Andrea felt a tightness in her chest that was hard to describe. She didn’t usually care what people thought of her. But the truth was that it hurt that women who had worked with her for more than four months could talk so superficially about what had happened to her with Trembley or what she did with Zack. “It’s still labor prostitution,” laughed another woman. “Although I would even do it for free to the owner!” “That’s very true, I don’t want a promotion, eating that hottie is enough for me,” said another. “Well, Andrea got the promotion and the hottie! In the end, it’s no different than if she had slept with Trembley, the fact that he was attractive doesn’t prove that he didn’t do it to get promoted.” Andrea clenched her fists in frustration. All the women sitting there had come to her on more than one occasion to ask for favors, and Andrea had gladly helped them. She didn’t expect them to return it, but at least she would have been satisfied with them not talking badly about her behind her back. -We all thought she was a complicated girl, one of the good ones. But it turned out that she was waiting for the hottie, maybe she even knew who he was when she arrived and that’s why she approached him; and in this case she also got a promotion and a good salary- another woman laughed out loud-. How lucky some women are! -As long as she has good sex and good money…! -another sang. -He has everything! When you least expect it, she already put it in her pocket and has him recognizing her daughter. Men are such idiots when a woman moves them well! Andrea could no longer bear that. They were just insults, as if they had nothing to do with her .She was good at saying it, but she had barely turned around when she collided head-on with a big body she already knew. “Zack…” she whispered in a choked voice, and by the way he looked at her she could already tell that he had also heard all those whispers. Andrea had never seen him so gloomy, so upset. Thank you for reading at “Aren’t you going to answer them?” He growled uncomfortably and she took a step back. “It’s not worth it,” Andrea replied, going around him and heading towards the office, because she didn’t want him to scold her in front of people. Zack closed the door behind him and faced her in the middle of that room. “What do you mean it’s not worth it? They were offending you!” he grumbled exasperatedly. “None of them matter to me, none of them help me or feed me, so they can say and think whatever they want, that’s not my problem,” Andrea replied. Zack clenched his fists helplessly. Remember. Read this novel only at, not on other sites. – For Christ’s sake! How can you be so docile? – he grumbled -. I put up with it with Trembley because I could fire you! But with these? Most of them are below your pay grade and they’re offending you! Why do you have to put up with that!? She shook her head softly and took a deep breath. – They’re not offending me, what they’re saying in that room doesn’t speak badly of me, but of them. What’s wrong with not wanting to respond to that? Zack turned red. – For God’s sake, I swear you exasperate me, woman! I want to see you defend yourself for once! Stand up to them, pull some hairs, make yourself respected! – Strength doesn’t bring respect, Zack … – Well, weakness doesn’t either! At least say something to them! Don’t you get tired of being so submissive? – he snapped at her in frustration. Andrea’s eyes widened and she held her breath for a moment, but then she swallowed and nodded. “You’re right,” she murmured. “I’ll try to deal with that better next time.” She left the office and Zack stood there brooding over his dissatisfaction. He knew she was a brave woman, so what was it costing her to show it a little and not let herself be offended? He spent the whole afternoon uncomfortable and upset by that argument, and he was even more exasperated by the fact that she had ended up giving in again, even if it was to him. Finally, when it was time to go home, he stopped by the daycare to pick up Adriana, but one of the nurses told him that her mother had already taken her. Zack hurriedly looked out one of the windows and managed to see Andrea getting on the bus with the baby. “Well, at least she’s angry is already progress, but why did it have to be with me? He went to kick down Ben’s office door and a minute later his best friend was giving him a long speech about the emancipation of women’s rights and how desperate it was that Andrea was so submissive. “If only she would at least defend her position a little!” he exclaimed grumpily. “I’m not her knight errant! She can’t expect me to go around saving her from everyone who attacks her because life is a pain and those aren’t going to end!”“Right?” Ben listened attentively and then replied. “Well, I guess I should just tell you… that you screwed up. Monumentally!” “Excuse me?” Zack grumbled. “Yes, you are her knight in shining armor, don’t even try to deny it, but the truth is that she didn’t ask you to save her.” “But…!” “But nothing!” Ben sentenced. “She decided that this battle wasn’t worth it and she was right. Besides, what position is she going to defend? Are you listening to yourself? She has no position, Zack! She’s not your girlfriend! She’s not your lover! What was she going to say to her coworkers? “Excuse me but I don’t fuck the boss, he just pays me to pretend that I do fuck him.” That’s it? Zack snorted in annoyance, but when Ben said it like that it really seemed like something very stupid. “Then I screwed up,” he muttered. “Monumentally, I already told you.” More because you attacked her for not reacting the way you wanted. That wasn’t right. Zack pressed his lips together with a grimace. -Damn! Even fake girlfriends have to apologize. Anyway… I’d better stop by for flowers or something… -She’s not your real girlfriend, idiot -Ben muttered-. I’d better stop by for food. Zack took a deep breath before leaving there, went to his apartment and took the shower he needed to think things over and then called Andrea. -I’m sorry, I’m so sorry -were his first words-. I just want the best for you, you know that, it bothers me when people who don’t know you talk bad about you, but if you decide that… -Sorry, Zack, but I can’t talk right now! -Andrea interrupted him and he noticed that behind her he could hear the baby’s screams. -Is everything okay? -he asked worriedly. -I… I don’t know! Adriana hasn’t stopped crying for a while, and she threw up all the formula! I’m already getting scared…! – she murmured in anguish and in less than two seconds Zack had jumped on the couch and grabbed the key to his car. “I’m on my way!” she exclaimed, running down the stairs without bothering to wait for the elevator in his building. Zack couldn’t remember ever speeding up a car so much in his life. At the first stoplight, he turned on the hands-free and Ben answered immediately. “This is an emergency!” Zack shouted. “I need the contact information for your son’s pediatrician, and I need him to pick me up now!” Ben was silent for a second before answering: “Did something happen with Andrea’s baby?” “Yes, it seems she got sick. I need a doctor now, Ben!” “Sure, sure! I’ll call him and I’ll send you the address of his clinic right away,” his friend told him and Zack accelerated even more to get there faster. A few minutes later he was faced with the worried face of Andrea, who was already ready next to the baby. Zack had barely picked her up when the little girl vomited on his chest again, but he didn’t even flinch, he just threw the jacket into the trunk of his car and placed them in the backseat before getting behind the wheel again. “Let’s go to Ben’s baby’s pediatrician,” he explained hurriedly. “I understand he’s the best in town.” She just nodded and he hurried as much as he could.Dr. Ferguson was already waiting for them when they arrived at the clinic, and despite the anguish that Zack and Andrea felt, he managed to calm them down in an instant. “She’s not dehydrated yet, but if she’s vomited six times, then we’re going to give her fluids just in case and we’ll check her over right away,” he said. “It’s obvious that you’re first-time parents, but don’t be scared, your daughter is in good hands.” Another doctor changed the baby into more comfortable hospital clothes and Zack unconsciously squeezed Andrea’s hand when they put that little IV in her arm. Minutes later, the pediatrician was doing a thorough check-up and ordering some tests. Little by little, Adriana calmed down in the nursery, but with one of Zack’s fingers held on to her and the other Andrea’s. He felt like he could barely breathe, so he couldn’t even imagine how she felt. Adriana was too small to be sick, he hated the mere idea of her being there. Finally, the doctor came back, and his face showed good news. -That princess is going to be fine, according to the tests, she just rejected the formula – he explained. Zack and Andrea breathed a sigh of relief but she immediately frowned. -But… I’ll buy her a good formula, doctor, I’ve never skimped on that… and it’s the one she’s been taking since she was born… -That doesn’t matter – the doctor assured her, the rejection of lactose can come out at any time. We just have to change to a lactose-free formula and everything will be fine, I assure you. Andrea nodded calmly and after verifying that the baby was much better, the doctor discharged her and gave her instructions on a new diet for the baby. Zack couldn’t help but hug Andrea while they took the needle out of the little girl’s arm, and he breathed deeply when he had them back in the seat of his car. Adriana was sleeping peacefully and he took the opportunity to stop for a moment at a nearby pharmacy to buy the formula that the doctor had recommended. However, Andrea saw him leave not only with the formula but with a cart full of baby things. -What’s that, Zack? – she asked, not understanding. -It’s just some things we need, – he murmured. -But I have all that at home. -I know, but we’re not going to your house, – he said. -We’re going to mine.So he couldn’t even imagine how she felt. Adriana was too small to be sick, he hated the mere idea of her being there. Finally the doctor came back and his face showed good news. “That princess is going to be fine, according to the tests, she just rejected the formula,” he explained. Zack and Andrea breathed a sigh of relief but she immediately frowned. “But… I’ll buy her a good formula, doctor, I’ve never skimped on that… and it’s the one she’s been taking since she was born…” “That doesn’t matter,” the doctor assured him, the rejection of lactose can come out at any time. We just have to change to a lactose-free formula and everything will be fine, I assure you. Andrea nodded calmly and after verifying that the baby was much better, the doctor discharged her and gave her instructions on a new diet for the baby. Zack couldn’t help but hug Andrea while they took the needle out of the little girl’s arm, and he breathed deeply when he had them back in the car seat. Adriana was sleeping peacefully and he took the opportunity to stop for a moment at a nearby pharmacy to buy the formula that the doctor had recommended. However, Andrea saw him leave not only with the formula but with a cart full of baby things. “What is that, Zack?” she asked without understanding. “It’s just some things we need,” he murmured. “But I have all of that at home.” “I know, but we’re not going to your house,” he said. “We’re going to mine.”So he couldn’t even imagine how she felt. Adriana was too small to be sick, he hated the mere idea of her being there. Finally the doctor came back and his face showed good news. “That princess is going to be fine, according to the tests, she just rejected the formula,” he explained. Zack and Andrea breathed a sigh of relief but she immediately frowned. “But… I’ll buy her a good formula, doctor, I’ve never skimped on that… and it’s the one she’s been taking since she was born…” “That doesn’t matter,” the doctor assured him, the rejection of lactose can come out at any time. We just have to change to a lactose-free formula and everything will be fine, I assure you. Andrea nodded calmly and after verifying that the baby was much better, the doctor discharged her and gave her instructions on a new diet for the baby. Zack couldn’t help but hug Andrea while they took the needle out of the little girl’s arm, and he breathed deeply when he had them back in the car seat. Adriana was sleeping peacefully and he took the opportunity to stop for a moment at a nearby pharmacy to buy the formula that the doctor had recommended. However, Andrea saw him leave not only with the formula but with a cart full of baby things. “What is that, Zack?” she asked without understanding. “It’s just some things we need,” he murmured. “But I have all of that at home.” “I know, but we’re not going to your house,” he said. “We’re going to mine.”Content © nōvêlSvērsë_com 2024.