Justus POV Three royal warriors stand in my way to Gracia. They are all in human form so I shift back to human form as well. I'm not worried I take three warriors on all the time during training. We start the dance and the first lunges at me and I step to the side and he misses me but I knee him in the stomach and then when he lands I kick him in the face breaking his nose. The second one is a bit more cautious and tries punching me in the face. I block the punch but when I do I grab the arm and break it. Then I land a hard kick to the guy's ribs cracking several bones. While I am focused on the second guy the third one comes up from behind me in his wolf form and grabs a hold of my back sinking his front and rear claws deep into my skin. Then he bites the back of my neck but before he can really get his teeth in I grab him by the fur around his neck and pull him off of me yanking his claws out of my flesh throwing him against a tree. I hear some bones crack when he hits the tree but I don't have time to inspect which ones because the first guy has now gotten back up and is ready to fight again. He lunges at me again and I spin into a back kick and hit him right in the face knocking him out. The second guy is getting up and I know my choices are to either knock these guys out or to kill them because they won't stop coming at me. He lunges at me and I can see the desperation in his face. I jump too and I rip his head off his body while we are in the air. The third guy gets up and runs me and I side step tripping him in the process and he falls to the ground. As soon as he falls I grab his head by his hair and I rip his throat out. The second guy is starting to become conscious and I walk over to him and kneel down. While he is still disoriented I grab his head by his hair pulling back on his head to lift his neck and I cut out his throat.
After I kill the three warriors I shift back into my wolf form and keep going towards where I'm supposed to meet Gracia at the stream. I can't wait to see her again and I'm glad she's giving me this chance even after what Bozhena did and then what she heard my father say. She's been through a lot just by my family alone and I don't even know what her life before she met me was like so I don't know if she has more traumas to overcome there. Finally I see her white wolf sitting by the stream. She's so beautiful sitting on the green grass a butterfly comes along and lands on her ear. She shakes her head and it flys off. I silently laugh at her. If all of our days are this simple I could live like this forever. I walk up to her and our muzzles touch as we lick each other's faces. I take a drink from the stream and then I motion for us to keep going. It doesn't take us long to get to the Taker's house. I was curious if Mr Taker had been able to get home yet or not.. We finally reach the Taker's house but something seems off. The animals had spilled out onto the roadway instead of being kept in their pens, the front door was hanging open at a weird angle, and there was absolutely no noise. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Both Gracia and I shifted back into our human forms. We cautiously crept towards the front door and then inside the house. The inside of the house had been ransacked. Every piece of furniture had been utterly demolished. Anything hanging on the walls had been torn off and broken. Mattresses and pillows had been ripped open and the stuffing torn out. Clothes had been ripped from wardrobes and then torn apart. Mrs Takers' knitting had been thrown in the fire which was now just smoldering. Each room we entered looked worse. Suddenly I could feel Gracia's heart start pumping ten times faster because of the mate bond and she started running from bedroom to bedroom shouting for her sister..
"CELILY!" I heard her shouting.
I was about to go after her when I noticed that the back door was open and what was holding it open was Mrs Taker's legs laying face down. I walked slowly towards the old woman and then I saw Mr Taker in the backyard laying face up. It looked like he had put up quite a fight but in the end his throat was slashed and there were numerous stab wounds on his body as well. It seemed a little like overkill to me. I turned Mrs Taker over and she had stab wounds and cuts on her arms probably because raised her arms to protect herself but in the end she was stabbed numerous times in her stomach and one in her heart.Text property © nóvE_L$_vê-rse-COM.
King Richard POV
I haven't talked to my son Achard in Goddess knows how long and now he is coming over today. I am going to ask him if he would consider taking the crown. I'm still nervous about this idea that my beta approached me with. Achard is quite different from Justus. He's very hot and cold, there's no inbetween, and he only knows one extreme or the other. He doesn't deal well with other political leaders, meetings, and paperwork. He hates all of the daily grind of being a king. Then there's social events, visits to other packs, and other events that he's expected to attend. He hates making public appearances because he's so private. I'll have to hire a personal assistant to keep him task oriented otherwise he'll just go to his room and hide. He's completely antisocial, extremely private, and has a huge temper problem. The truth of the matter, and very few people know this, his mother was a vampire.
I hear the front door opening and slamming shut, the servants scurrying around trying to figure out how to accommodate this new guest, and my wife trying to make small talk with him while he ignores her. Achard is not her son, he is my fated mate's son who died while giving birth to him. My wife is a second chance mate and I must say I couldn't be happier and besides she has blessed me with Justus.
My office door swings wide open. "What is this time, dearest father? I know you're not going to offer me the crown so why am I here? What have I done? Have I slept with an Alpha's daughter who is now angry? Or maybe I sucked her dry?" "No Achard. Justus has left the castle and forsaken the crown for his mate. So, since I heard you were living nearby I thought I would ask you to come by and see if you would be interested in taking the crown." I inhale a large deep breath. A hybrid running the kingdom. I never thought I would see the day that this would happen.
"Well, saintly Justus has fallen out of grace. Surprise. Surprise. I knew one day it would happen and over a girl too. How funny. Let's have dinner and I'll think it over. Bozhena POV
So, Achard is more than I could have hoped for. Muscles bulging from everywhere, tall as a tree, tan skin, dark curly hair, and tribal tattoos. It couldn't get any better than this. I just want to inhale his sexiness and then obsess over the crown too! What a package deal!.He doesn't talk much during dinner. I keep trying to pull him out of his shell and he refuses to budge instead he just gives me one word answers. Gah! But, eventually I'll break him. I have every man wrapped around my finger and I'll have him too.
Achard POV
After dinner I followed my father into his office. "So, what's up with that chatty bitch? If she keeps up I'm going to have a feast."
"Bozhena? No, you can't drink her blood. She's my beta's daughter. You'll get used to her and learn to just tune her out." My father laughs at my ride remark. "Now, about your decision?"
"Yes, about my decision. After much deliberation I've decided to accept your offer." I smiled at my father.
Please drop me a comment and let me know if you like the story or the chapter. I love all feedback both critical and complimentary. Also check out my other book Dragon Brothers. You can also go to my facebook page for chapter updates and updates on new projects. https://www.facebook.org/Sammi-From-Anystories-1020524119915