Chapter 15 - Snapshot (Lessons in Love Book 2)

The car ride is mostly silent besides the low hum of French rap music. Apparently, our driver, Colton, has very specific taste. It’s been thirty minutes, inching through bumper-to-bumper traffic on the highway, and his entire playlist is what sounds like French club bangers. Colton’s onto something. This playlist is my newest obsession.

I bob my head along to the beat and roll my shoulders when the melody of the bridge drops. “What is this?” I call out to the front seat.

Colton smiles through the rearview mirror. “You like it?”

“I do.” I glance at Dex right next to me, who is wearing a satisfied expression with his eyes locked on me. I don’t think he’s enjoying the music. It seems like he’s enjoying me smiling.

“This is GIMS,” Colton replies. “One of the best. You should see some of these French rappers live. Mind-blowing. Way more passionate than American rap. The concerts are an artistic experience.” He cranks up the volume.

Dex weaves his fingers between mine and squeezes. “We could go, you know.”

I raise my eyebrows. “To France?”

Dex nods. “I owe you a honeymoon. How about Paris?”

So this is the life Dex has been so hush-hush about. Jet-setting to Paris like it’s no big deal. “That sounds nice one day.”

I run my thumb over the back of his hand. How quickly everything can change. One kiss later and suddenly Dex is mine. The moment is so satisfying. I’m sad it’s fleeting. It’s like I was desperately craving a piece of chocolate for as long as I can remember, and now it’s melting on my tongue. I want to freeze this moment, not let it slip away. Then again, what’s the worry? I have a feeling I’ll crave him until my dying day.

Dex unbuckles, leaning in close so he can speak right into my ear. “Not ‘one day.’ Right now, if you want. I can have the jet here in a couple hours.”

“What would we even do? We don’t speak French.”

“Actually, I do,” Dex says nonchalantly. “Well, exaggeration. Juste un petit peu,” he says with a perfect-sounding French accent. “Enough for us to maneuver around on our own. Then again, we could book a nice room with a view and never leave the bed.”

I squint one eye. “How much more am I going to learn about you tonight, Dex?”

He checks to ensure Colton’s eyes are on the road, then smooth as silk, he pulls my hand slowly up his thigh, then drapes it over his crotch. “Hopefully a few more things. So, what do you think?”

“Six inches, give or take.” I squeeze his bulge and reply with a sly smile.

He levels his stare as his jaw tenses. I can’t tell if he’s trying not to laugh or if he’s honestly offended. Since when is six inches a bad thing? “I meant about Paris, Lennox.”

I chuckle. “Oh. Um…Paris sounds incredible, but not tonight. I just want to crawl under the covers and sleep next to you. Are you a cuddler?”

He kisses my temple sweetly. “With you? Yes.”

I’m busy swooning and trilling my fingers against the outline of his cock when Dex pulls out his phone and starts typing away. I don’t know who he’s messaging past midnight, but if that’s a CEO’s schedule, he’s going to be sorely disappointed to learn I need eight hours of sleep each night. I have no intention of becoming a slave to an inbox—email or text. But my mental tantrum is cut short when my phone pings loudly from my purse.

Dex flashes me a satisfied smirk. “I believe you got a message, Mrs. Hessler.”

Mrs. Hessler. Why does that give me goose bumps in an eerie way? Is it the “Mrs.” or the “Hessler” part that’s more uncomfortable? Because one make-out session doesn’t make this real, does it? I have feelings for my friend. And I married him. But does that make this a real marriage? We have quite a bit to sort out.

Dex’s eyes are on me as I fish out my phone. His text is simple.


Six inches? Not even close. You’re going to pay for that, wife.


I meant it as a compliment.


It was not. Now, you’re in trouble.


My punishment?

He pumps his brows at me as he composes his text.


How about a few swats to that perfect ass of yours?


Okay. But after that, what’s my punishment?

Dex tucks his phone away and leans over to whisper in my ear, “Bad girl.” His deep voice comes out in a decibel lower than I’m used to. With his warm, stubbled cheek pressed against mine, I try to keep my breath under control. But the surge of need I always feel around Dex is ten times stronger than usual. Probably because tonight, I plan on doing something about it.

“This car ride is taking too long. I want you so fucking badly. We’re going to cross all sorts of lines tonight.”

My smile is teasing. “What makes you so sure? There’s this two-letter word that gives me so much power. Starts with ‘N,’ ends with ‘O.’”This belongs to nò.vEl$vERse-Com - ©.

He bats his eyelashes at me, reminding me of the way he did three years ago in his bedroom when he was trying to talk me into scuba diving lessons. “True. But how could you say no to your sweet bridegroom who just wants to love on you and give you the world?”

“Eh. If you’re sweet on me tonight, you’ll be sweet on me tomorrow. After I take a shower, rest, and eat something.”

Dex frowns, the corner of his lips turned down, yet he nods like he understands. “Mmk, Trouble. I see what you need. Check your phone.” He pulls his phone back out and starts tapping away aggressively. There’s a swoop sound as he sends the message and then locks his eyes on mine. “I’m very eagerly awaiting your reply.”


I’m not waiting one more night for your sweet pussy, Lennox. You’re my wife. All mine. I’ll have you when I want, where I want. Clear?

My cheeks fill with heat as a swell of desire brews below my navel. I turn to him and raise one brow. His face is stoic, an expression that clearly translates to, “I said what I said.”


Well Mr. Hyde, will Dr. Jekyll be joining us again? Or am I stuck with your dark side for the evening?


Depends. Are you interested in my dark side?

I set my phone down. Stretching my arms overhead, I make a meal out of a slow, giant yawn. He lets out a breathy chuckle from beside me as if he knows I’m purposely trying to dangle him on the thread.

I don’t text him back. I answer out loud while giving him my sexiest smile. “Mr. Hessler, I would very much like to meet your dark side.”

Dex scoots forward in the seat. He enunciates so Colton can hear him clearly from up front. “How much longer?”

“Would only be twenty minutes, but traffic isn’t moving,” Colton replies. “GPS says at least another hour. It must be a really big wreck ahead. I’d find another route, but the highway is the only way back to Calico Springs. You guys need a snack? I have Nutter Butters.” He reaches for the compartment in front of the passenger seat, and the car swerves.

“Stop. We don’t need cookies. There’s a shopping center just up the way. Take the next exit,” Dex instructs him.

“Why would I do that?” Colton asks.

Dex shoots me a side-glance. The flash of irritation is brief, but I catch it. Definitely a different side of him. As an instructor and friend, he’s so patient and kind. But I get the feeling “Boss Dex” wants people to do what he says immediately without talking back.

“Haven’t I paid you enough to stop asking so many questions?”

“Almost,” Colton says with a punk-ass little smile.

“Take the exit,” Dex bites out. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

“Fine,” Colton grumbles. He flips on his turn signal just to prove a point. The exit is still a half-mile away and we’re inching forward maybe five miles an hour, tops.

“Dex, the next exit takes us to Primrose. It’s past midnight, and everything is closed besides a Taco Bell and that 24-Hour Walmart. What are we going to do?”

“He”—Dex nods toward Colton, who has gone back to ignoring us—“is going to entertain himself in Walmart for a while. We’re not leaving the car. Private party. Your shorts aren’t invited.”

“Pity,” I say.

He winks. “Those boots are welcome to stay, though.”