Peter raised his index finger and gestured for me to come to him. I looked back towards Logan and Dylan. If only they could save me from Peter too.
I walked as slowly as I possibly could to his office. I didn’t have any answers for him yet. I was hoping if I dragged my feet enough some miracle would save me and Logan both from this slime ball of a man.
He got impatient waiting I guess, because next thing I knew he threw open his office door and stormed
over to me.
“Well? Have you decided yet?” He demanded.
ps were
I looked at Logan through the glass of his office. He was nodding his head at Dylan, but his eyes focused on me.
…..I looked at Peter then back at Logan. Help me! I tried to send telepathically to Logan, but to no avail. He just looked away from me.
1 guess I’ll just send the email and video to the board members then,” he turned on his heel and started
for his office.
“No, wait!”
He turned back.
“I’ll help you,” I said quietly, hanging my head. “But I need time. A couple weeks at least.”
“You have until the end of the day Friday,” he said.
“But that’s only two days!” Content is property © novE_Lsvē/r$e/COM.
“If you’re as good as you’ve tricked everyone into believing you are, a couple days won’t be any problem for you,” he said, then headed back for his office.
I looked towards Logan’s office again. This time, both he and Dylan were watching me. I quickly looked down and headed towards the rest area. My mind raced as I walked. There had to be another solution to this, I could just feel it.
So why couldn’t I figure it out?
The next morning, I sat in the pantry, waiting for Maria. She had agreed to meet with me before work so we could go over some ideas for how to get out of the Peter thing. She arrived right at the time we agreed on, two to–go coffees in her hands.
“Oh, blessings on you and yours,” I said when she walked in.
“Oh, this isn’t for you. These are both for me, since I had to get up a couple hours early for somebody,” she winked at me as she sat at my table, and placed one of the coffees in front of me.
“know, I’ll make it up to you. Unless you fail me and I end up living on the streets, jobless and broke,” I
“That’s not going to happen,” she placed her hand on my arm. “Peter won’t get away with this. Now, have
you considered hiring a hit man?”
I laughed. Maria always knew how to make me feel better about any situation. “I thought maybe we could try some less drastic measures first.”
“Boring. But fine. What did you come up with?”
“Not much,” I pulled a sheet of paper from my purse and handed it to her.
She picked up the list. “Oof, you weren’t kidding. Just two things?”
I shrugged. “Do you think either one will work?”
“I dunno, Haze,” she shook her head. “I like the one about giving Peter false information about Logan, but I feel like that could really backfire on you if he figured it out.”
“What about the other one?”
Maria snorted. “Uh, no. I don’t think ‘crying in the fetal position‘ is a viable solution, either.”
I laid my head on the table. “I am so screwed.”
Later that afternoon, Logan watched Hazel from his office chair. She seemed off today, frazzled and nervous. He hoped she wasn’t beginning to crack under the pressure of being his assistant.
He saw Dylan walking towards his office. Right on time for their meeting. It annoyed Logan that Dylan was never early for anything, it made him anxious to wait until the minute something was scheduled for.