Chapter 5 - The Accidental Wife (Emily and Julian)

I got than he didn't like me, but did he really have to make it so obvious? It was clear that he believed I was the one who set him up. He didn't think that I was innocent, and I didn't know how to convince him of that

I walked back inside the house because I didn't know where else to go, Luckily, I found Steven and Rose in front of the once I walked inside the living room.

"1. I wanted to thank you for sticking up for me," I said, looking at them for a moment before looking away. I didn't remember if I did anything wrong or not, however, as I stood in front of them, shame took over me. I really didn't plan any of this," I pathetically added

"Come herr, Emily," Rose spoke with a small smile on her lips as she notioned for me to sit. I did as she said and took a shaky breath. I was mighty with their son, but it was all fake because I didn't want him to think that I was weak. In front of them. I was internally shaking "I'm not as bad as Fiona and Maggie might have portrayed me to be," I attempted to defend myself.

"I would never take anything that Maggie says seriously," Rose chuckled, making me laugh a little. "I want you to stop thinking about what happened as much as you can, alright! Let me show you where you will be staying until the wedding. She got up from her place and I The two of us walked together until we reached a nice-

looking cottage at the very end of the backyard. "If you're scared of being on your own, you're welcome to stay with us. We just thought that you may need a bit of privacy" I didn't understand how somebody could be that considerate.

"This is more than enough. Thank you so much," I said. I was truly grateful

We walked inside and 1 was amazed by the beauty of the cottage. It was cozy made of two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room of a good size. I walked towards one of the bedrooms and surely chose the one with the en-suite bathroom. I liked the wooden- style furnishing of the cottage. It made the whole place quite warm

"Is there anything you'd like to change about the place?" Rose asked me after she showed me the whole place.

This is more than enough. Can I hug you, Mrs. Kensington!" I was over the moon with all of that.

"Only if you start calling me Rose." She grinned, opening her arms for me, Quickly, I wrapped my arms around her, and she did the same. It had been so long since I was hugged like that. I swear, I wanted to cry in her arms. She held me tightly and I felt her rubs my back, mother

"Come on, let's get back to the house. You haven't eaten a thing since morning," she said as we pulled away. I realized how hungry I was at the mention of food

When we got back to the house, Rose told one of the maids to prepare breakfast for me. While I was eating, my belongings arrived in trash bags, which was insulting enough

"Don't think about that. They're just p

petty. Would you like somebody to arrange your stuff for you?" Rose asked me and I nodded. I was glad that my clothes had arrived because I really wanted to take a shower and change into something more comfortable.

Julian and his dad joined us in the kitchen while Rose and I were chatting. Seeing Julian in front of me made me want to leave the place. I didn't know how I was going to spend two years with him. I was sure that they were going to be like hell.nôvèLS/vëR-$_E-com owns all content.

"What are we going to tell the media! They have taken multiple pictures of Fiona and me together, Julian wondered.

"Nothing was confirmed about you and Fiona. I made sure to keep your whole marriage a secret until the very last minute, because I have always believed that disasters may take place at any time. Even your wedding invitations haven't been sent out yet, so we're safe," S "Your first appearance will be at the new fragrance launching event we're invited to, Rose told us

"Honey, take Emily shopping tomorrow for a new dress," Steven told his wife who nodded with a smile.

"I have a favour to ask if you don't mind," I said nervously, afraid that he might refuse.

"Do you want your dress to be from the unreleased collection of Yves Saint Laurent Julian threw a sarcastic remark, which made him earn a glare from his mother.

"Nu, I was wondering if you could get me a job anywhere," I said, addressing Steven, then turned to Julian. "But I will leave all fashion matters to you since it seems like you're into them more than me. What you're wearing for staying line basically costs the entire tuition of "Says the girl whose entire tuition was

was paid by her daddy" He chuckled.

Oh, it came with a price. I wasn't allowed to get anything less than A- in order to have my father pay for me. Did you have to work as a waiter to 147 for

your tuition fees, Julian?" I challenged him and the redness of his face proved that his father paid for everything.

12:36 H

"If you two keep bickering like that in public, people aren't going to believe that you two like each other," Steven warmed us.

"I'm not starting anything. He keeps pushing my buttons!" I exclaimed.

"Just looking at you pushes my buttons, he snapped at me.

"Enough!" Rose snapped at the two of us. "Emily, what did you major in? Maybe we can find a job for you at the company."

"I have a double major in business and fashion design," I told


o you have any experience!" Steven asked me.

"I did have an internship, but not an actual job. I only graduated three months ago," I replied.

"What's y

's your GPA?" he continged with his questions,

3,93," I said, making Julian spit the water he was drinking. Why was he surprised? Was he told that I was barely passing my finals?

"That's impressive. I can definitely arrange a job for you, Steven told me, making me smile widely

"Thank you so much." I was grateful for that. I needed to start depending on myself,

I excused myself and went to the cottage which would be my new house for the next three months.

I didn't know what Julian was told about me, but 1 had a feeling that he was fed a bunch of lies. I still couldn't believe that Steven wanted me for Julian from the very beginning, but Mr. Harolds, my so-called father, chose his amazing stepdaughter over me.

The thing was, I hadn't done anything to anger him. I had always been quiet and managed to stay out of trouble all the time. That wasn't enough for him. I didn't even know what was expected from me. I didn't know where I went wrong to be treated like that.

I needed to go buy some groceries because I did not plan on burdening Steven and Rose with feeding me. I was already burdening them with my

I took a shower, changed into a pair of leggings and a hoodie, and made my way out of the mansion. I took an Uber to the nearest grocery store since my car was still at my ex-

family's place. When I walked towards the entrance, I had a feeling that somebody was following me, but whenever 1 looked around, I didn't see anybody.

Attributing that feeling to my unjustified paranoia, I tried to continue shopping in peace. Surprisingly, that was my first time going grocery shopping from scratch. Yes, I did go before to buy some things I liked to eat, but that was my first time shopping as an independent adu "I know her! I'm not stalking her!" I heard somebody exclaim behind me, making me look back.

To say that I was surprised to see some security guard holding Julian's arm firmly would be an understatement. What the hell was he doing here?