What I had to say was unreasonable, but part of me hoped that she'd agree. Her fear was rational. I was scared of the same thing, because it was easy to fall for somebody like Emily. I was selfish. I wanted to have her for a while without getting attached, which was somet I wasn't even sure if the rules I had in mind would help us in that situation, but I wanted to try because I didn't know how I was going to spend the next year and five months with her without being able to kiss or touch her. She was irresistible in every way one could think of defended the people she loved with everything in her.
Emily was great.
"So what are the rules Emily wondered, looking at me. She let me cat in silence for almost five minutes, but curiosity was crystal clear on her beautiful face.
"Well maybe we shouldn't go on danes, because usually dates make people like each other, but of course, we can go to social events together," I sounded so unsure of what I was saying.
"That seem
seems reasonable. She nodded, eating a piece of sautéed potato.
"And we shouldn't kiss unless we're having sex." I wasn't sure how I was going to stick to that rule, because I had kissed her before and her lips were addictive. "Keep going "Why was I scared of her reaction?
"We also shouldn't cuddle or stay in each other's beds after having sex" Ladded
"That's a bummer." She rolled her eyes 1 like cuddles, but I understand your point of view.
"I don't think there's anything else in my mind," 1 said, waiting for her decision 1 desperately wanted her to agree
"There's something I would like to add." I nodded. "Even after doing all of this, if one of us falls for the other, we have to admit that and. immediately stop this deal"
"I totally agree," I said. Her fear was obvious and she had every right to feel that way. She probably thought that my heart was made of stone, but what she didn't know was that I had the same fear. I didn't want to fall for her. I didn't want to wake up one day and wish to have her by my side for the rest of my life
"There's something else," she added. "Don't show up at my desk again, People are going to talk."
"I'm your husband and I happen to work with you in the same place," Ter request was weird to me. "Has somebody been bothering you?"
"Of course, people talk, Julian" Her answer wasn't direct
"What have you heard?" If she was getting bullied, I was going to put an end to that Emily was too nice to report anyburly, but I wasn't going to len anybody mistreat her.
"Nothing major, Julian" She pushed her food around the place.This belongs to nōvêlSvERS-e..cóm: ©.
"I be the judge of that."
"Things like "Oh it must be nice to be married to the CFO' or 'li must be relaxing to know that if you made a mistake, your husband would have your back'. The worst thing wasn't said directly to me, but I found a piece of paper on my desk once that said "Do you plan on fuc "Why haven't you taken this
is to HR? I wondered
"I'm the CEO's wife. Everybody will think that I'm just being a baby and can't handle a joke. She shrugged. "They're harmless comments, Julian. I expected that to happen."
"Is that why you didn't want to go home early today?" She nodded and looked down
"I plan on quitting once I complete a year. It won't look good in my CV to quite before that." She pushed a strand of her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear.
"Even if this is what you want to do, you will shouldn't endure bullying because you plan on leaving, Please think about reporting such cornments. I can't force you to do anything, but at lease promise me that you're going to think about it." I smiled when she nodded. "Can we add something else to our deal?" I wondered. She titled her head to the side, waiting for me to continue. "Can you cook for me once or twice a week?" I grinned, making her laugh; she had such a cute laugh.
I will think about that," she teased me and resumed eating. I had a feeling that our agreement was a dangerous one, but that was a risk I was willing to take.
12337 PM
"And I have a request." It was easy for me to sense how comfortable I was starting to get with Emily.
"What is it?" she asked.
"I want to see some of your designs." She seemed startled by my request. Ever since I heard Roman talking about how beautiful her designs were, 1 wanted to see them. "I understand if you're not ready yet. Of course, I would be disappointed if she refused, but I was quite "Tim not ready to show you my designs yet, but I can show you the dress I made for Rose." She made a dress for Mum She surely knew how to make my mum swoon.
"I would love to." I was excited to see it. Yes, I wanted to see more than one dress, but that was all that she was comfortable shooing me, I was going to respect her wishes. She surely had her reasons.
After washing our hands, she took me to her bedroom. She
went to her closet to get the dress and I waited for her. While waiting, I looked around the room and noticed the touches she had added. It was clear that Emily loved plants. She had many of them there. I also noticed different candles here and there. She had one on her nightstand. I picked it up and brought it to my nose; it smelled so good. A mixture of vanilla and strawberry.
"I really hope she likes it I set the candle back on the nightstand and looked at Emily. She was holding a dark blue dress in her hands. "I asked her maid to get me one of the dresses that perfectly fits her and I copied the measurements Smart. She wanted the whole thing to be a surprise. She hesitantly placed the dress on the bed and stepped back, letting me see the dress
"What do you call the shake of the dress?" I asked her.
"Mermaid and the top is off-
shoulder," she replied. I loved the smile on her lips. Despite her anxiousness, she seemed proud of her work and the had every right to feel that way. The dress was magnificent. The details she added to the top made it magnificent. Even the lace the chose was detailed an "What do you think?" she nervously asked,
"I think.." I looked at her and saw skepticism in her eyes, "you're going places. Emily! That was enough to make her face break into a huge grin as she wrapped her arms around me. I lacked her in my embrace and silently prayed that I wouldn't end up loving that pure sou