But if Zack thought something was wrong with the company, his instinct kicked in when he walked down to the parking lot and saw the woman leaning against one of the walls. She was trying to change her high heels into some low-top sneakers, but her hands were shaking. He was tempted to go talk to her, but something in him still resisted getting carried away by other people’s problems. He had a new company to run, and if he wanted Andrea to feel better, he only had to fix his company, not the woman’s personal life. He finally saw her adjust her coat and walk out into the cold street. He looked at her from afar and saw that she didn’t take a taxi or a bus, so she probably lived nearby. He had no idea how wrong he was, because Andrea didn’t live even remotely close, she simply couldn’t afford to pay for any kind of transportation. For forty minutes the girl walked in the middle of the cold Canadian winter, and by the time she finally reached her building it was almost dark. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Wilson,” she greeted the nearly seventy-year-old woman who was looking after her daughter kindly. “How was your day? How was my princess?” Andrea picked her daughter up and gave her lots of kisses, hugging her as if that alone could ease all the pain in her heart. “Everything went very well, dear,” Mrs. Wilson told her. “Adriana is a very good girl, and she has behaved like an angel. Only… you know… we are hungry at this hour.” Andrea smiled sweetly at her. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Wilson, I’ll make dinner soon.” Margaret Wilson was also a kind of angel. She had no family and lived off her pension, but there were already many things she didn’t have the strength to do. She lived next door, and when Andrea was alone she had been the only one to help her. Now, she took care of little Adriana during the day, in exchange for Andrea helping her with all the housework, so as soon as she got home from work, the girl took care of everything: cleaning, cooking, washing, running errands… Thanks for reading on LeeNovelas.com. So Andrea started making dinner while her daughter kicked the air when she heard her sing. She didn’t have much reason to do so, but Andrea didn’t want Adriana to forget her voice after spending so much time without her. Very soon the small apartment was filled with the smell of a stew made with a lot of love but little meat. After eating, she said goodbye to Mrs. Wilson and took her daughter to her small apartment. The rent had been paid for a year, so she still had a couple of months to see where she would live next. She gave her daughter a warm bath and sang to her and rocked her, trying to transmit anything but the sadness that gripped her soul. As soon as Adriana fell asleep, he laid her down in his baby bed on the only mattress he had. It had been given to him at the nearest church, but he had no bed to put it on, so it was on the floor.She knew it wasn’t even a comfortable home, but at least it could provide warmth and a roof for her and her daughter. She checked the bills and tried to hold back her tears, realizing that she wouldn’t be able to make ends meet. Between the monthly hospital bill and the child’s and household expenses, she barely had any money left. “I can’t sacrifice electricity or heat,” she murmured. “And even less Adriana’s formula and diapers… God, what am I going to do…?!” For a long minute, anguish dominated her and she allowed herself to cry, but then she made the decision that seemed most logical to her: she had to buy less food for her. There was coffee and muffins in the office… she could eat that. Remember. Read this novel only at LeeNovelas.com, not on other sites. The next day she made her walk back to the company, but she couldn’t even bring the first cup of coffee to her lips because as soon as Trembley got off that elevator he started yelling at her. —Didn’t I tell you that you had to give me last month’s reports!? —he rebuked her and Andrea almost dropped the cup from her hand because she had given them to him the day before and he had thrown them in her face—. Don’t look at me like that or I’ll believe that you are more of an idiot than you already are, Andrea! Andrea froze, but she forced herself to look up at Trembley. —Sir —she said with a trembling voice—, I already delivered those documents yesterday. If you have any problems, don’t blame me for my work, you were the one who told me that you wanted this month’s! —Well, now I want them again! —Trembley didn’t want to hear anything—. So that you don’t make any more mistakes, today you get out all the reports of the year, from all the divisions and that’s it! —But… getting all the reports out will take me all night… —she began to say, but Trembley had already turned on his heels to leave. —Well, that’s your problem, Andrea. You stay after quitting time and if you can’t get your work done then you’ll have to fix it somehow… or else go clean your desk for someone else to come in. Andrea nodded silently even though her heart was breaking at the thought of having to stay late. For starters if she was late to the department she wouldn’t be able to spend as much time with her daughter as she wanted, but the most hateful thing was that she knew why her boss wanted her to stay. For a long second she clenched her fists and held back her tears, telling herself she couldn’t afford to lose this job, and as soon as Trembley disappeared into his office, she grabbed her laptop and ran to the copy room. There were seven printers there, if she hurried maybe she could finish before quitting time. She didn’t even notice that there were shrewd eyes following the scene. Eyes that watched her run all day, and they especially noticed that she had everything necessary to be a good ally. Zack spent the whole day reviewing the representation contracts of the athletes,But that wasn’t enough, she needed to go deeper and for that she needed special access, access like the one Andrea had. It was already past noon when she headed towards the copy room, but the first thing she saw was a woman staggering and trying to reach the floor without falling. “Andrea!” he exclaimed as he put an arm around her waist to support her and saw her react nervously. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” she murmured trying to grab onto one of the printers to support herself. “You’re fainting, it’s no reason to apologize,” he said hoarsely. “Are you okay?” She pressed her lips together and nodded. “Yes… my sugar must have just gone down…” she lied. “I’ll take a cup of coffee and it’ll go away…” But as if her body wanted to deny that sentence, her stomach growled loudly, making her look at him in horror. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry… this is completely inappropriate…”That’s for sure, he replied, and Andrea paled. Being hungry is the least appropriate thing in the world. You should hear how hungry I get. And although there was not even the hint of a smile on his face, Andrea felt that it was a kind of… empathy? “You know what? I don’t know anyone here. How about I invite you to lunch and you explain to me a little how this works? Because I’ve been a sports representative for a few years now and I swear I don’t understand this company!” Andrea hesitated, seeing all the work he had, but she was also too hungry. “OK… thanks.” Zack opened the door for her to go in first and soon after they sat down in the cafeteria. Andrea tried to eat slowly, but luckily the man in front of her didn’t seem particularly delicate, so they ended up eating together, eating those burgers like a bear after hibernation. Suddenly Andrea’s phone started ringing and she apologized, moving away a little, but Zack could still hear what she was talking about. —I’m sorry, Mrs. Wilson… can you wait until seven today? —the girl begged him—. It’s just that my boss wants me to stay later… I know… I’m so sorry, but I assure you that I’ll make you the best dinner… Yes… Thank you, Mrs. Wilson, I have no way to pay you… Andrea hung up and Zack didn’t miss the way she swallowed. The lunch ended with much gratitude on Andrea’s part and much curiosity on Zack’s part, one that made him stay when the clock struck five in the afternoon. While everyone left, Andrea was still busy in the copy room, trying to pull out every report that had been generated in the last year. It was complete madness, but when she felt the door to the room open, she no longer had any doubts about why Trembley had asked her to do it. The man advanced towards her and Andrea made an involuntary gesture to move away. —But how hard-working you have become, Andreíta! —Trembley said with a sly smile—. If only you were as diligent about everything else! Andrea felt a chill run down her spine. “I don’t understand…” she murmured, trying to move further away. “Come on, don’t be shy,” he said, moving closer, “I’m sure all this effort you put into your work could pay off a lot if you put it in a lower… area.” Andrea felt her breathing quicken and her heart beat faster and faster. She swallowed and tried to stay strong. “I don’t know what you mean,” she said in a cold tone, leaning back against the wall. “No?” he asked, holding her chin between his fingers. “I think so, in fact I think you could give your work a good push, if only you were willing!” Trembley moved even closer, meeting her gaze and placing his hand on her shoulder, moving her in a subtly sexual gesture. —I think you’re mistaken, Mr. Trembley. I’m very happy with the job I have… I don’t need anything else… —I don’t believe that —said the man with a cynical smile—.Why are you resisting? I can help you improve your situation. “I told him I don’t want to…” Andrea felt him grab her arm tightly and looked desperately towards the open door, thinking about the possibility of escaping, but when the old man’s pressure became stronger, that huge figure was outlined against the light of the entrance. “Andrea? Where do I leave these reports?” Zack’s deep, icy voice hissed and Trembley turned furiously, to see how the new man interrupted him for the second time. “What the hell are you still doing here?!” Trembley spat at him and Zack looked for a moment at that hand that closed on the woman’s arm. “Me? I’m waiting for Andrea to take her home,” he said. “And you?”Content © nóvēLsverse/_COM.