“Come in.
I step into the room and I look around to find myself in one of the rooms I have never been to before.
It was strange.
The curtains were black.
The bed sheets covered in silk red covers and there was negligible furniture in the room except the four poster bed and a chair.
Red carpet covered the floor and I adjust my weight on my either leg to look up at Maeve.
Is this where she is going to train me from now on?
Did you had the potion?”
I nod.
How long ago.
Chapter Its just been five minutes.
She nods to round around the chair and stand behind it.
Come on.
Sit down.
I settle down on the chair when I suddenly feel ropes getting tied around my wrists.
What are you doing?”
I speak and she whispers in my ear from behind to next time up my loose hair into a tight bun over my head.
You will understand soon.
Don’t worry.
I have no intention to whip you like that day.
The very reminder of that day made me grit my teeth.
And I try to distract my mind by asking her questions.
Reb was your sister, right? Why didn’t you kill me that day? You had the opportunity right in your hand.
She tied my ankles with the leg of the chair to sigh.
Chapter 40
What use would that be? Easy death is a blessing.
Don’t you know it?”
Plus no matter how much I hate you.
I would never wish for Xavier to lose his everything for a stupid woman like you.
He deserves way better.
Trust me.
If it wasn’t for the barter? You would have been long dead.
I couldn’t deny her words.
She was right.
The barter.
I was living because of that piece of contract.
A strange knot twists in my stomach and I just knew.
The effect of the potion was beginning.
Maeve smirks to tilt her head to a side.
Bring it on.
”Contentt bel0ngs to N0ve/lDrâ/ma.O(r)g!
And the next thing I know, something under me starts vibrating, touching my womanhood and I feel a strange feeling rising inside me.
What… what is that?”
Did you really thought it was basic chair.
News flash Sierra.
Its special.
Its one of the most successful instruments I possess.
Woman literally beg to sit on this chair and look at you.
Being so grateful!”
The fu–aghh”
I was going to scream when that feelings hits me again and I go breathless for a second.
My head slams back on the head rest.
Fuck! You bitch! This is cheating… you said I just had to drink the potion…”
She crouched down in front of me to smirk.
Oops really? I don’t remember saying that.
It would be too boring.
Isn’t this interesting now?”
I bite my lip to press my thighs together.
My back arches as I feel another wave of that strange pain hit me.
Wow… just look at your face.
Who knew someone like you could look beautiful.
With eyes rolled back…”
She brushes her manicured long fingertip on my lips and I move my head to a side.
“Lips parted.
Her fingers caressed my burning check.
“Flushed cheeks.
Me up… now… dammit… aghhh.
My mind was swirling.
I was having images.
Almost hallucinations if someone hovering over me.
Touching me.
No… this is not normal.
What was that potion.
She gets up to her full height to place her hands on her waist.
Her eyes twinkling in achievement.
“One of the experiment potions I made.
I still don’t know how good it is.
Its still in testing face.
And you are my test subject.
What the hell?
She was bloody testing on me?
Don’t worry.
It can cause hallucinations, influence your neaurons to stimulate your orgasm.
You may feel tingling all over your body…a strange hotness.
You will love it by the end of it!”
How… how long?”
She thinks.
She bloody thinks as if she doesn’t know.
Is she serious?
I donno.
As I said you are the first test subject.
At maximum it can just extend for a day or two.
My mind went blank.
As my body burns up.
A wetness starts pooling between my legs.
2 days.
She got to be kidding me.
I thrash.
Trying to get up to punch the living daylights out of her, when I drop back on the chair.
The vibration hits stronger and a frustrated