I felt numb as I sat in that car, “Take me to!Belongs © to nōvél$vérsE__Com.
grave, I want to see it.” I wanted to tell her how sorry I was for not being there for her, for not being able to take care of her like she did with me when my. parents died. I wanted to apologise to her for causing her death. We don’t know it, but we will find out and let you know.”
I nodded, I wanted to ask where they were taking me because my home with Nick was no longer my home anymore. It stopped being. my home the day he sent me to jail. I didn’t care where they took me, it didn’t matter to me anymore. My grandmother was dead, now I only had my son.
I looked out the window as we drove, the place seemed familiar ye different at the same time. There were some new buildings I didn’t know, probably built while I was inside. “Don’t you want something to eat Olivia?”
My mother–in–law asked, she was sitting right next to me. she didn’t care that I was dirty and smelling. She was sitting right there holding my hand. “No, I am not hungry.” I was not used to eating at anytime of day.
I was now used to eating once or never. I looked out the window. again and I saw that they were taking me to the hospital. “I am fine, I am not sick, and I don’t need a hospital.” My father–in–law glanced at me from over his shoulder. “I want the doctors to be the ones to tell
me that.” I forgot how stubborn he could be.
I kept my mouth shut and looked back out the window. We got to the hospital, one that he built. One of the prestigious hospitals in the world. Being in jail made me forget the luxuries I used to enjoy. Now
they mean nothing to me.
e alread
waiting. “
We went inside and the head of the hospital Olivia, it is good to see you. I heard about your misfortune on the news, and I am sorry that happened.” I just looked at him and said nothing. He heard what Sandra and Nick wa I need everyone to hear
and not the truth.
I don’t know what he was sorry about, he did nothing to me. “Right! Come this way, I have asked a physician, psychiatrist and gynaecologists to meet us there.” Nice, my in laws were about to learn that I lost my womb in prison. Great!
But I said nothing, I followed the doctor to the room. The three doctors in there with two nurses and they greeted us respectfully. It felt strange being treated with respect, there was no respect for anyone in prison. “Mrs Jone…” I cut the nurse short. “Olivia, call me Olivia.”
The nurse looked at my in laws, I didn’t even look back at them, they didn’t know my pain and I was not ready to tell them what I went through in there. “Olivia, please come through this way, there is a shower there and everything you need.” I nodded.
I last had a shower a year ago, after I gave birth to my son. The doctor there allowed me to shower. That was it, after that I would clean myself up as much as I could in my cell. There was no soap. so, I made do.
I took off the clothes I was wearing, they were big on me now and they were the only thing clean on me. they took them that day and gave me overalls. Feeling the warm water hit my body, I could not help but cry. I had been through a lot in the past two years.
My husband sent me to jail for something I didn’t do, I had my baby
in prison, I lost my womb in prison, and I almost died in prison. My grandmother died while I was in prison, I didn’t even say goodbye. I cried some more.
Then I stopped and scrabbed myself clean. I tool out an hour in that shower when I was done, I wore the gown that was placed there for me. it felt good and warm. That too almost made me cry. Everything felt strange and surreal.
When I got out my parents in law were sitting there with the doctors patiently waiting for me. when I got out, they stood. “Are you alright?” my mother–in–law asked, and I nodded. The doctors asked me to lay on the bed.
“We will be right outside when you are done.” My mother–in–law said and I nodded once again. I no longer liked using my words anymore, my words got me into trouble and earned me a beating in jail. The doctors started examining me.
The physician started examining me and taking blood samples, he kept glancing at me am sure he wanted to ask what the hell happened that my body looked like that. My body held scars, each one with a story of it’s own. When he was done probing me, the gynaecologist started her examination. “Oh, dear God. Who butchered you like this?” she exclaimed in shock when she saw my insides. I said nothing and just laid there.
She came and stood next to me. she looked like she wanted to cry.” What happened to you Olivia?” she asked, and I just looked at her. she looked up and blinked her tears away. I didn’t know what she was sad about.
She was not the one who lived through it. When she was done, she told me to get dressed. She then called the psychologist. “Olivia, I want to talk to you about what you went through in prison.” I shook
my head and get from the bad
was not reads to talk about it. I west to get dressed and got out of
ward. My pararits in law stood when they saw me 1 am not ready to share with anyone about my experience there, but i mgmise. Twill let you know when I am ready
My motherinlaw nodded. “It’s alright, you can tell us when you are ready” was grateful for their understanding “The doctors won’t tell un anything about your exam and we will not ask. We will wait for you to tell us. Come on, lets go home Home, I didn’t know where that was anymore. But I followed them anyway.
We drove out of the hospital and my mother–in–law asked. “Olivia did tick dworce you?