He did it again.
Of course I knew he was going to, it was inevitable. I was brushing out my hair and preparing for bed as the pain started to cramp up my stomach. At least this time, I knew what it was, and I knew where it was coming from. I could even guess where he was in the process of sexual intercourse by the location and severity of my pain. Cramping in my stomach was probably just foreplay and petting. I braided my long hair and threw it over my shoulder before another, more severe spasm hit me in my chest. I stumbled to the door. For better or for worse, this time, I was going to see who the woman was.
There was murmuring and giggling coming from the door across the hallway. I couldn't distinguish exactly what they were saying, but I recognized the low rumble of my husband. I crept quietly across the hall, and leaned heavily against the wall beside his door. I pressed my ear to the door, and nearly gagged from the bed-banter I could hear. "Oh yeah, just like that. Take it all off baby." Soon enough the pain in my chest was making it hard to breathe, and I knew they were really going at it. I reached for the door knob. I expected it to resist, but instead it turned easily under my hand. I eased it open a few inches and peeked in.
A red-headed woman was riding astride my husband. His large hands were on her hips, guiding her up and down his shaft. Her back was to me, so I couldn't see her face, but I would remember her smell. Unfortunately, I would remember the smell of their sex too. She was pale and perfect, her head thrown back, moaning with pleasure. And Nolan was watching her, apparently transfixed by her breasts which were bobbing and swaying in rhythm as she posted over his groin. And then suddenly, his eyes were on me. That damned mating link had alerted him to my presence. I didn't look away, and I didn't close the door. A slow smile spread over his face. "I didn't know you liked to watch. If voyeurism is your thing, next time I'll give you a seat." He spoke to me directly through the mind-link, so his red-headed lover didn't hear his remark.
I quietly shut the door, and staggered back to my room. I knew I needed to get safely inside before they climaxed, or someone was apt to find me passed out in the hall. I gasped and fell into the bed. My stomach lurched, and I wanted to vomit, but I swallowed it down. We have to find a way through this. We have to find a way to shut it off. We have to get some god-damned ear-plugs because his lover is screaming. Again I felt my blood pressure climbing as they got closer and closer to orgasm. Blood trickled from my nose, and I heard Nolan's shout of release just before I blacked out again.
What a piece of shit. That's all I could think, as I rolled weakly out of my bed. I hoped that red-headed whore gave him an STD while she was bouncing on him. I brushed my teeth and washed the flaky, dried blood off my face. I just kept up a steady stream of profanity and insults in my head as I pulled myself together. I felt weak and shaky from his infidelity, on TOP of the fact that I had sore and achy muscles from yesterdays training. But fuck him, I wasn't going to spend another day in bed. I popped another handful of painkillers and got dressed. As I was about to go down to breakfast, the omega from maintenance quietly knocked on my door. "Luna, I'm here to install the lock..."
"Great... perfect. Make sure the door is really secure." I let myself out and went down for breakfast.
I walked in on an argument. Nolan and his father were standing toe to toe. Nolan was nearly as tall, but he was no where near as bulky as the bear of a man that was Bernhard Pierceson. Both of them were red-faced and angry. "Your behavior is shameful. You are shaming the family, your wife, your title." Bernhard was growling in a low voice. I skirted around them and greeted my mother in law.
"Are you okay, dear?" Caydence asked me worriedly. "You are pale this morning." Her eyes cut to Nolan, and she lowered her voice. "Don't worry, he will come around."
I raised my eyebrows. "Come around to what? Me? I doubt it." Her mouth dropped open, as though she were surprised that I was talking so openly and boldly about Nolan's infidelity. I guessed that he and his lover were so noisy last night, the whole floor must have heard them. I pulled out my chair, and tucked my hands into my lap so that no one would see they were shaking. I watched my husband and my father-in-law continue to argue in hushed tones. Finally they both stalked out of the dining room without eating. I shrugged as the waitress brought my tea. "Well, at least we can eat in peace."
William and Shane came in together. Both of them wore grim expressions as they sat at the table. Since Nolan was absent, William slid in next to me. "How are you doing kid, are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I will be fine." I said firmly. God, was this scene of "Poor Nina" going to played out every single morning at breakfast for the rest of my life?? No it was not, because I was going to reject him. I just needed the right time, the right circumstances... and a lot more courage than I was feeling at the moment. I resolutely poured my tea and dunked my teabag in the boiling water, wishing it was Nolan's head. I dumped in a spoon of sugar and stirred it with more force than necessary. I felt Shane's eyes on me, and I looked up at him reluctantly. I did not want to see more pity. I did not want another person to ask me if I okay. I gritted my teeth as I met his eyes.
He smiled at me, and something flip-flopped in my stomach. "Are you training this morning Luna?"
I sipped at my tea. My body was weak. Nolan's passionate escapades had left me feeling like I had been run over by a truck. I forced a smile. "Of course I am."
At precisely 10:45 I walked myself out to the training grounds. The group I was training with was already assembled, spread out on the grass doing their stretches. They glanced at me curiously, and a few greeted me. I smiled and greeted them back. I was about drop to the grass when Shane called me over. "Luna, a moment, please." I huffed a sigh and shuffled over to him. "Sit down," he motioned at the bench.
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Technically he was my subordinate. But I recognized his authority as my trainer, and plopped myself down on the bench. He took out some bright pink stretchy adhesive bandage. "I'd like to tape your knees," he explained. "It might improve your stability."
"Oh. Um okay, you can try, but..." It was too much trouble to explain to him that I had already tried some braces when I was younger. Some orthopedist I saw had given me these contraptions that had bars and hinges at the knee, that strapped on with velcro. They hadn't helped anything, and they had been so uncomfortable I had thrown them away after a month. Shane knelt down in front of me, and started to poke and prod around my knees.
"Straighten your leg...now bend it..." he was feeling around my knee-caps. What exactly he was looking for, I can't say. He had me bend and straighten several more times, on each leg, comparing one to the other. Then he unrolled the tape and went to work.
"How do you know how to do this stuff?" I asked as he carefully ran the tape under my kneecap, and then around the sides.
He smiled, and his tanned cheeks dimpled. "I studied sports medicine in college," he explained. "Sometimes it comes in handy." In a few minutes he had both of my knees wrapped up in shocking-electric pink bandages. I stood and tested them out. It felt different. The bandages weren't just wrapped randomly around my knees, they were putting pressure in very specific spots. It felt like the tape was pushing my kneecaps back toward center. It did feel more stable. "Take a lap," he suggested, "See how it feels."
While all the other young adults in our little class had to run the five laps, I carefully jogged one. How did it feel? Well, there is no day I will ever say that jogging feels "good", but there was a definite difference when I attempted a run with the tape on my knees. I felt like my legs were stronger, more secure. It didn't feel like they would give out from under me at any moment. It took less mental energy and concentration to keep my balance. I wondered if I could talk Shane into taping me up every day, just to walk around the house? He was running with the rest of the group today, his black hair tied back in a stubby ponytail to keep it out of his eyes. He laughed and chatted effortlessly with the other runners. As they passed on their third lap, he joined me back at the bench.
If you're loving the book, nel5s.org is where the adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience-all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you!
"Lets work on that hip, shall we?" Well, what? I wasn't going to refuse. I rolled over on the bench, hoping I didn't seem like an over-eager dog, and exposed my left hip to him in my bike-shorts.
He ran his hands over my hip, and I felt a funny shiver run down my spine. His hands were big, firm, and gentle as they massaged around my hip joint. "Oh, ouch!" I mumbled as he got into the area that was really tight and sore from his prodding yesterday. He eased up the pressure and worked more carefully. I peeked up at him from my supine position. His face was full of concentration, he stared at my hip as if he could actually see the bones, tendons and muscles he was expertly manipulating. He was really, really handsome. And his hands were really, really close to my butt. I flushed and looked away. Whoa Nina, that's wholly inappropriate. He's like a doctor, working on an injury, you can't think of him... how can I even think of him at all? I have a mate. I am not supposed to have eyes for anyone else. I'm definitely not supposed to be turned on by my trainer touching my leg in a completely detached and professional way. Oh my stars, what is happening to me?
"Thanks," I whispered as he finished up and patted me on the thigh. I sat up and tested it out. It was a little looser than yesterday. I was even able to squat down a bit without pain. Between my unfrozen hip, and my taped up knees, I was feeling pretty damn good. Shane watched me, and nodded in approval.
"Better," he said, "Okay everyone, partner up!" Then my friendly and concerned physical therapist became the harsh and demanding trainer once again. When it came to combat training, he was impartial and tough. I was definitely behind the class, as they worked on advanced throws and combinations. I was stuck going through the motions of punching and blocking, and today he added elbows. I had no idea there were so many different ways to hit a man with your elbow. "Look," Shane stepped up to me, "If your opponent is below you, bring your elbow up, around and down. Put your entire body weight into the down, swing, all your energy, like this," He touched me, showing me how to rotate my elbow up over my head, and bring it down with enough force to break a collar bone. "When your enemy is crowding you, getting in your face," he demonstrated by getting really close to me, so close I could feel his body heat radiating off of him, "You won't have enough leverage for an effective punch or kick. This is the time to use your elbows and your knees. Now do it again. With power." He stepped back and gave me the palm of his hand as a target.
I swiveled my elbow up and around the way he showed me, then with a little grunt, and a jump I brought it down as hard as I could, with my whole body behind it. As my elbow connected with his palm with a satisfying, resounding smack... I felt sparks jump up my elbow. No. Oh no, that was not possible. My eyes jumped to his, and I saw it there. A knowing. "Nice," he said, his voice low, his meaning ambiguous. "Keep going." He turned away, and gave his attention to the next student in line.
I shook my head at myself. This was impossible. I was sure it was just because Nolan was such a jerk, and Shane was the first heterosexual male to actually show me a bit of kindness. I was just getting lost in all the drama, maybe entertaining a little crush. It was nothing. Absolutely nothing.