Rain pov. Sunday evening Morgan and I curl up on the couch and watch movies all day. She makes me drink my supplement smoothie and I don't even have it in me to put up a fuss about the taste. As I watch her giggle, cry and scream along with the people in the movies I can't help but dread us going back to work tomorrow. I've more than enjoyed the two weeks where she was just mine, when no one could intrude on our time, and I could see her relaxed. See a softer side of her, a needier side of her and know that despite the danger that lurks in her, she's so much more than just that. As the final credits of the movie rolls Morgan gets up from the couch and stretches herself out like a cat.
"We better get to sleep, early morning tomorrow." She doesn't look all too happy about it either but we both know there is not a thing that can be done about that. We set about cleaning up and when we're done, I throw her over my shoulder and carry her to her bedroom, enjoying her squeals as I walk down the hallway. I place her back on her feet just outside the bathroom door and steady her when she sways a little.
"Shower and then sleep." I turn her shoulders and lead her into the bathroom, turning on the water and we do quick work of washing up. Twenty minutes later we're curled up in bed and Morgan falls asleep within minutes. I spend the time enjoying just being able to stare at her without looking like a crazy person and eventually follow her into dreamland.
"No..." Her whimper stirs me out of my sleep but when I open my eyes, I realize she's not awake. My little human grips onto the edge of the pillow, her grip tight and a deep frown settled between her eyes. "Mom, please..." A sob escapes her lips, and I drag her into my chest, wrapping my arms around her tight as her tears soak my bare chest. She sobs for a good few minutes before her breathing evens out again, her sleep turning peaceful again, but I don't close my eyes for the rest of the night.
As I watch the sun start chipping away at the dark, turning the room a slate grey instead of pitch black I finally uncurl myself from Morgan and leave the room. In the kitchen I make quick work of getting everything ready for breakfast, opting also to make Morgan some lunch. Pretty soon I have a great system going, scrambling the eggs in one pan, bacon and pancakes cooking on the griddle and steak searing in another pan. I baste it with the butter that's pooled in the pan along with the garlic and herbs, contemplating if I should just add a side salad to this or quickly make some mashed potatoes.
"Are those pancakes?!" My little human's voice rings of disbelief as she walks into the kitchen, much earlier than she usually does so the surprise isn't quite ready yet. I hate making anything that has a lot of carbs in it, but I figure if I mushed up some banana and added some blueberries, they can't be that unhealthy. Besides, she deserves them after the night she had, even if it does seem she can't remember it at the moment.
"Just this once." I tell her as I watch her rush over to the griddle and flip them, showing off their perfectly browned underside.
"Thank you." She leans onto her toes and kisses my cheeks before removing the bacon from the griddle. With her finishing up our breakfast I quickly prepared some potatoes and set them to biol before removing the steak from the heat and setting it aside to rest. "Is that my lunch?" Morgan asks as I squeeze out some orange juice.
"Yes, steak and potatoes with a side salad." I tell her, loving the way her eyes light up. "I don't know what we're having tonight. Anything you want?" She pulls her mouth side to side as she thinks before shaking her head.
"No, we can just have sandwiches." I nod even though I know I won't just feed her sandwiches. I don't' even want to guess how many sandwiches she's had instead of eating a proper dinner.ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .
"Come on, let's eat." We make it about halfway through breakfast when I feel Morgan's feet rest on my lap again. It takes everything in me not to smile as she wiggles them around some, a smile spreading over her lips when she reaches her target. I make it about two more bites before I can't stand it anymore and grab onto her ankles.
"This is a dangerous game you're playing, my little human." Her eyes fill with desire as she wiggles her toes against me. I growl and get up from my chair, going around the table and lifting her from her seat by gently grabbing her hands. She falls into me, willingly and I lean down and kiss her, sliding my tongue into her mouth, enjoying the moans that come from her. I pick her up by her ass, setting her down on the table and run my hands all over her body, grinding myself into her needy core. She grips onto my hair, kissing down my neck and sucking on my collarbone.
"Rain." She gasps as I grind down on her harder, trying to get her to come so we can leave the house on time and she doesn't disappoint, coming undone under me and I swallow her moans, enjoying her taste.
"You get ready. I'll finish up here." I whisper when she's come down from her high and is resting against my chest. She gives me a nod and kisses my cheek before I help her off the table. Half an hour later she's walking back into the kitchen and I'm packing the last container of her lunch.
"I like this." She tells me as she fills her flask with coffee. "We should have more mornings like this." She wraps her arms around me, and I hug her close to me, breathing in her sweet scent. "See you tonight." She pecks my lips and then gathers her things, leaving the house eerily quite when the door closes behind her. I finish cleaning up and rush to take my own shower, leaving soon after her to make it on time for my shift.
"Nice to have you back, Rain." Bubbles greets me as I enter the employee locker room. "When you get home tonight, tell your owner you no longer dress like a whore." Turning on her heel she walks out, and I frown at her. It's only when I open my locker do I realize what she means. Gone are the mesh shirts, replaced with stark white silk dress shirts that's rolled up at the sleeves. I laugh to myself, having no doubt that Morgan is going to be happy about this new development.