Chapter 7 - 472 Ba

Andrea hugged her body, trying to ward off the cold while crying when she found herself against the wall. Her heart was beating fast, her mind was confused about many things except the main one: she couldn’t lose her daughter. She looked at Adriana, sleeping in her baby bed on that mattress and sobbed desperately when she realized that there was no other way out. She could report Trembley for harassment, but by the time the process was finalized she would already be fired and penniless. Besides, that would appear in her employment record, and it would be very difficult for her to find a new job where they wouldn’t be afraid of a lawsuit. With a trembling hand she knocked on her neighbor’s door again. – Mrs. Wilson… I know this is too much to ask, but I have an emergency at work. Please, could you take care of Adriana for a few more hours? Mrs. Wilson realized that something was happening, so she gladly kept the baby. – I’m sorry you’re going through a bad time, Andrea. Neither you nor this little creature deserve it, he said. The girl nodded nervously and then went another five minutes to her apartment to change before leaving. She didn’t have anything appropriate for going out at night, nor did she care. She put on the same clothes she wore to work and went out into the street. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for her daughter. She couldn’t bear the thought of Adriana not having a better future than hers, so even though she felt like she was about to die of disgust and shame, she just quickened her pace to get there as quickly as possible. The hotel her boss had told her about was a very elegant and exclusive place, and it gave her chills to see it. She knew what she was facing, but her stomach still turned when she saw that man sitting at the bar. He looked like a well-off toad and there was no money or promotions that could change his unpleasant appearance. When Andrea approached, he stared at her. She stopped in her tracks, paralyzed by fear, but he made a sign for her to come closer to him. – Couldn’t you have put on something better? – Trembley hissed, looking her up and down in annoyance. Thanks for reading on – I didn’t come on a date or to win over a man – she replied – I came to solve a problem, and I don’t need to do that in an elegant dress that I don’t own either. Trembley looked at her disapprovingly, but then he signaled the bartender, who poured him an additional drink and he pushed it towards Andrea. – Drink – Trembley ordered her – By now you should have learned to respect me, Andrea. It’s not in your best interest to resist, much less get loud, because every word I don’t like I’m going to pay you back in the worst way in that room. Andrea shuddered and looked around desperately, praying for a miracle to help her out of this situation. But there was only silence. Finally, Trembley stood up and approached her. His gaze showed that he had every intention of subduing her.Andrea cringed as he wrapped an arm around her waist and grabbed her buttock. “You and I are going to have a lot of fun tonight, Andrea,” he whispered as Andrea’s eyes filled with tears. “And you’re going to behave very well and please me in everything I… Remember. Read this novel only at, not on other sites.” Andrea couldn’t contain herself. She suddenly felt like gagging and had to grab the glass she hadn’t drunk from to vomit into it. Trembley pulled away from her in disgust and let out a nasty croak: “What the hell is this…?” “That’s proof that no woman will tolerate sleeping with you even if forced,” a powerful voice resounded behind him and Trembley turned around immediately to see who it was. Andrea looked up and her heart skipped a beat as she saw Zack standing there, with a grim and determined expression. He watched her for a moment. Her face was streaked with tears and she was shaking. He had never seen a woman more embarrassed or humiliated in his life, so now he understood even less her motives for doing this. “Get out of here right now,” he said, looking her straight in the eyes and she made a move to leave, but Trembley grabbed her wrist. “You stay out of this, it’s none of your business! What she and I do outside of work is our business!” Trembley snapped at her. Zack approached them, looking at the girl’s shaking fist and lifted the arm that Trembley was holding. “You have ten seconds to let go, either you let go or decide where I break that hand,” he growled violently, leaning over the fat man. Seven… six… Finally Trembley released her with a push and Andrea staggered. “Get out of here.” Wait for me outside – Zack ordered the girl and Andrea didn’t make him repeat it, but when she got to the door… she couldn’t obey either. – Who do you think you are, imbecile?! – Trembley snapped at her furiously – Do you think you can get involved in this? She and I have some unfinished business for a long time! – That’s a woman! One who doesn’t want to sleep with you! Or did that glass of vomit not tell you anything? – Zack replied sarcastically, because Andrea had had the most honest reaction in the world. – She wants to move up! Promotions cost, that’s nothing new. She came on her own two feet, so she can handle the consequences of her decision – Trembley spat with contempt – That’s what happens to upstart bitches, if she wants to move up, who am I to refuse? Zack gritted his teeth in rage. – Do you think I’m stupid? – Zack hissed in disgust. Andrea didn’t come here because she wanted a promotion, she came here because you fired her. — Trembley gritted his teeth in disbelief. — That’s right. I broke into your office and saw your termination letter. You traded her a job she depends on for sleeping with you… — You’re fired! — Trembley yelled angrily. — You can’t just barge into a manager’s office! I’m the boss at that company and you’re just another lowly employee!Tomorrow morning you’re going to be fired! The old man was bright red and sweating, but Zack just smiled in response. “You deserve to have your mouth, your nose, your balls, your legs and even your soul broken, you bastard,” he threatened him in an icy voice, “but it turns out I’m not going to dirty my hands with trash like you. I hope you have a very good night, because it will be the last peaceful night you’ll have in your life. Tomorrow, you can expect a sexual harassment lawsuit on your desk.”Trembley’s laugh nearly drove him out of his wits. “And who’s going to report me? Andrea? Please! Haven’t you realized how little she is?” Trembley hissed viciously. “Why do you think I chose her? That stupid girl has too much to lose if she reports me, she won’t.” Zack clenched his fists and forced a smile. “I see, you’re a predator then… The problem is that I am too, just in a very different way, and you’re about to find out, that I bite harder than you do.” Without another word Zack walked away from there, leaving the fat man furious and frustrated. But as much as Zack looked around he couldn’t find Andrea. The girl had left the hotel crying, but more from relief than anything else, and had run home as fast as she could. She arrived exhausted and panting, and stopped by Mrs. Wilson’s to pick up her daughter. She hugged her little Adriana, who was still sleeping soundly, and placed her in her baby bed in the middle of that ugly mattress on the floor. They had each other and that was all that mattered. However, Andrea was sure that it wasn’t over, and she confirmed it half an hour later, when someone knocked on her door and she opened it to find Zack standing there. “My God! What are you doing here?” she asked, going out into the hallway and almost closing the door behind her. “How… how do you know where I live?” she asked nervously. “I found your address in some company files,” he lied so as not to scare her. “Are you okay?” She lowered her gaze, not daring to look him in the eyes and just nodded. “Yes… I’m fine,” she whispered. “Perfect, because I need you to sign this for me.” Zack handed her a paper and she saw what it was. “A sexual harassment lawsuit?” she murmured as her hands began to shake. -That’s the least that poor Trembley deserves – Zack growled, but was shocked when she returned his rejection. – I’m not going to sign that. – How…? What do you mean you’re not going to sign? That guy is harassing you and I’m trying to help you! What I don’t understand is why you don’t want to help yourself, damn it! What does it matter if it doesn’t result in this job?! You get another one and that’s it! It can’t be worse than having to sleep with a man who makes you vomit! – Don’t yell at me! – Andrea snapped at him as her eyes filled with tears again. You don’t know what you’re talking about! Sometimes you have no other way out! – I’m giving you one! – That’s not a solution! I can’t…! Zack swore full of rage. – Can’t you or don’t you want to!? —he snapped, but before Andrea could reply, her fuss caused another sound that left them both speechless. Andrea turned her back and ran into the apartment, taking her baby in her arms, who was crying inconsolably. -There my love, there… mommy is here… There… calm down… shshshs… shshshsh… Zack pushed the door in dismay, and as he took a step inside that apartment his heart stopped. Andrea had a baby,But that was not what struck him. The place was empty, desolate, and in the living room, in front of the only fireplace, there was only a mattress, some blankets and a small toy.nóvé_L$vE/RSë__COM content rights.