Chapter 14 - The Alpha’s Contract

"You are supposed to be in bed, not sleeping in a chair." Alpha Dane's voice is quiet as he slides his arms under me and moves me back to the bed. He pulls the blanket up over me, but I try to sit up.

"Sleeping will help you get over this quicker." He gently pushes against my shoulders, trying to get me to lie back down.

"No." I push back against him. "Somethings wrong."

"I told you your wound will hurt for a while."

"No." I mutter sleepily. I couldn't even make sense of what I wanted to say. "It's a trick." I mumble. "I think it's a trick."

"A trick?"

I nod my head but my tired eyes remain closed as I fight the sleep demons to tell Alpha Dane my idea.

"Get some sleep, we will talk about it when you feel better." He orders

When I woke, I made myself get out of the bed, there was no way I was letting myself get all sleepy again before I had a chance to explain myself.

Splashing water on my face, I stare at my reflection in the mirror. My blue eyes were a little brighter and my skin no longer looked as dull.

"You're awake." Alpha Dane mutters, making me jump. I hadn't heard him come in.

He walks right up behind me, his eyes locked on to mine in the mirror as I feel the heat that his body produces.

"How are you feeling?" He asks as his hands move to my hips.

I feel my own temperature increase as my neck and my face turn pink. His fingers creep under my top slipping inside the waistband of my joggers, edging into my panties as his lips meet my neck and I let out a quiet moan. "Neah?"

My eyes snap open to Alpha Dane who is standing over me

"You really should be sleeping in the bed, not the chair." He mutters.

It was just a dream. Just a dream. But the dream didn't hide the fact that he could probably smell my arousal. So I clamp my thighs together.

"Do you need help?" He asks

"No!" I blurt out a little too loudly and he cocks a brow at me.

"I was only offering to help you get to the bed." I see the small smirk on his lips. He could smell me.

I lower my gaze. "I like to sit here, I like to watch." I mutter, trying to keep the topic off of my dream. "It's different."


"You don't expect me to do anything. You are letting me sleep for as long as I need. And the food...... It's just different." I couldn't explain it any more than that but he nodded anyway. "Not everyone is a bastard." He tells me as he changes his black tee to a red shirt.

He turns back to face me as he fastens his buttons. I was right when I first noticed no ink. Not a single tattoo could be seen, it was strange. Everyone in Moonshine was covered in them. "Yes?" He asks


"Neah, I may not have known you for long, but I know when you have a question to ask. Ask!"All content is property © nôvē_L-$vè/R$é-com.

"You have no tattoos."

"That's not a question." "Why?"

"They're not really my style. I know others have them to show their dominance or to show they belong to a pack. But I'm sure you will agree that I don't need them." He points to his crimson eyes. "These are enough to show my position in the world." He was right, I had never seen another Wolf with eyes like his. Though I thought it was some kind of trick, contact lenses or something.

"Trick." I mutter out louder

"I can assure you that these are my eyes."

"No." I shake my head. "No, I was thinking about everything you told me before I fell asleep. The blood tie and still being partly mated."

His eyes narrow when I say 'partly mated.'

"What if it is a trick? You said blood ties allow the mate to walk around freely in the other's pack. Raven told me that Moonshine had never been heard of and you said the blood tie was recent."

He is just staring at me.

"You told me that some of your other brides had been snooping. I haven't." I add when I look up at him. "Could they get in, undetected because of the blood tie with me?"

It was probably the most I had spoken in one go since being here.

"It's a good idea, but no. You would have to be a member of my pack officially for that to work."

"Officially? You mean if you mark me?" I ask quietly. He had mentioned it but had said no more since.

"If I mark you." Alpha Dane confirms. "But I can't do that while you have a mate out there. You think the blood tie pain is bad, it's nothing in comparison to being marked by one yet mated to another. It will kill you."