Chapter 39 - Surreptitious Alliance: Marked by My Alien Slave

Morgan pov.

We all settle down on some sort of surface and look at Benjamin. Isa looks very unhappy about what's about to happen but this isn't about her so she can sit and stew all she wants. Agness looks calm, but then again, I've never really seen her angry so that's something. Luca looks like he wishes he had popcorn, and Rain is really the only one who's here for me more than he is for himself. He had settled on the floor with his back against the kitchen counter and if he was surprised that I settle between his legs, resting my back against his front he didn't show it. Just wrapped his arms around me and readied himself to be my emotional support.

"I met your father close to four hundred years ago, just before the earth started dying. Humans were looking for other ways to live, trying different plants and even their own moon but nothing worked. The supernatural intervened then. Fairies founded a new planet, and we all moved there, living together for a good few years before the war happened. Your father had always been the strangest companion I had. He didn't fit in anywhere. I don't think he even knows exactly what it is that he's made of, just that he's strong. I'd thought he was some kind of Fairie at first, but he looks so human it's impossible and then I thought maybe he was a wolf, but he never shifted. He wasn't a vampire, that's for damn sure but he never aged, is fast as hell and can-do magic."

"He's magical?" Isa sighs and nods.

"I met him some two hundred years ago. I was young and I thought I knew everything that was to be known, and he schooled me good. Handed me my ass and told me to go out and learn some more so I can be the leader he knew I could be. I didn't actually take him seriously until we were split into sectors, and no one knew how to handle the fall out quite on their own." I look over at Agness, who for all her quietness I know has a story of how she knew my father. "Oh, he'd always been at the palace, ever since I was born. He was like a father to me as well. I needed one after my own father died." She says, her tone endearing and soft for a man I've never known.

"So, he's almost as ancient as Benjamin and you've all met him and I'm only twenty-four years old? Do you see how this doesn't make sense?" I ask, because they had to see it. "Did my mother cheat on my father?" Benjamin shakes his head, and I roll my eyes.

"It's not that simple, Morgan. Your parents couldn't conceive naturally." Isa says, sounding like the very words broke her heart. "They met each other, and they wanted to get married, like not many couples did some forty years ago. So, after trying with no success, they used doners. Torren had hers and you had yours." She smiles and I feel a heavy weight settle on my chest.Content © copyrighted by novELsvêR_$e.-Com.

"Torren, she's..." I can't even think about the possibility.

"Human, completely and fully human." Benjamin assures me. "It's why things have always been a little harder for her. I think deep down she knew that you two were different." I frown, not liking the way that sounds.

"You have to make peace with it, Morgan." Agness tries to comfort. "You're twenty-four and a head programmer in Glaze-protect. You've passed up the representation title twice and it's never been offered to anyone as young as you. You wrote code that have the Bio-Glaze more control over the other sectors than any of us like and yet we allowed it because it was you." She smiles and I shake my head.

"So, my father is some all-wonderful unknown being and you all have apparently known me since birth?" They nod and I slump back against Rain who tightens his arms around me. "Go on." I whisper, already exhausted but needing to know where exactly this is going to lead.

"Your parents met your father while they were on a trip to Terinian, in the palace, in fact. Your sister had just been born and your father acted as their guide and got to know them. He formed a friendship with them and since his features were so similar to your sister's father, they asked him to do the unthinkable." Benjamin continues and I roll my eyes.

"Yes, because forming a bond with humans and them asking a close friend to help is so very unthinkable. Are you sure he didn't plan this?" I scoff and Agness laughs but I don't find any of this funny.

"That's what I told him when he came to me asking for advice. I told him not to do it." She holds up her hands when I open my mouth again.

"We all did." Isa chimes in and then gets an annoyed look on her face. "He did it anyway. There was something about your mother he couldn't deny and that's how you were born. We all feared for your safety, but you came out normal. We'd all thought you were human until Rain claimed you as his." At the mention of his name Rain stiffens and I run my hands over his arms, soothing him as he's soothing me.

"Because wolves can't mate with humans?" I ask and Isa nods. "But they can mate with other supernatural creatures?" She shakes her head. "So, that would mean my father is a wolf?" I frown and Benjamin shrugs his shoulders. "Can I meet this man or are you going to keep pretending he doesn't exist?" They share looks and I sigh, sinking my weight further into Rain and closing my eyes.

"It's dangerous, Morgan." Agness finally says and I nod my head and sit up, looking back at Rain.

"Can we leave?" He doesn't waste any time in getting up and leading us outside.

"Where do you want to go?" I shake my head.

"Just, away please." He nods and then starts stripping his clothes before he shifts into his wolf. I giggle and run my fingers through his fur, smiling when he crouches down next to me. I grab his pants and climb into his back, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding on as he carries me away from all the lies my life has been built upon.