I knew what I did was dangerous. He didn't have feelings for me and I didn't think that I had feelings for him, but we were both sexually frustrated, We both had bottled up desires that we needed to release.
was certain that there were no feelings between us, especially after 1 watched him get out of my bed. He didn't plan on staying the night. It
wasn't like I expected much, but I just wanted him to hold me for a line while. He didn't hold me for even a second, which hurt a little.
"Do you do you regret this?" he asked after he put on his t-shirt
I shook my head. I truly didn't. I just got my hopes up.
"Good" He nodded.
"Do you regret this?" It was my turn to ask.
"No, I don't. Thankfully, his answer was quick, saving me from any embarrassment
It took me a while to fall asleep after he left, because I kept thinking about the changes that had taken place in the span of a week. I didn't know what to expect from him anymore. I didn't know what he expected from me either.
When I went to the kitchen the next day to make breakfast, I was surprised to find Julian already awake. Employees were required to be present at the company at nine sharp, but Julian always showed up at ten since he was the CEO, so I didn't understand the reason beh "Good morning." I said as I walked to the fridge. He used to have breakfast at the office, but for the past few days I had been making him breakfast before I left. It wasn't really a hassle because I already made breakfast for myself every morning, so making a bigger portion "Good morning," he replied. As I walked around the kitchen, I could feel his eyes on me, which made me nervous. What was going on with him' "Do you need help!"
"No, thanks. It's
I's not much really, I shrugged and continued moving around.
"Do you want us to go together today?" His question surprised me. We had never done that before. "Tm up early anyway, so you won't be late. Even if you're late. I happen to know the CEO and I think he won't give you a warning. That had me chuckling.
"You want people to call me nepa-baby! That's bad," I commented, placing his plate in front of him. "I don't mind going with you, but I can't today." "Why?" he asked with a frown. He managed to look handsome even while frowning.
*1 promised Sam to go with him today because we're going to get a gift for his sister," I replied and sat down to eat.
"Sam! Who's he?" His tone changed. The friendliness in it lessened, which had me confused.
"A colleague," 1 nonchalantly said.
"But why would he ask you specifically!" Juhan was acting weirdly.
""Because I'm his friend."
"Doesn't he have other friends?"
"I'm sure he dors, but he asked me and since I don't have anything to do tonight, I agreed. Why is that bothering you?" I couldn't help but ask 1 didn't want my mind to interpret this in the wrong way, but something had me thinking that Julian Kensington was Julian, which "It's not bothering me. I was just wondering" His tone softened a linke "Are you going to be back for dinner!"
Okay, something was definitely up with him. He had never asked me that because we hadn't had dinner together unless it was with his parents. Last night was an exception.
"Wewe don't have dinner together," I reminded him. He was certainly giving me whiplash.
"Oh."The frown appeared again on his face.
Was he lonely!
"But if you want us to havr
want us to have dinner together, I can get back early," I offered, feeling bad.
"That sounds good." He seemed to like the idea.
I didn't understand what was going on with him. It was all rather confusing, but I didn't mind any development in our relationship. I wasn't fond of having any animosity with him. I wanted us to at least, be cordial. "Is there anything you'd like me to get us for dinner?" he asked me.
"I was thinking that I could cook if you want. It may delay dinner, but it's a fast recipe." I replied
"What do you have in mind?" He had a stupid grin on his face that made me laugh.
"Macaroni with white sauce and shrimp, I said, causing him to lick his lips. He looked incredibly sexy while doing so.
"Again, I know the CEO, so if you want a few days off to show off your incredible cooking skills, I will gladly put in a word for you," he joked.
"I will hold on to that offer, but I don't want to use this card now," I said hopping off my seat: "Now, I gotta go, Not all of us are friends with the GEO.I hurried out of the house since Sam was waiting for me outside. Luckily, I was only five minutes late, so it wasn't an issue since we had a fifteen-minute grace period.
"Emily Kensington is late today. That's a first Britney said with a smirk, making me roll my eyes. "Careful next time. You may not be within your grace period."
"I'm so touched that you care about my work life." I sarcastically put my hand on my heart.
"Of course, you're the newbie in our department. We should look after you 1 seriously wanted to slap her. I didn't even know why she had her nose in my business.
It was certainly a long day between work and shopping with Sam. I was more than ready to throw my exhausted body on the bed, but I knew that! promised Julian to cook tonight, so I didn't want to let him down.
Once I walked inside, I found Julian in the living room. He wasn't in his usual suit and tie. I liked how he looked in sweatpants and a normal t-shirt
"Give me five minutes. I will change quickly and we can start cooking" I told him as I made my way to the stairs.
"There's no need. That made me stop in my tracks. "I had dinner."
"Oh, was I late?" I asked, turning to look at him.All content is property © nôvE/lSvér.$ê.cøm.
"No, but I believe that this is for the best. Contusion took over me. What did he mean!
"I don't get it." I wanted an explanation
"It was wrong of me to get your hopes up. Nothing will happen between us. Just because we had sex, it doesn't mean that things will be diferent. We were both sexually frustrated. Nothing more. I'm not going to fall for you, and this marriage will end once the two years are reason for us to get any closer." Why did he have to be cruel!
"Thanks for the clarification," I mumbled before going straight to my room. The thing was all I wanted was his friendship. I wanted nothing more. It was my fault. I should have never been that hopeful. HEND GIFT