Julia froze for a moment. Everything that had happened in the last couple of days felt suspicious. It was like someone had known about her original plan and was purposely messing with her behind the scenes.
She was worried-if such a person really existed, would they tell Cassie? That thought made her heart race when she heard Cassie’s question.
“No, it’s just… the same type of dress,” Julia stammered, trying to keep her voice steady despite the anxiety bubbling inside
“Okay, that’s good then. Cassie reached out to Julia, her expression flat and unlike her usual self. Julia felt a wave of panic and instinctively pulled back a bit.
Cassie tucked Julia’s messy hair behind her ear gently, as if she didn’t notice Julia’s reaction. “I thought I didn’t protect you well last night, and that’s why you…novèlS_vERsê/com content rights.
“Cassie, how did you get home last night?” Julia interrupted.
“Wasn’t it you who brought me back?” Cassie looked genuinely confused. I don’t even remember what happened. My memories from last night are all jumbled. One moment I was talking to you, and the next I was home. I thought you took me back, didn’t you?”
Julia was puzzled too. The drugs she had given Cassie did have side effects that could cause memory loss. A chill ran down Julia’s spine. It seemed she was right-someone was behind all **ts, and it was likely they had taken Cassie home last night.
“Who could it be? Julia racked her brain but couldn’t come up with any answers: Cassie hardly had any friends over the years. because of Julia’s efforts to keep her isolated. There shouldn’t have been anyone who would want to help her.
‘Could it be the Murphy family? It doesn’t seem likely. They really value their reputation, and Cassie is Heston’s favorite. They wouldn’t pull something like this during such an important time for her Julia thought for a long time but still had no!
“Cassie, can’t you remember who took you home yesterday?” Julia asked, her desperation creeping into her voice.
Cassie shook her head, looking lost. “I don’t remember at all.”
Julia’s emotions started spiraling out of control. “Think! Try really hard to remember!”
Julia, you’re scaring me, Cassie said, grabbing Julia’s hand and pulling it away from her arm.
Julia snapped back to reality, realizing she had lost her cool. She softened her tone, pretending to be pitiful. “I’m sorry. I don’t even know what’s wrong with me. Cassie, I’m really scared. I feel like tonight is just the beginning. Those people won’t stop coming after me.”
Suddenly, she shot a terrified glance at Cassie. “If any weird people come looking for you, saying strange things, don’t trust them. If they want to ruin me, they’ll definitely try to drive a wedge between us. You have to believe me.
In her past life, Julia broke into the entertainment industry with help from Anne’s connections, and her acting skills got her noticed.
Now, it seemed acting was indeed her talent. If it hadn’t been the intense pain in flames, Cassie could never have imagined that beneath such a harmless face lay such darkness.
“Don’t worry. I know exactly what kind of person you are, Julia. No one can come between us,” Cassie said firmly.
Julia let out a sigh of relief-as long as Ca**le was on her side, there was a chance her plan could still work
She glanced at Cassie and sneered silently, “What a fool. Even if hard evidence is right in front of her, a few well-crafted words and a couple of tears can make her fall in line. Why have been worrying so much?
“Cassie, I knew you were the best!” Julia exclaimed as she reached in for a hug
Julia used to say this often, and Cassie loved hearing it. But now, it just made Ca**ic feel nauseous. Without hesitation, she dodged the hug, leaving Julia’s arms hanging awkwardly in the air.
“Wait” Cassie continued, seemingly oblivious to Julia’s reaction. Julia, weren’t we together all night? Why didn’t you stick around after? Where did you go?”
Julia had thought they were past last night’s drama. But now, with Cassie suddenly bringing it back up, she felt her heart dropped into her stomach again.
“Last night, I got so drunk that I can barely remember anything. Julia choked out, tears starting to flow again. “I’m really sorry, Cassie. I’m just glad you’re okay. If anything had happened to you, I don’t know how I would cope.”
A cold look crossed Cassie’s face. “I was lucky someone got me home safe. I really need to have Grandpa find that person and thank them properly,” she said
Julia’s heart nearly stopped. “No way.”
“Why not?” Cassie asked.
Why not? How could she even ask that? Julia felt anger rising in her.
That person could very likely be the one targeting her. Even if they weren’t, Julia couldn’t let Heston find out who they were. That would expose her secret about taking Cassie to the bar last night.
What was worse, if Heston knew Cassie was confused about her memories, he might get suspicious and dig deeper. Julia could lose everything she worked so hard for.
Julia pleaded, tears welling up, “You can’t let Grandpa Heston know I took you to the bar last night. I’m already in enough trouble. If he finds out I sneaked you out, he’ll think I’m out of control and leading you astray.
“You’re his favorite girl. He’d kick me out of the Murphy family for sure! Please, Cassie. I can’t end up homeless. Just don’t tell them.”
‘Oh, how familiar those words inside. Julia had once acted like that, playing the victim and begging her to keep quiet and Cassie rolled her a
I get it, Cassie replied.
that night out.
This was the perfect moment for Cassie to push Julia out of the Murphy family, but she didn’t think Julia would behave herself afterward.
Instead of letting her go to make her uncontrollable, Cassie decided to keep her close for now and break her down slowly.
After all, it was much crueler to strip someone of everything they have and grind them into the dust than to give them a quick end. This was a lesson Cassie learned from Julia, and now she was ready to put it into practice.