It didn't take us long to arrive at the next destination which is to discuss about the caterers because Diana didn't choose the caterers yet-she told us, it'd be best if we get to choose them according to our own taste than hers. Well, I'm not going to blame in her any point of that, I love food and there can never be too much of it.
"What about dessert?" Diana asks, looking at us before glancing down at the menu again.
"A chocolate fountain would be great with marshmallows and even fruits," Aidan replies, pointing at the picture as our wedding planner starts to take note of our dislikes and likes. He continues to speak while I roll my eyes, "Maybe, two chocolate fountains." He adds. "You don't even eat sugar," I raise an eyebrow.
"Nonsense. I do eat sugar from time to time," He starts to chuckle, shaking his head as he looks down at the menu again which causes me to cross my arms. Both of my eyes are staring directly at him with a sly smirk appearing on my face as he gazes back. "Oh! Like when we were out fulfilling my monthly cravings, you'd be rejecting my offer on buying you cupcakes or chocolates of your own because you said it would ruin your diet. Now, you're telling me that it's nonsense?" I lean forward from my seat, purposely flipping the pages.
He scoffs, "You don't even eat chocolate."
"That's my point! You're requesting for a chocolate fountain even if you know how much I can't eat chocolate because my skin reacts badly to it," I reply. "No, wait. You're requesting for two chocolate fountains. Chocolate fountains with chocolate dripping down from it every single passing second while I walk around the hall, staring back at it."
"Then? We can't have cupcakes," He leans forward, mimicking my actions.
"Why not? You're the one who won't eat cupcakes even if someone shove it down your throat. Besides, you're probably not going to eat anything at our wedding day because apparently, most of the food there would 'ruin' your diet." I fire back, smirking.
His eyes widen, "That's a lie. You don't need to keep on saying how I won't eat certain food because it'll ruin my diet because I know pretty much everything about how my diet goes. You don't need to remind me about it or about anything. I'm sure you'd hate it if I keep on reminding you that you can't eat chocolate even if you want to because of your skin's reaction," He adds.
"Well, I'm sorry for not being born with perfect skin!" I exclaim.
He clenches his jaw, "I didn't mean it that way. Why are we even fighting about your skin? We're discussing about desserts with our mothers and Marie-this isn't a dermatologist talk."
Without us realising, we're already eye to eye as the room grows silence from our sudden argument. Both my mother and Diana are staring at us while Marie remains quiet as she holds onto her tablet-eyeing Aidan and I. My eyes wander around the room to find a few couples are looking back at us, causing me to lean back and clear my throat.
Aidan and I chuckle, "Couple's fight."
We didn't start another argument and we agreed to almost everything that Marie had planned out for us due to my dislike of chocolate and his disinterest in cupcakes. Both of us seem to have forgotten about our current 'status' as we were busy arguing like we always do, the perks of being best friends for so long.
The five of us walk out of the bakery as Aidan glances down at his wrist watch, looking at the time as mother and Diana are discussing a place to have lunch.
"It looks like I have to go," Aidan says, looking up at our mothers.
"I thought you said, after lunch?" Diana asks, her son who seems slightly impatient to get into the car and drive away as he keeps on glancing down at his wrist watch.
"I forgot about last night's work. Flynn has been calling me for the past thirty minutes but my phone was on silent. I'm sorry but I really have to go," He pulls Diana in for a hug, "Is there anything else that we need to discuss?" He asks, glancing at me before glancing at Diana and my mother-waiting for their answers.
Marie looks down at her schedule, "No. Not with you,"
"What does that supposed to mean?" He asks.
"What Marie means is that... you will not be needed for the next discussion. Actually, it's not even up for discussion as it only involves us women." Diana replies, smiling at Marie.
Aidan nods his head before turning to look at me, "I'm out, then. Call me if you need anything and here's my credit card. Use it to buy your wedding dress or other necessary things for the wedding," He hands me his credit card, slightly touching my hand as I receive it. Just as he starts to walk away towards his car, "Are you guys still arguing about dessert?" Diana asks, stopping him in his steps-turning back to look at us.
"Of course, not." He shoves both of his hands in his slacks' pockets, "What makes you think that the argument was serious?" He asks.
"Oh, you know... maybe because you didn't give Kenna a kiss but instead you gave her your credit card." She replies, pulling onto my mother's arm as they both walk away towards the other shop near the bakery-Marie trailing behind them, somehow giving us space.
Aidan and I gaze up at each other as
he starts to make his way towards me, slowly lessening the distance between us; making me stand stilkat my exact spot. "They're looking at us through the shop's window, aren't they?" I ask, causing him to glance up at the shop's direction before chuckling and nodding his head, lightly.
"You know them so well," He breathes out.nō_vëls-ver.sE.Com (C) content.
Due to the differences of our heights, I am left looking up at him as he looks down at me. Both of his brown eyes are staring down into mine-leaving me realise how they're actually lighter than normally because of the sunlight shining brightly above our heads. Our gaze are interrupted by the sudden sound coming from his phone, making him glance down at the screen before sighing. He clenches his jaw for awhile as he leans forward towards me, "I'm going to kiss you, okay? They're watching." He whispers near my ear.
My lips curve up into a smile after chuckling, "Go ahead. Knock yourself out,"
Within seconds, both of his hands go up to cup my face as his lips meet mine. Our lips move in sync-surprising me with the softness of his. He tilts his head to the side, in order for him to kiss me, easily before pulling himself back for a few seconds; his droopy eyes
meeting mine.
He glances down at my lips before leaning in again for a couple of seconds. Then, I am left feeling the warmth of his hands radiating to my face as he starts to pull away; making me open my eyes at the sight of his lips turning into a darker yet pinkish colour. "Have fun," He smiles.
"Drive safe." I reply as he starts to walk away, unlocking his car before entering. Then, he has already drove away-leaving me staring at the empty parking spot.
As I turn around, I am left looking at Diana and my mother exiting the shop with multiple shopping bags in their hands; making me furrow my brows before smiling. They both look up at me as their eyes wander around to look for something or more specifically, someone. "He left, already?" My mother asks.
"Yeah. Don't tell me you guys weren't practically staring at us?" I raise an eyebrow as they both chuckle, entering the car-completely ignoring my question.
"Come on, dear. We have to find you the perfect wedding dress!" Diana exclaims with excitement, seconds before I enter the car; leaving me wonder back to when I was a kid,
talking about weddings with net
my old school friends. Mostly about our wedding dress and how we would end up meeting our prince charming.