Chapter 19 - The Selection: Bride Of The Dark Dragon


I look at him, startled and with completely red cheeks. Just what did he say right now?

“Pardon, lord Derwood”, I squeeze out of myself, “What do you mean by that?”ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

He suddenly looks annoyed again and walks closer to me, putting hands on my waist, “Little mage, I am tired of playing games with you. I asked you what you wanted and then fulfilled your wish. Now be a good girl and stop pretending that you don’t know what I want from you. This is what you are here for anyway. It had to happen sooner or later!”

A sound of a slap echoes around the room and Derrien rubs his cheek looking at me with fury in his eyes.

“How dare you!’, my voice breaks, “I am not some w***e who is ready to jump into your bed just because you are a gerdian, or because you’ve been kind to me twice!”

“Twice?”, he chuckles, “It’s been more than that, little mage! For running away alone you should have ended up as your roommate, but I covered for you! I gave you gifts, I gave you attention, I fulfilled your request and I gave you protection so that no one could…”

He stops talking and raises his head, flashes of magic jumping in his eyes as he tries to control it.

“Well, I never asked for any of this!”, I shout, “I didn’t want to be here in the first place! You gerdians marked me and brought me here against my will! No one ever asked me if I want to be a part of this! And, well, I don’t! All I want is my freedom back! Not to be some bed warmer or a trophy wife! Or worse!”

“The sooner you will learn your place – the better!”, he growls, “You have been honoured to be chosen to come here! Other human girls are dying to be a part of the Selection!”

“Well, I am not like others! Never have been!’, I snap and a tear rolls down my cheek.

“Little mage,” he says coldly, “You do realize that if I walk out of this door right now, any other dark lord would be able to enter. And there is no proof that he would behave better than me. Anyone would be able to take you without even bothering to find out your name first! Any time! In any position they like…”

I got a lump in my throat hearing his terrible words… I know that he is right… But at that moment I hate him more than any other gerdian! For he is exactly the same as the rest of them!

“What are you suggesting, lord Derwood”, I raise my brow even though tears keep streaming down my face, “To jump into your bed now because you bothered to learn my name prior? What would that make me?!”

“That would make you whatever I want you to be!”

“After you taste me, you mean?”

The silence in the room is heavy as we stand in front of each other not breaking eye contact. And I have my answer already.

“And what would that make you?”, I chuckle darkly through my tears, “How are you different from lord Ryden Dargen then?”

His eyes flashed at my words and I took a step back. If he hits me with dark magic I doubt that my shield would be able to take it.

“So, we are all the same to you?”, he loses his temper, “If you don’t see the difference that I am truly wasting my time on you!”

“And do you see a difference between me and any other human girl here?!”, I almost scream at him.

“Not anymore!”, he picks up his coat and looks at me for another minute. As if he gives me a chance to fall to his feet and ask for forgiveness. But I just turn away. I can’t look at this man for even one second longer. “Don’t worry, lady Mira, I wouldn’t bother you anymore. Have the best of luck at the Selection on your own!”

His voice is cold and so are the flames of dark magic that transport him out of my room.

And I keep standing there, alone and feeling dirty. These men… No, I shouldn’t even call them that! These gerdians… they treat us as things and nothing more! We are property to them and I am sick of it! I am afraid I wouldn’t be able to find out who killed Bella now… And that leaves me no choice, I need to get out of here as soon as possible! And doesn’t matter what happens next! I’d better die trying to escape than be a toy of some gerdian lord willingly! This is not my nature and with them, I’ll die sooner or later anyway!


I get into the only place I feel comfortable at – the training grounds of my castle. It’s late and I can destroy things to my heart’s content as no one would be bothering me at this hour.

How dares she?! What the chaos is wrong with this naughty little brat of a mage! No one ever refused me! Ever! Everyone was happy! Always! Before AND especially after! Yes, some women in my life were playing hard to get and I was sure that this is her game as well. But no! She really refused to become mine! And I can’t believe that for a moment there I was even considering…

To chaos with her! If she doesn’t realize how lucky she’s been, she is going to soon! When Dargen f***s her or somebody else….

Shit! Only the thought of him on top of her makes my b***d boil! I hate this damn Selection!

I look around the grounds and everything is in ashes… I don’t even know where my warriors are going to train now… And all because of a silly girl with a bad temper!

I’d better dive into my work and stop wasting my time on this stupid redhead!

I’ve never taken a woman by force in my long life and I am never planning to. The mage does not exist for me anymore! All her problems now are her problems! Lady Mira Freyn is on her own!