Rain pov.
I stare at my little human sleeping next to me, arm thrown over my lap and head nearly mushed into my thigh as she refuses to let me go, even in her sleep. The more my head clears from my heat, the more concerned I am about what's happened during my heat. Every bit of research I've been doing on this hasn't prepared me for this. All the sources have told me to be careful with humans during a heat, that they require better care than other creatures and yet, here Morgan has acted like nothing I did faze her in the slightest. She's been acting more like a wolf than a human my entire heat and I'm confused as to why.
"I told you I wanted to mate her." Rami pipes up from somewhere in the back of my mind. "She's perfect. You should thank me for the help I provided." I frown at his words, and he pushes an image into my mind, way at the beginning of my heat, when I bit her. My stomach drops, blood running cold as I stare at the very prominent bite mark on Morgan's neck. It's started to heal since I haven't been biting into it in the last couple of days but it's the fact that it's there in the first place that bothers me. She should have died when I bit here, but here she is, very much alive and very clingy. "She's not ever going to die. Relax." The wolf drawls.
"What did you do?" I'm not sure I want to know and how I'm going to explain to Morgan that I bit her, but this is dangerous.
"I didn't do anything. I just helped her handle the heat a little easier. We're not mated. Yet. You can calm down." I lift Morgan's arm from my lap but she wines, throwing it right back and snuggling into me more. "What the hell, Remi." I whisper and the wolf chuckles in the back of my mind.
"It'll wear off, as long as you don't go sinking your teeth into her again. She'll be normal in a couple of days. You have nothing to worry about, Rain. Or would you rather have had her writing in pain because she couldn't handle your heat? The sooner you listen to me and mate her the sooner this can become permanent." His words confuse me more than help me.
"Wolves can't mate with humans, Remi." I tell the wolf. I did my research. Probably read everything there was to read about it on the dark web. There has never been a reported case.ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .
"Exactly, a reported case. Morgan is our mate, Rain. The longer I'm active the longer I feel the bond. You know you didn't just snap at River for mouthing off about her for no reason. You've had every opportunity to leave, and you haven't, and you know why." The more I mull over his words the more it makes sense and the more fear it awakens. There has never been a wolf that I've known who came back from the Bio-Glaze with a human mate. They always come back alone and then die or kill themselves after some time. "Mates can't survive apart." Remi, oh so helpfully chimes in. I shake my head. This isn't possible.
"Surely not." I mutter, looking down at my little human. I admit I found her more beautiful than another woman but that's because Morgan just is. I think of the way her scent has driven me crazy from the start but it's because it's sweet and I haven't smelled anything like her before. I mean, I didn't stay because I couldn't leave. I didn't want to... With a sigh and a headache coming on I lay down, moving Morgan so her head is on my chest. She lets out a sigh in content and I close my eyes, hoping things will make sense again in the morning.
When I open my eyes again, I feel normal, not like I'm floating and being taken over by any enhanced desires and I breathe a sigh of relief that the heat has finally gone. Morgan is still asleep but instead of being curled up next to me she's sprawled out on the other side of the bed, so I take the advantage and leave the room. In the kitchen I pull out everything I would need to make breakfast for us, even a supplement shake Morgan insists I'd die without. I mix it with bananas and berries, adding a little more milk to thin it out some and drink it while I prepare the rest of the food. A bowl of cut up fruit, bacon, cheesy omelets and a bowl of yogurt and granola for Morgan, later I'm finished with the shake and Morgan still hasn't woken up yet. I set the table and make my way back to the room, finding her still knocked out.
"No." She mutters when I gently shake her shoulder, swatting me away like I'm some annoying fly.
"You have to eat." I tell her, picking her up in my arms and carrying her to the table. She gives me a sleepy glare when I place her down in her seat but doesn't say anything else, just messes around in her granola and takes a bite out of it. She finishes her food and then takes a sleepy walk to the couch where she curls up with a pillow and seconds later, she's out again. "Care to explain this, Remi?" I ask the wolf who hasn't hidden in the back of my mind since our conversation last night.
"Your heat is done. Her body is recovering." He simply replies, offering nothing else. I sigh and set about cleaning the place before taking my tablet and pulling up my dark web account. Multiple searches about human anatomy and mating behaviors later I'm stuck with one logical outcome, human's chose mates based on emotions. Mating with a wolf has more to do with biological characteristics and soul bonds, no emotions involved because they change. They are fickle and they are what drives humans to make all the bad choices they make. As I give up on my search and stare at my little human, still asleep on the couch, I conclude that Remi must be insane from being in hiding for so long. There is no way Morgan Cane is my mate.