Gracia POV
"So Justus, when did you start hanging out with the kitchen help?" She asks, looking me up and down with her arms folded over her chest.
'When he stopped hanging out with sluts like you.' Grey says in my mind.
'Stop it! I can't say that I'll get fired!' I shoot back.
I yank my hand out from Prince Justus' grasp. "I think it's about time for Cecily and I to leave." I walk over to where Cecily is playing with some other kids her age. "Cecily, come on, it's time to go.
But Prince Justus jumps up and brushes the blond off. "You don't have to go yet. Cecily is having a good time with the other kids and we were having a good time talking. Why don't we sit on this bench?" He takes me by the hand and leads me over to the bench. Sparks fly when he touches me and I forget all about the rude blond, that I'm still in my kitchen clothes, and needing to get Cecily off the playground.
"Justus! You would rather sit with kitchen help than me?" She looks stunned with her mouth hanging open. "We are supposed to be mates. I am supposed to be your queen. Time is running out. You have one week to get this straightened out. Then we will both have our crowning ceremonies. You will be crowned king and I will be crowned queen." She lifts her nose up in the air as she says her last statement.
"Bozhena I am never going to marry, sleep with, or stand next to you while you are crowned queen. YOU ARE NOT MY MATE! Do I make myself clear?" His speech is dripped with venom. I can tell they have had this conversation many times before now.Text property © nôvēl/svèrsë.cøm.
"Really now! Well, we'll see what your parents have to say about me versus kitchen help." With that she angrily stomped past us. Justus just shook his head. Bozhena POV
I'm going directly to his father's office. I knock at the door and when I hear a muffled 'come in' I open the door. I see my father and the king behind the king's large desk looking at some maps. They both turn to look at me. "Bozhena! To what do I owe the pleasure for you to pay us a visit?" The king asks, smiling. My father on the other hand raises an eyebrow and looks rather impatient.
"Well, I've come about your son. I assume that you are aware that the basic assumption has been that I would be crowned queen when he is crowned king." I pause for a moment to see if he nods or agrees. "Yes, that's his mother and I have been hoping for. Is there a problem?" He asks, taking in a deep breath.
"Yes there is a problem. Well, it's more like a she to be exact. Some kitchen helper has caught his attention and now he's saying that he doesn't want to marry me or have me at his side during the crowning ceremony. I'm worried that he's entertaining the idea of crowning this kitchen helper! Could he even do that? Isn't it illegal?" She asks, barely taking a moment to breathe
"What? His mother is going to have a fit! This can't happen. We can't let this happen. Beta, as soon as the girl comes back to her room, take her and put her into the dungeon for a week until the ceremony is over." The king responds. An evil grin spreads across my face. "Thank you, your highness. Your decisions are always wise and just."
Justus POV
"Gracia, we need to move you and your sister somewhere safe. If Bozhena goes and talks to my parents my dad may decide to lock you up in the dungeons. I can get you out but I would rather you not go through being locked up again." I say grabbing both of Gracia's hands in mine.
"But that's only a maybe. What if your father does nothing and then I've thrown away a good job and Cecily being able to get a good education over nothing." Gracia says while shaking her head.
"This is only for this week until I am crowned king. Once I am crowned king my parents will have no further say in the matter and I can bring you and Cecily back. Cecily will be able to return to school and you won't have to work ever again. I can give you some time until you're ready to get married and then we'll have our wedding ceremony. Then when you're ready to become queen then we can have your crowning ceremony." He smiles at me when he's done talking like this should be easy peasy.
"You make it sound so easy. Nothing you truly want comes easy. I fear your father not giving you the crown because of me." Gracia says honestly
"He doesn't have a choice. His only alternative is my older brother, Achard, and they haven't spoken in years. The last we heard he was living down off the coast in Croatia. But he has forsaken the family long ago so I don't see my father asking him back to rule. Not to mention he's unpredictable, has a short temper, and usually leaves a path of destruction wherever he goes." As I'm talking, old memories flash through my mind, some great and some very bad. There was never an inbetween with my brother.
"Hm. Sounds like a fun guy." Gracia says a bit sarcastically. "I don't know. I still think I should take my chances here. I'm undecided. I hate the idea of losing my job." She answers honestly.
"I can talk to Chef Randel and Chef Hann about getting you some time off. But the real problem is if they lock you up they'll probably take Cecily and put her in the orphanage until you get out." I know this will get her on my side. "WHAT? I can't be separated from Cecily! I can't let her go into an orphanage where she doesn't know anyone! No I can't let that happen even if it's a maybe." She said firmly.
"Then let me help you. Let me take you somewhere safe." I pleaded.
"Okay. Take us somewhere safe. Some new clothes would be nice though." Gracia walks over to Cecily and tells her to say goodbye to her friends and that it's time to leave.
I come up behind Gracia already in my wolf form so she shifts into hers and then drops down on the ground so Cecily can climb onto her back. We start running through the forest then we go through the village and pass by Alpha Titian's packhouse. Then we're running through hills and valleys. I can see vineyards, fruit trees of all varieties, corn, and wheat dancing in the wind. Finally on the side of a hill we come across a cottage with white with brown trim. I walk up to it and open the door.
"Mr or Mrs Taker?" I call out stepping into the cottage.
Mrs Taker turns to look up from her knitting while she's sitting in her rocking chair in front of the fire. "Well bless my soul if it isn't Prince Justus. I thought you had forgotten about us! Who's this pretty girl you have with you? Oh and look at this beautiful child! Did you run off and get married and not invite us?" She suddenly looks hurt.
"No, not at all. This is my mate Gracia and this is her little sister Cecily. They are going to be staying here for about a week until after the crowning ceremony."
"Why is she not attending the ceremony? Won't she be crowned as well?" Mrs Taker seemed confused.
"Well, when I first met Gracia she was a rogue, then after some trouble I finally got her to join Alpha Titian's pack, and now she works in the castle's kitchen. The problem is mom and dad won't approve of a kitchen helper as queen so they're pushing for the beta's daughter down my throat who I can't stand. Because she's all about power and money." I hate having to explain this to people. I feel like the fact that Gracia was a rogue and worked in the kitchen is nobody's business. It's not that I'm embarrassed but I'm worried that she might be.
"Oh I get it. I know exactly how your parents can be. I've taken care of this cottage for them long enough to know how they look down on others." She says while nodding her head.
"Before I forget, and I apologize for my manners, Gracia, this is Mrs Eda Taker and her husband Georgio Taker is around here somewhere. But they are the caretakers of this place for when my family is not here, which is most of the time. Quaint and cute as this place is, my parents rarely come here. My grandparents lived here with the Takers after grandfather handed the crown down to my father. As a child I used to come out here often to see them but after they passed away we stopped coming." I explained to Gracia.
"Mrs Taker Gracia needs more clothes. Are there still dresses left by my mother and sister in the upstairs closets?" I don't want Gracia wearing nothing but her one kitchen outfit everywhere.
"Yes there are and there are some nightgowns too. She is welcome to any of them." Mrs Taker just keeps smiling while she knits in her rocking chair.
Gracia POV
Justus gives me a kiss and then ruffles Cecily's hair playfully. "I'll come back as often as I can. If I can't come, I'll send someone who can." He leaves, letting me get familiar with Mrs Taker. She turns out to be a lovely lady. She met Mr Taker in her home village and they instantly fell in love. They used to work at the manor for the village where he would be the landscaper and she was the head maid. They traveled out here because of their kids and they found this great job taking care of this place being a maid and landscaper for Justus' grandparents.
The next day comes along and it's almost evening time and I haven't seen Justus. Suddenly there's a knock at the door and Mrs Taker gets up to answer. Two guards push their way in and knock sweet Mrs Taker to the ground. They grab me while Cecily is screaming and trying to hold onto my leg.
One of the guards kicked her in the face to get her off of me. "You fucking bastard!" I scream. I start really struggling against their hold on me, kicking, punching, anything I can think of but they won't let go. Finally one of them punches me in the face and I succumb to darkness.
Please drop me a comment and let me know if you like the story or the chapter. I love all feedback both critical and complimentary. Also check out my other book Dragon Brothers. You can also go to my facebook page for chapter updates and updates on new projects.