I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. I had solved the puzzle of the safe and my nightmares had stopped. Now the only problems I had were finding these keys and working out what to do about Elijah.
The second of these problems was probably going to be the most painful. After all my talk about not accepting my mate I guess it serves me right to be paired with someone who didn't want me. Nicely played moon goddess. The thought of my imminent rejection weighed on my mind but I wasn't going to let anyone else see my pain. I showered and got changed for school. As an act of defiance I wore a black lace dress rather than my more usual t-shirt and jeans. The dress came just above my knees. It was tight until it reached my waist where it flared out. It was a bit too dressy for school so I paired it with my converse trainers and my leather jacket to dress it down a little. At least this way I would look good while I was getting painfully rejected. Maybe if I was lucky I could stop myself from crying or collapsing on the floor too. Be able to hold my head up high while my heart was being shattered into a million pieces.
I could hear Cristian and Kerry talking in the kitchen as I made my way down the stairs. That was odd, I was usually the first person in the house to get up in the mornings. Christian and Kerry both often worked late into the evenings so they tended not to get up till a few hours after me and Ryker had left for school. My curiosity was sparked so I started walking faster.
I walked into the kitchen and looked around. What the heck was Felix doing in our house? He was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee talking to Christian and Kerry as though he belonged here. Ryker was glaring at him, his coffee was sitting untouched in front of him.
"What is going on here?" I asked.
If he wasn't the alpha's brother I would have told him to fuck off but I knew better than to annoy the alpha that lets us stay in his pack. I hope my rejection won't change things for our family. I hate to think of us all getting kicked out because my mate doesn't want me.
I walked over to the counter and poured myself a cup of coffee. Whatever this conversation was I knew I didn't want to have it uncaffeinated. "Good morning luna." Felix said.
I felt my back stiffen up as I turned to look at him. He was smiling at me. Things were getting weirder by the minute. How did he even know I was Elijah's mate and was he only calling me luna to mock me? "Why didn't you tell us that you found your mate?" Kerry said.
She had a huge smile on her face. It was nice seeing her so happy, it would be a shame to have to ruin it.
"Well it didn't exactly go well." I said.
Felix laughed.
"Elijah told me that you put him in his place. He was devastated, he didn't talk about anything else all night." Felix said.
"Really?" I asked.
'See I told you he loved us.' Onyx said.
"Yes, he was desperate to see you again but he thought you might want some time to think last night. He wants you to move into our house as soon as possible though." Felix said.
"He does?" The shock was clear in my voice.
"Of course he does, you are his mate." Felix said. He looked at me as though I had lost my mind.
"I am not sure that is a good idea." Ryker said.All content is property © nOvél$ve/R$-è/COM.
He was looking at Christian. I could tell he was trying to communicate something with that look but Christian seemed completely oblivious. He and Kerry were still smiling excitedly at the thought of me moving in with my alpha mate.
I wished that I knew what Ryker was worried about but so far the only person I could read was Elijah. I knew Ryker well though and I could guess what was on his mind. My bet was that Ryker wasn't too comfortable with me leaving. He knows about my abilities and the risk they put me under.
I could understand his hesitation and it would be a lie to say I didn't have my own doubts but I didn't see much choice. Rejecting him would mean revealing my identity, at least going along with it would give me time to think about my next move. I could get to know Elijah better and see if I could trust him.
There was also a growing part of me that wanted nothing more than to be with Elijah. If that was what he wanted too then I wasn't sure I would be able to resist him.
My wolf was practically purring my head thinking of moving in with my mate. I could also feel her arousal as she thought about sharing a bed with him.
'Oh come on, I am in your head, I can tell you want him too.' Onyx said.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Felix stood up and glared at Ryker. He looked as though he was contemplating jumping over the table and laying into him. "That I don't think Diana would be safe." Ryker said.
Everyone's eyes instantly snapped to Ryker. That was not a comment that would be taken lightly. To some this comment would sound like a challenge against the alpha and every challenge had to be answered. "You don't think that your alpha can take care of his own mate?" Felix said.
There was a dangerous glint in his eye. I didn't like it. I didn't know what he might do next, I needed to defuse this situation quickly.
"I will pack after school and I will be there by 6pm tonight." I said.
Felix turned his attention to me. I could tell that he still wanted to do something unpleasant to Ryker but my compliance took the wind out of his sails. He took a couple of deep breaths to steady himself. "Elijah will be happy to hear that. I will look forward to seeing you at dinner tonight." He said.
He stood up and walked out of the house without saying another word. We all sat still and watched him leave, hardly even breathing.
"Why did you agree to go with him?" Ryker shouted at me.
"I had to do something to save your ass. Do you even realise that you just challenged our alpha? If Felix had wanted to, he could have told Elijah what you said and you would have been in serious trouble." I said.
I tried to keep my tone level but I failed. I understood why Ryker was upset but he was acting irrationally and that had almost gotten him killed.
"What were you thinking?" Christian asked Ryker.
"He can't just take her away from me because he is an alpha." Ryker growled. His voice had a possessive edge that made me cringe.
I stood up from the table. I didn't like being talked about as though I wasn't even in the room. I downed the last of my coffee and went back upstairs. I could hear them arguing downstairs even with the door to my room closed. I could tell that the argument was starting to get heated because I could hear Kerry shouting. Something which had only happened twice in all of the time that I had been living with them.
The first time was when Ryker was messing around with his friends on a VR game and somehow he managed to smash the TV. The second time was about a year ago. Me and Ryker sneaked out to go to a party in one of the nearby human towns. We got so drunk but rather than take a taxi back and picking up my car the next day we drove home. When Kerry realised that I had driven home while heavily intoxicated she had seriously lost it with both of us.
Right now she sounded more annoyed than she had that day and I didn't want to get in the middle of that situation. I quickly applied some makeup then snuck downstairs. I moved slowly and quietly so as not to draw any attention to myself. They were still shouting at each other in the kitchen so they didn't notice as I creeped out of the house.