Chapter 12 - The Selection: Bride Of The Dark Dragon


I stare at her in shock as she holds her head high, proud of what she just did, challenging me once again.Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

But in reality, the silly girl has absolutely no idea…

For a minute there I just glare at her, debating with myself whether I should inform her of how stupid that was, or… I don’t and then I have all the fun in the world with that little brat, while she is going crazy.

A smirk spreads across my face and she gulps. Yes, little girl, you’ve played with the wrong f*****g dragon… And you don’t even know that.

“I would apologize”, she starts speaking with her plump rosy lips that were made to sin, “But you bit me first! That was just a response, I couldn’t even control it…”

“I bet you couldn’t”, I chuckle darkly leaning lower so that our faces are at the same level and my breath burns her skin, bringing in those cute little goosebumps, “But you should also know that us gerdians consider that foreplay!”

I lie and she goes all red again, her cheeks almost matching her fiery hair colour.

“T-that means a completely different thing for us humans!”, she stutters not so brave anymore, her delicious breast going up and down and I immediately regret that I don’t have more time to play with her today. Although there is no rush. The best prey is the one you get after a longer chase.

“That’s why you should be careful when you do anything, little mage. You know nothing about us yet and risk finding out a lot in ways that wouldn’t make you happy. Or on the contrary, make you very happy but you just don’t know it yet…”

She looks startled at my words and that’s when I hear the clock strike eight. Time to leave her and get to work again. Which is a shame as this is fun.

“Let me take you to your new room”, I pull her by her hand and press her tiny body against mine. And it feels much nicer when she is wearing next to nothing. There is absolutely no need to hold her this close to me for transportation -all I need just a touch. But I wouldn’t tell her that. It just feels great to feel her tremble in my arms. And she does it every time – the dragon within me just can’t resist it.

When we materialize in her new chambers, I quickly look around to check that all my orders were fulfilled and then look back at the little mage, letting her go out of my arms.

She gazes at the new surroundings in shock, spinning around.

“Where have you brought me?”, she demands.

“Your new place”, I state calmly. This is getting boring.

“Are you sure?”, she looks at me after a pause and it just makes me chuckle, “It looks more like a room for a gerdian…”

“It was a room of a gerdian, but he had to leave urgently. Now it’s your room until someone selects you as his bride and future wife.”

“I-i-is this the floor where all the gerdians live?”, she stutters and I know exactly what she is implying. She is afraid to be around us. And for a very good reason. Everyone would want her, especially now when she is going to be so close… I just might not have thought that through…

“Yes, this is the floor of the dark lords. Your friends live below us. That’s why today you are prohibited from leaving this place. Stay here and nothing is going to happen to you.”

“Alright”, she mumbles, but she doesn’t sound too sure. So I have to walk back to her and take her chin in between my two fingers forcing her to look at me with her doe eyes. Such a little minx and has no idea…

“Listen, Mira, walk out and you’ll get tasted the same moment. Maybe even by several men at the same time. We don’t share our wives, but you are no one’s wife as of yet. Sit quietly here, obey my orders and when I come back you will get a little reward and I will think what to do next to you… But now I must go and work.”

“Work?”, she raises her brow. s**t. I forgot that she is not brainless. “Are you investigating what happened to Bella? Do you know anything already?”

She looks like she is about to cry and I hate tears. I also cannot give out any information to her.

“Whoever did will pay for this”, I say firmly, “You don’t have to worry about anything else. Just wait for me here and…”

“Wait until ANOTHER ONE dies?”, she asks and I let go of her chin. “You said yesterday that another one dies. She wasn’t the first, right? And you haven’t found the person who killed the first girl!”

Somehow I look at her from a different perspective. This little mage is not that simple. Not for her own good.

“Answer to me!”, she cries and tears are rolling down her rosy cheeks.

“No, mage, you will answer to me! When I come back, I am going to question you about your so-called friend’s death. You were the closest to her! And you had a motive!”

“What motive? What on Earth are you talking about?”, her lips part and all I want is to plunge my tongue into her, but I have to keep lying to make her sit tight in that room.

“She was your rival. You are all rivals to each other. None of you are friends!”, I say coldly so that it makes a bigger effect on her. And it does. She sits on a sofa next to her as her legs can’t hold her anymore. Good.

“You know what”, she says weekly and looks at me with her beautiful blue eyes, “You overestimate yourselves! Not everybody dreams of becoming a wife of some egomaniac who would only treat her like dirt!”

My dragon floated to the surface of my mind. This beast was almost dead inside of me for years. And since we met this girl she is all he thinks of. He wants her and so do I…

“You only say that now”, I chuckle and she flinches, “Once you find yourself in a gerdian’s back you would never want to go back to humans.”

She is breathing hard with shock and anger.

“Sit tight, little mage”, I command her, “Or it’ll happen to you today if you disobey!”

And with that – I disappear, living her alone with her thoughts.