asks Diana as she leans against the door frame of the kitchen and dining


"Outside" I reply back, my back still facing her as I stand against the door.

"You know, your lucky mom and dad aren't home yet, otherwise they would be so mad at you for not having supper ready" remarks Diana while using that annoying voice of hers.


I'm sorry, I'íl I get right on it" is my only reply as I move to head for the refrigerator to grab all the necessary items for dinner unaware that Diana had followed me until caging me against the door before I could open it.

"Oh and one more thing... Should you decide to tell mom and dad about my little fun with Alpha

Jacob, I'll be sure to make your night hell as soon as the ball comes" comes the silent threat of Diana as she grabs a fist full of my hair before yanking it back. "Do you understand me?".

"Yes.." I mutter in pain as she moves to shove my head away before storming off, giving me room to work as this was another duty of mine, for along side the many miscellaneous things I had to do, I was then appointed as head cook for my family which meant I had to cook all the meals as the Omega's were told not to.

She better watch her back, one day someone's going to strangle her' growls Artemis as she never did like Diana or her wolf Winter.

Easy there killer, don't go causing us any more unnecessary trouble' I say with a laugh because if I had allowed it she would be the one killing our family in cold blood.

'Fine, but she better watch it, once we find our mate all bets are off, especially should she or Brian do anything to piss us off is all she says as she turns to retreat back into our space, giving me the time needed to cook and make dinner.

Sighing, all I can do is move to start cooking, my eyes every so often moving to look at the clock. on the wall only to see it read 6:30pm which meant my Aunt and my Uncle would be home any minute which slowly made me nervous. "Too late to beg for forgiveness now" is my only reply as I try to be spot on with dinner all the while hoping they wouldn't notice just how late I was.

'Let them try, if they even so much as touch you then they'll have to deal with me' growls Artemis making me smile.

'I know you would, thanks' is my only reply as I carry on with the task at hand, and that was dinner.