"Wow... this place is beautiful," Caroline said, awestruck.
Deborah was equally amazed by the private neighborhood Jayden had brought them
1. to.
"I've heard about these private houses. They're like something out of a dream," Christian commented, observing the spacious homes around them. The air was filled with a familial atmosphere, and the environment felt safe with security guards patrolling the streets and the neighborhood entrance.
"My father calls them 'homes for the "not-so-rich" rich," Jayden joked. "This was my first project as president. It's for people who are wealthy but don't want to live in a huge mansion with servants. They want security, but also privacy and a sense of community. Here, you get a private space, a community of neighbors, some local shops, and strict security 24/7."
"I've heard about this concept. They call them 'homes for the rich poor' on TV," Caroline said excitedly.
"Yeah, it was a big hit when it launched and it's still popular. Our properties have a garden in an outdoor interactive space, unlike luxury apartments. Of course, we have those too, to cater to all tastes," Jayden explained, winking at Deborah, who blushed and smiled back.
"Well, my love, you'll have to work hard because I want to live here when we have a baby," Caroline teased her partner.
"Uh... what? Um.... sure... ha... ha..." Christian laughed nervously at the comment.
[Can I really stay here?] Deborah asked Jayden.
"Of course," he said, taking her hand and guiding her inside the fully furnished house. "I want to give you this house as a fresh start."
[What... no...
"Why not?"
."] Deborah said, feeling a bit overwhelmed. [Jayden... I can't accept this.]
[At least let me pay rent.]
"Are you sure? I know that idiot never let you work and..."
[But my friends reminded me that it's important to be independent and I managed.
to find a job online.] Deborah was excited.
"And she's doing great because Debbie is a master accountant," Caroline added, hugging her.
"Oh wow, you really surprise me," Jayden remarked.
"It was something a subordinate of mine shared so I sent Deborah the application, and luckily she got hired," Christian explained. [Yup.. I was surprised by the opportunity at first, but with Caroline's encouragement, I applied for the job.] Deborah added.
"Congratulations, Deborah. Where do you work?" Jayden asked.
[For the government. I'm in the division that supports small business owners with their accounting.] Deborah replied.
"That's amazing, but Deborah, I insist on giving you this house. For now, you need to stay hidden, and it's best if your name doesn't appear on any rental documents to avoid being tracked down or bothered." "Hm... well, he has a point," Christian said, looking at Deborah, who seemed to be considering his words.
"Since it's settled, how about we order some pizzas to celebrate your freedom and explore the place?" Caroline suggested, taking her friend's hand to start the tour.
"Hey, um... Christian, right?" Jayden asked and when Christian nodded in acknowledgment, the former handed the latter a USB drive.
"What's this?" Christian asked, puzzled.
"These are the security footage from all the hallways in the apartment complex," Jayden explained which was followed by Christian's delighted reaction as the latter held the USB tightly.
"Thank you. This is exactly what I need. I know Roger, he won't agree to the divorce. easily," Christian said, placing the USB in his briefcase.
The four continued exploring the house until the dinner arrived. They ate, chatted, and laughed together. After the meal, Caroline and Christian left to rest at their own home, knowing they had a busy day ahead. [Goodnight.]
"Rest well, Debbie. See you tomorrow," Caroline said, getting into her car.
They then drove off back home.
"Your friend and her husband are a lot of fun," Jayden remarked, staying back to help clean up.
[Yup... Caroline has always been like that, and Christian complements her so well.]
"I see, it must be great to find someone like that."
"Hey, so when you're finally a free woman, what do you want to do?"nóvēLsvérSē-cóm holds © this.
[Well... I think I'll focus on work and prepare myself.]
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