Chapter 2 - Prince Justus and the Rogue

Gracia POV

I wake up Cecily early hoping that nobody else will be washing off in the stream this morning. Thankfully, we got there early enough and it looks like it's clear so Cecily and I strip down and wash in the cold water with a bar of soap I have. We use the same towel to dry off with and then I brush each of our hair. Both of our hair goes down to our waist and is thick and flowing. I'm so nervous as this morning we need to meet with Alpha Titian. I tried to meet with him yesterday but was given an appointment time for this morning instead. I pack up our stuff and we start walking towards town.

The town is busy even for an early morning, shops are opening up, and people are getting started with their day. The street is dirt but that is because it's most comfortable for a wolf form even though it's considered rude to be in wolf form in the town. The street is very wide with businesses, shops, and stores lining both sides of the street. Most of the shopkeepers or business owners keep residence above their place of business. On the side streets are upper middle class homes. On the outskirts of town are where the less fortunate people reside. In the middle of town is a huge whitewashed house with large white pillars. This is where the Alpha, his closest leaders, and their families live. On the bottom floor is the kitchen, dining room, meeting rooms, and offices; the other floors are bedrooms.

Cecily and I walk up to the large house and ring the doorbell. A butler answers and lets us in. He remembers us from yesterday and has our appointment time written down. He leads us to the Alpha's office and knocks on the door. Once he has received permission he opens the door. "Alpha Titian, your eight O'clock appointment is here. Mis Gracia and Miss Cecily." Once we walk into the lavishly decorated office the butler disappears as he closes the door. "Good morning, what can I do for you ladies today?" Alpha Titian says with a smile.

"We would like to join your pack." I state confidently.

"What is your former pack?" He asks.

"I would rather not say." My confidence is fading.

"Hmmm. Well, what are your ages and what can you do?" He asks.

"I'm eighteen and my sister is ten. I can cook, clean, take care of children, any menial job that you can offer." I'm getting my confidence back.

"Yes, well we have plenty of people in those positions right now and your sister is too young to help. I'm sorry but I don't see how you would be an asset to our pack and so I'm denying your request to join." He answers rather dismissively. I pull out the signet ring that Prince Justus' gave me. "Prince Justus said I should show you this in case you denied us." I smiled a little too smugly.

"How did you get this?" He asks, looking at me like I just sprouted horns.

"Prince Justus gave it to me." I answered not seeing the problem with me having the ring.

"I don't believe you! Why would the crowned prince give a dirty little rogue his signet ring just so she could join a pack?" He grabs me by my elbow and Cecily by her wrist drags us out of his office. "Guards! I want these two arrested and thrown into a cell in the dungeon immediately! Then a messenger sent to the Royal Palace verifying if Prince Justus did in fact give a rogue his signet ring." Justus POV

I mindlink Emil, Mack, and Jackin to see if they want to go for a run in wolf form after training and they are all for it. Emil asks if I'm hoping to see a certain rogue and the other two chime in with questions because they have not been filled in on the details. One of the three people I'm sparring gets a good punch in on my jaw and I cut off the link to focus on sparring. Funny thing is though that was the only punch he got. I easily defeated my opponents and then headed for the bathhouse and enjoyed the warm water healing my bruises. As a werewolf we heal quickly and all of my cuts and bruises from today's training will be gone within an hour but the water still makes them feel better. After I finish I go to our designated spot to meet the guys.

Emil shows up first. "So, are we going for a run in the forest to let out some stress or are we hoping to run into a certain violet eyed rogue?"

Mack and Jackin show up together. "Yeah what's going on with this rogue? Another quick fling because I'm not running all over God's creation just so you can have a one night stand."

"Emil and I met her yesterday and Jasper, my wolf, confirmed that she is my mate. So, all one night stands are coming to an end for this werewolf." I laugh at their open mouth expressions. "Now how about that run?" "You know your parents are going to disown you if they find out your mate is a rogue but I got your back. Anything you need just come and let me know." Jackin puts his hand on my shoulder as Mack and Emil join in agreement.

We all know the general whereabouts of the rogue camp so we undress and carry our tunics and pants in our mouths and head towards the camp. We get close enough to hear the voices and smell the fire so we transform back into our human selves and put back on our clothes.

Then we walk into the camp cautiously as none of us have ever been in a rogue camp before so this was a new experience for us. "Has anyone seen Gracia and Cecily?" I ask as we near the largest fire.

An older lady stands up. "Yeah I heard them talking last night about going into town to talk to the Alpha this morning but I haven't seen them around all day."Content © növEL$vèrsè.com 2024.

"That's great news! Thank you for the information." I respond politely and we turn to leave. Most of the camp eyes us suspiciously but no one makes a move on us until we're outside the camp.

Three men stand up and block our path exiting the camp. "So, why are you looking for Gracia? I hope you know that she's spoken for." Says the largest one of the group but he's still considerably smaller than I am.

"No, when I met her she failed to mention that to me. Do you have anything else to say or are you just going to stand there?" I'm practically towering over him.

"No you can go as long as you know that she belongs here." Says the man.

"Wow. Did you hear that boys he's letting us go. We should be so grateful." As I walk past him I bump him with my shoulder and knock him off the path and into a mud puddle.

When we get back to our meeting spot and we tug on the rest of our I get a mindlink from my mother and she does not sound happy. I really want to go into town and talk with Apha Titian but I suppose I should speak with my mother first so I tell the boys I'll talk to them later as we all head toward the palace.

My mother is standing on the back porch tapping her foot so this can't be good. The guys pass by her and turn around to give me smirks. "What did I do this time Mother?"

"Come to your father's office. We need to talk." She turns on her heel and heads inside with me right behind her. If she wants to talk to me in my father's office this is really bad.

As we enter my father's office my father looks up from his mound of paperwork. "Hello Son, sit down. We need to talk."

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"Yeah mother said. What is this about?" My parents weren't the warm loving kind; they were distant and expected nothing less than perfection.

"It's about you giving your signet ring to some female rogue. Know anything about that? Care to elaborate?" My father said as he straightened in his chair. He kept the I am better than thou attitude perfectly.

"Sure, she wants to join the pack and I was trying to help her out. So, what?" I can already tell this conversation is going nowhere good.

"By giving her your SIGNET ring? To a FUCKING rogue? You should have had her ass locked up, not helped her out!" I can tell my father is quickly reaching his boiling point so I decide I'm going to go ahead and blow his casket.

"She's my mate. You should be lucky I didn't bring her straight back here." I respond back, curious where this is going to go now.

"She's your what? No fucking way! She can't be your mate. You can't have a rogue as a mate." The vein on the top of my father's forehead had started to pulse.

"Well, if she's allowed to join the pack then she won't be a rogue. Then she can get a job here, maybe working in the kitchen or as a maid." I really don't see what their problem is with this.

"So, what you're saying is you want your queen to be the kitchen help? This is so embarrassing! We'll be the laughing stock of the kingdom. I won't be able to hold my head high at any social function. I don't think I could even appear at the New Year's Ball which you know is my favorite." My mother appears to become overwhelmed and falls back on the couch with her arm across her face.

"Where is she now?" I start feeling worried in the pit of my stomach.

"Where she rightfully should be. She's locked up in Alpha Titian's dungeon awaiting her sentencing. Most likely it will be twenty lashes and then she will be banished from the territory." He barely finishes the last sentence and I jump from my seat and I'm out the door mind linking Emil, Mack, and Jackin to meet me as soon as possible at our meeting spot.

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