Slowly, Caleb lifts his fingers and touches his lip. Pulling back, he sees the blood on his fingertips.
Panic settles over Harper. She hadn't meant to actually hurt hire What's the punishment for this? Is she going to be killed?
She still has to warn her pack
Caleb raises his gaze from his bloodied finger up to Harper's face. His expression is entirely emotional for one long moment. Then the anger sets in.
"You bit me." he says, voice low and dangerous.
"It was an accident." I say at once.
His eyes narrow. "You defy me. You deny me your kiss,
I raise my hands, palms forward, hoping to appease him. He storms forward regardless, grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me.
"You will obey me absolutely. Do you understand? You are my slave. This is a boon to you. For committing the heinous crime of stealing away my child, I should have you locked away and forgotten. Do you not feel gratitude?"
In the face of his angry rant, I don't know what to say.
You will learn it," he growls.Property belongs to nōvēl_$vērsē_/COM.
He fiercely shoves me away. Off balance, I stumble and fall down on my ass. I'm not hurt, but my pride is wounded.
Caleb storms away, back down the hallway he came from. "Get her out of my sight," he snaps at Tristan.
Tristan doesn't move until Caleb disappears around the corner. Once he's gone, Tristan comes forward. looks down at the state of me. He seems annoyed by this entire endeavor.
"On your feet, then."
I push myself up, trying to reclaim some dignity as I stand
You made him mad again," Tristan says.
With a sigh, he
"He won't want to see you for a while, but it will do no good to send you back to your rooms. By the time you reach there, he'll likely call you straight back." Tristan rubs his forehead. "Go and wait in the kitchen instead. Stay out of the way and don't cause trouble. I send for you when he can stand the sight of you again."
"Thank you." I tell him, if only because he is saving me from those terrible stairs,
"I'm not doing any of this for you," he grumbles.
Even 50.00
I decide not to press the issue. I turn and start heading to the kitchen.
Veronica is wearing that sheer top that Caleb likes so much. Any other day, he'd tear off her flimsy panties, push her up against the wall of the hallway and make her scream his name. Right now, when he returns to the spot where he left her, however, he doesn't want to fuck. Instead he wants to break
Chapter 12 something
"There you are, Veronica says, batting her long, fake lashes. She runs hand along the side of her large breast, drawing my gaze there. Tu been so lonely without you, my KingTM Caleb admires that bare breast. It's size and weight and little bud of a nipple has roused his interest many, many times in the
He wants to be aroused. He wants to fuck away the fury that's building inside of him.
Instead, he looks away, growing bored with the sight. Maybe Veronica's breasts aren't so tantalizing anymore. He's grown. bored with his women in the past. Veronica might just be the next to fall. "My King?" she asks, surprised.
"Get out of my sight," Caleb replies.
Veronica knows better to disobey my direct command. She scurries away, disappearing without further word from me.
She's not like Harper. That vile, disobedient woman who looked up at him so defiantly and rejected him.
Caleb has only ever been adored by women. He's never faced rejection before. The sting of it burns within him, unnerving him and clawing away at his pride.
He desires Harper in a way that Veronica could not rile in him. Even now, with Harper's defiance, Caleb thinks of slamming his dick into her warm folds. She's the one he wants to bend over. He wants to make her beg.
Frustrated, Caleb pushes his way back into his hall. He storms up to his throne and throws himself down into it.
A few moments later, Tristan nonchalantly follows. He approached Caleb, stopping in front of him at the base of the platform. He doesn't say a word, but Caleb can hear him thinking. Again.
"I don't care for her, Caleb snaps, suspecting Tristan's thoughts this time.
"I didn't say a word, my King."
"You were thinking it."
Tristan doesn't deny it.
"She's playing hard to get," Caleb says. "She thinks that will earn her my favor. It won't. I hate being disobeyed, and I'll make her suffer for it."
"Of course, my King." Tristan says. His passive expression sometimes irritated Caleb, though it's useful against their enemies. If no one can tell what Tristan is thinking, then no one will suspect him. Caleb doesn't like not knowing, however. ""You doubt me?" Caleb demands.
"She's waiting in the kitchen when you are ready to see her again, Tristan says.
""You didn't dismiss her?"
"I didn't feel that was necessary."
Caleb narrows his eyes.
Tristan shrugs. "I thought you might like to punish her sooner rather than later, my
"A good idea," Caleb agrees. "I believe I sent her for coffee..."
"Coffee," Tristan says tome, sticking his head into the kitchen.
"Right," I say, bouncing up from my chair in the corner. Honestly, I thought I would be waiting much longer, but I'm not going to hesitate, not if it can get me back on Caleb's good side. I really didn't want to be locked in my room again so soon. With haste, I pour a fresh cup of coffee and then leave the kitchen
By the time I step outside, Tristan is gone. But I think I remember my way back to the hall now. I'm doing well, I think, until
I turn a comer.
That same woman who had been all over Caleb earlier is standing in the middle of the hallway. She has an opaque robe draped over her now, thank the goddess. I'd rather not stare at this woman's bare breasts.
I move to step around her. Immediately, she steps into my path
Okay, maybe that was an accident. We could be dancing around each other as people sometimes do on accident when they meet in a hallway.
I step the other way. She moves again..
Okay. Now I think she might just be being a bitch.
Looking up, I see the glare she's shooting my way. She looks like she wants to cut off my head and dance around with it.
Let her try. I've got scalding hot coffee here.
You are that despicable new slave," she says, with open distain in her voice. "The one who secretly birthed Caleb's child and then hid it away
"No, I-"
The woman strikes me with an open palm across my face. It's more startling than painful and leaves me in shock for a
"I'm Veronica, King Caleb's favored consort. You will learn who I am and you will learn your place here." Her face scrunches in rage the longer she looks at me, the longer I don't have a reaction. "How dare you give birth to Caleb's child before me?!"